5 Best Sights in Havre St. Pierre, Quebec

Centre Culturel et d'Interprétation

Not only does this tourist information center house various objects and photographs that trace Havre St. Pierre history, the building itself is a significant landmark. Built in 1943, it served as a general store named Labrador Stores. The center, right on the waterfront, also provides a slide show that tells more local stories.

L'Église de Rivière-au-Tonnerre

Knife-carved arches, columns, and other decorative elements mark the impressive wooden church built between 1908 and 1912 by more than 300 volunteers, motivated by their feeling that the community needed a sanctuary. This church follows the cruciform plan of Norman style. The nave is just over 26 feet tall, and 60 hand-carved sculptures decorate the structure.

Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve

A chain of about 30 limestone islands and about 1,000 islets and reefs stretches for about 160 km (100 miles) along the coast and river estuaries, displaying natural rock monoliths formed by the constant erosion caused by the forces of wind and sea. Forests, barrens, peat bogs, and beaches weave through the surreal landscape. A menagerie of animals—seals, dolphins, whales, and oh so many birds—populate this utopia where kayaking, fishing, boating, scuba diving, and photo opportunities abound. Various guided tours tell the archipelago’s stories. There are reception and interpretation centers in Havre-St. Pierre (1010 promenade des Anciens) and Longue-Pointe-de-Mingan (625 rue du Centre), both open mid-June to early September.

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Parc National d'Anticosti

Blue water meets white cliffs on the edge of this study in contrasts, where diverse wildlife and rich waters attract hundreds of hunters and anglers each year. The island, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 35 km (22 miles) offshore from Longue-Pointe-de-Mingan, hosts so many animals that seeing deer and other creatures is common. Fossils, rare plants, and a major bald eagle breeding site are protected. But, there’s oil here, too, and profit seekers covet the riches in the island’s reserves. Hike to the tremendous Vaureal Falls, crawl through a tight cave, and visit an abandoned turn-of-the-century settlement complete with a lighthouse, all of them developed by a French chocolate mogul. Access to Anticosti Island is by boat or plane from Havre St. Pierre. Accommodations and restaurants are available on the island, but may be limited outside the main season (late June–mid-August).

Station de Recherche des Îles Mingan

This station founded in 1979 was first to conduct long-term research on the Gulf of St. Lawrence cetaceans, in particular the endangered blue whales. Get a sense of the animal's grand presence in life-size painting and sculptures at the visitor center, and hear the mammal’s distinctive language in the acoustic room.