2 Best Sights in Namur, The Meuse and the Ardennes

Citadelle de Namur

Fodor's choice

Over the past 1,000 years, this fortification overlooking Namur has been besieged and occupied more than 20 times. Today you can reach it by the cobblestone, cherry tree–lined route Merveilleuse; each curve in the road affords a magnificent view of the city. Alternatively, ride the cable car from rue des Brasseurs in the city center. Napoléon famously once described the site as the "anthill of Europe" because of the dense network of underground tunnels that crisscross the site. 

Rte. Merveilleuse 64, Namur, 5000, Belgium
Sights Details
Rate Includes: Underground galleries €10; visitor center €4; tourist train €6; combi ticket €15, Closed Mon. Oct.–Feb.

Musée des Arts Anciens (TreM.a)

Fodor's choice

Located in a handsome 18th-century town house, this museum contains a large collection of medieval and Renaissance art, the undoubted highlight of which is the Trésor Hugo d’Oignies. When you enter the small exhibition room containing these pieces, you will be immediately engaged by the sight of glowing glass cases of brightly lit gold and bejeweled objets d’art. This prize collection of crosses, medallions, reliquaries, and other religious artifacts is considered one of the seven treasures of Belgium. The relics were created by Brother Hugo d’Oignies for the monastery in nearby Oignies in the first half of the 13th century. Between the French Revolution and World War II, the collection was protected by the Sisters of Notre Dame. Look for a tiny portable altar, once belonging to Cardinal Jacques de Vitry, and a book of gospels containing parchment painted with gold leaf.