4 Best Sights in Liège, The Meuse and the Ardennes

Eglise St-Barthélemy

Fodor's choice

This church contains Liège’s greatest treasure and one of the Seven Religious Wonders of Belgium: the Baptismal Font of Renier de Huy, which dates from between 1107 and 1118. The brass masterpiece of Art Mosan, weighing half a ton, is decorated in high relief with figures of the five biblical baptismal scenes. They’re depicted with an extraordinary suppleness, and the font rests on 10 oxen, which are also varied and interesting. 

Cathédrale St-Paul

Liége's imposing Gothic cathedral houses handsome statues by Jean Delcour, including one of St. Paul. (Other graceful works by this 18th-century sculptor dot the old city.) The cathedral’s most prized possessions, however, are to be found in the Treasury (enter via rue Bonne Fortune 6), especially the Reliquaire de Charles le Téméraire (Reliquary of Charles the Bold), with gold and enamel figures of St. George and the bold duke himself on his knees; curiously, their faces are identical. This reliquary was presented to Liège by Charles the Bold in 1471 in penance for having had the city razed three years earlier.

Pl. de la Cathédrale, Liège, 4000, Belgium
Sights Details
Rate Includes: Cathedral: free. Treasury €6, Treasury closed Mon.

Eglise St-Denis

This is one of the oldest churches in Liège; its outer walls once formed part of the city’s defenses. It has a handsome reredos portraying the suffering of Christ.

Pl. St-Denis, rue de la Cathédrale, Liège, 4000, Belgium
Sights Details
Rate Includes: Free

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Eglise St-Jacques

The grimy exterior of this mini-cathedral a few blocks southwest of Liège’s center, near the place St-Jacques, belies a wonderful interior. Marble, stained glass, and polished wood achieve an outstanding visual harmony. The glory of the church is the Gothic vault, decorated in intricate patterns of vivid blue and gold and containing myriad sculpted figures.

Pl. St-Jacques, south of Nouvelle Ville, Liège, 4000, Belgium
Sights Details
Rate Includes: Free, Closed weekends