4 Best Sights in Estella, Bilbao and the Basque Country

Church of San Miguel

The doorway to this 12th-century church, across the Ega River from San Pedro, has fantastic relief sculptures of St. Michael the Archangel battling a dragon.

Pl. de San Miguel, Estella-Lizarra, 31200, Spain

Monasterio de Santa María la Real de Irache

Dating to the 10th century, this monastery was later converted by Cistercian monks to a pilgrims' hospital; next door, and now operated by the Bodegas Irache, is the famous brass faucet that supplies pilgrims with free-flowing holy wine. Call ahead to arrange a guided tour.

Pl. de Irache 4, Ayegui, 31240, Spain
Sight Details
Rate Includes: Closed Mon. and Tues., Wed.–Sun. 10–1:15 and 4–7 (6 in winter)

Palacio de los Reyes de Navarra

The heart of Estella is the arcaded Plaza San Martín and its chief civic monument, the 12th-century Palacio de los Reyes de Navarra. The palace now houses the Museo Gustavo de Maeztu, displaying work from a 20th-century Navarran painter, Gustavo de Maeztu y Whitney. The building itself is what's really impressive, but the museum is free so you might as well have a peek.

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San Pedro de la Rúa

This church has a beautiful cloister and a stunning carved portal.

Calle San Nicolás 1, Estella-Lizarra, 31200, Spain