3 Best Sights in Morges, Vaud

Musée Alexis Forel

In the heart of town, a 16th-century courtyard-centered mansion, once home to renowned engraver Alexis Forel, displays the holdings of the Musée Alexis Forel. Although most of Forel's exceptional works are in the Musée Jenisch, in Vevey, here you can experience his home surroundings. Thick-beamed salons filled with high-back chairs, stern portraits, and delicate china remain as they were in the 1920s, when musicians and writers such as Igor Stravinsky, Ignacy Paderewski, and Romain Rolland gathered for lively discussions and private concerts. An attic room has a selection of 18th-century puppets and porcelain dolls.

54 Grand-Rue, Morges, 1110, Switzerland
Sights Details
Rate Includes: SF10, Closed Mon. and Tues.

Musée du Château

The town's castle, built by the Duke of Savoy around 1286 as a defense against the bishop-princes of Lausanne, now houses the Musée du Château. The eclectic collection includes weapons, military uniforms, and 10,000 miniature lead soldiers. In the Salle Général Henri Guisan, you'll find memorabilia of this World War II general, much honored for keeping both sides happy enough to leave Switzerland safely alone.


This village, 2 km (1 mile) northwest of Morges, is known for its namesake château, a 15th-century Savoyard palace with a massive donjon and four lesser towers, all trimmed in fine Piedmont-style brickwork. It's privately owned, but the grounds are open to the public.

Av. du Château, Vufflens-le-Château, 1134, Switzerland

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