1 Best Sight in Raufarhöfn, North Iceland

The Arctic Henge

Inspired by Stonehenge in England, the Arctic Henge is an impressive work of art, albeit incomplete, located atop a desolate hill in Raufarhöfn. Featuring a 10-meter-tall stone archway at the center and surrounded by four smaller arches, the attraction is designed to behave like a sundial, but one that also frames the sun and other celestial sources of light such as the auroras. The unfinished Arctic Henge is rooted in Icelandic mythology sourced from the ancient Eddic poem, Völuspá (the prophecy of the seeress), and once complete, it will feature a giant sunlight-scattering crystal and a circular perimeter of stone pillars, each symbolic of one of the 72 dwarfs of Völuspa. The stones are easy to spot once you get to the town of Raufarhöfn.