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CAPH52 Aug 18th, 2006 02:50 PM

Ditto to what P_M just said! :)

Tiff Aug 18th, 2006 03:03 PM

Ditto what P_M said.

Ditto what CAPH ditto'd.

OldSouthernBelle Aug 18th, 2006 03:08 PM

Starrsville: I'm glad you had a quick resolution to your problem!
I'm concerned that you may be setting yourself up for injury or infection by going paddling so soon. Even if you don't get in the water, perspiration is not good for the incision.
Take care!

GoT: Evidently your are now our 'nutty buddy'.:))

LoveItaly Aug 18th, 2006 03:12 PM

Dear OWJ, you and Mr OWJ2 deserve each other as you are both such beautiful, loving and thoughtful people. Our world would be like paradise if everyone was like you two!!! Many hugs. ((R))

Scarlett Aug 18th, 2006 03:48 PM

OWJ, you know everyone is rooting for you and sending big hugs and wishes for success.((L))

I would like to think that there are young parents who find themselves in a position that was unplanned but when the baby arrives, it makes the right difference in their lives and everyone can thrive ..

cmcfong Aug 18th, 2006 05:03 PM

Gee, all I do is ditto Scarlett today, but she is on the money again, OWJ. You are blessed by OWJ2, but he is BLESSED by you. My prayers are for you both.

Fodorite018 Aug 18th, 2006 05:41 PM

OWJ--I am so sorry that things have not worked out well for this. Don't give up hope yet though. You know you and Mr. OWJ are in so many peoples thoughts.

mah1980 Aug 18th, 2006 05:49 PM

Rant: Crazy co-workers

Rave: Just booked and going to Akumal (Riviera Maya), Mexico next month

Rant: School teacher pedophile caught in Thailand in connection w/the Jon Benet Ramsey murder

Rave: Planning a girls weekend trip with friends that looks like it will come together

LoveItaly Aug 18th, 2006 09:44 PM

Rave: Fun and happy time at daughters & SIL house this evening. Lots of munchies along with wine in the patio in perfect weather. 15 year old grandson had a beautiful week visiting long time friends in Maryland. The family (AF family) spent so much time showing him DC. I asked him for a trip report and we got the most interesting 45 minute report. His description of Arlington Cemetary along with his feelings about it was so touching, something I will never forget. And the Lincoln Memorial overwhelmed him also. Wish I could get him to post here..well maybe I can.

Rant: So much of the world is in a mess.

Rave: Inspite of that the majority of people in this world are so beautiful, kind and thoughtful. The great majority of the posters on Fodor's certainly are.

To all of you that are suffering with problems and stress of any kind I pray that your situation will get better and that you will have a beautiful and happy future.

A thank you again jorr for having this thread. And I agree with others, don't get discouraged as I know how my dear stepson struggled with his blood glucose at first. With good medical care and following his doctors instructions he has been awesome for years. He has a high level job, travels for business and pleasure (just enjoyed three weeks in Tuscany) and is healthier than a lot of other people his age. One thing that helped him greatly was joining a gym..excersize is a good thing although I know you no doubt get that already..but talk to you doctor if you are getting enough.

Happy weekend dear Fodorites. May you all have some joyous moments! ((R))

Calamari Aug 18th, 2006 11:17 PM

Rant: It has been too long since I have been here for a visit and sadly do not recognize many of the posters.
Rave: I finally have found a minute to spare to read up on all the traveling that still happens.
Rave: Kids go back to school on MONDAY!
Rave: Scarlett put it all into perspective and is still a star poster!

BTilke Aug 19th, 2006 04:02 AM

Rant: It's dog theft season here in our part of the UK and thefts are at an all-time high this year. Example: someone broke into a woman's home and stole the entire litter of 6 week old Jack Russell terriers, leaving the woman and the mum dog totally distraught. At least five other dogs in our community have been stolen. In one high-profile case, the thief even called the owner to taunt him. The main targets are puppies and trained gundogs (retrievers, for example)--Japan is a popular blackmarket destination for stolen sporting dogs, where a trained retriever can be sold for as much as $80,000.

Rave: Scarlett's post.

BTilke Aug 19th, 2006 04:07 AM

Rant: Terrorists now have their eyes on trains as well as planes...and trains will be a lot harder to keep secure.

OldSouthernBelle Aug 19th, 2006 10:24 AM

Welcome back Calamari! Hope to see more of you in the future! It'll be fun getting to know us all over again!

razzledazzle Aug 19th, 2006 12:31 PM

Of course OWJ & OWJ2 will be the best of parents ! I am sorry that you have had to endure this dissapointment, though. However, I was adopted,as was my brother and we are certainly quite happy that we had to wait a little for the two wonderful people that came along and took us home.

Calamari Aug 19th, 2006 07:34 PM

OldSouthernBelle? Is that you Scarlett or is it Degas???

OldSouthernBelle Aug 19th, 2006 07:35 PM

No, it's me, Belle!

P_M Aug 19th, 2006 07:53 PM

Hi, Calamari. A few posters have undergone identity changes due to strange circumstances, but Scarlett is still posting under Scarlett, degas is still degas, and I'm the same ole P_M. Welcome back to the board. :-)

marigross Aug 20th, 2006 07:07 AM

Calimari, Even if Miz Scarlett is a southern belle she would NEVER be OLD!

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