1 Best Sight in Huy, The Meuse and the Ardennes

Eglise Collégiale de Notre-Dame

The first stone of the Gothic Eglise Collégiale de Notre-Dame (Collegiate Church of Our Lady) was laid in 1311, although the site was first consecrated in 1066. One of Belgium's finest medieval churches, it has a rose window, the so-called Rondia, 30 feet in diameter. Its treasury contains several magnificent reliquaries, two of them attributed to Godefroid de Huy, who followed in the footsteps of Renier, also a native of Huy and a master of the Mosan style.

Parvis Théoduin de Bavière, Huy, 4500, Belgium
Sights Details
Rate Includes: Church: free. Treasury: €3, Closed Mon. Treasury: closed mid-Sept.–Mar.; Apr.–mid-Sept. closed weekdays, except July and Aug.