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Al_LaCarte Aug 12th, 2005 08:04 AM

Rave: Just got back from vacation!

Rant: Just got back from vacation.

Rant: First day back at work yesterday only to find out I've been laid off after seven years with the same company.

Rave: Looks as if it might be time for another vacation.

Rave: I was the last employee to be laid off.

Rant/Rave: I was the only employee in the company.

Rant: Have no idea what to do for a career now (mine was unique).

Rave: No more dealing with bi-polar boss.

AL ((d))

FainaAgain Aug 12th, 2005 08:13 AM

Hugs and best wishes for everybody going through bad times.

Congratulations to everybody who has raves and celebrations.

Rave: walked in my cubicle this morning to find a flat screen monitor. More time on the internet :)

Rave: patience pays off. After 1,5 months of daily checking, on Wednesday the flight prices went down by about $80. Got window seats to fly to Palm Springs.

Rave/rant: it will be our 30th anniversary, can't believe I'm THAT old!

Rave, perhaps? reserved a room at Chase, has good reviews at TripAdvisor, and most importantly, on Fodor's

Rant/rave: Palm Springs was my husband's choice, but after that I'm free to go to any 2 places of my choice! He doesn't like to go far from home.

PamSF Aug 12th, 2005 08:18 AM

Rant: Cindy Sheehan still waits in Crawford,Texas.

Rave: 13 yo niece called and asked if she could spend a weekend with us before school starts. I could have used the weekend off but am happy she still wants to spend time with us at this point in her life:)

Good wishes to all in the throes of struggle.

Marilyn Aug 12th, 2005 08:34 AM

Rave: visit from our NY cousins to visit UC Berkeley and Stanford with their 15-year-old daughter. We hope this lovely girl will choose a California school so she'll spend 4 years near us.

Rave: finalized plans yesterday with our architect for major remodel. Permits next. I'll be crying the blues over housepainters and the like next spring, I'm sure.

Rave: Just over 3 weeks til we leave for England and Paris. Meeting some fodorites who've become friends in Paris and can't wait!

Rant: For the sadness that inevitably enters all of our lives. My heart goes out to all who are dealing with illness and uncertainty.

AHaugeto Aug 12th, 2005 08:48 AM

Echoing Faina with Congrats to those celebrating and Big Virtual Hugs to those struggling with sadness, disease, and loss.

Rant: Husband has been psycho-Mr.-Fixit after work and on weekends for several weeks now. Does anybody else have one like mine, where they make a list of all the things needing to get done and damnit they're all going to get done IMMEDIATELY? Maybe it's an engineer thing. At least stuff is getting done, even though I can't help with most of it.

Rave: Had lovely weekend in MD w/ bro and SIL, where said DH and bro and another friend played a lengthy game of freeze-tag w/ friends' kids while us preggies watched from the AC'ed kitchen. There is NOTHING sexier than a man who knows how to play with kids and has a blast doing it.

Rant: Haven't traveled in a while. Need to find a nice getaway for a long weekend.

Minor Rant (Last one, sorry!): People who have repeatedly said "oh I LOVED being pregnant" to me when I am still barfing at 16 weeks, my face looks like Mars, and I can't sit through important meetings at work without sheepishly exiting for the potty. Seriously, that labor amnesia must be reeeeaaaallly strong that you can't remember 'roids the size of grapes and enough cellulite to make your a$$ look like Copenhagen cobblestones.
Sorry - not complaining, just a bit annoyed - must be hormones. Happy weekend, all!

mm Aug 12th, 2005 08:53 AM

Hi PamSF,
"Rant: Cindy Sheehan still waits in Crawford,Texas."

I hope you are ranting that the Prez refuses to see her. It's long past time that the Shrub is held accountable for HIS war.


jorr Aug 12th, 2005 08:59 AM

Rave: The house painter has only about a third of his money but he's 90% done. How is that for insentive? :-d Getting a bit tired of all the ladders and scaffelding and junk and his trailer.

kureiff Aug 12th, 2005 09:00 AM

AHaugerto: Amen, to hating the, "Oh, I loved being pregnant" people! After being nauseous all day Sunday (hangover) I was forcefully reminded of my first 5 months of pregnancy. Yuck! Daughter may have to wait a long time for a sibling! :)

I hope you feel better soon!

FainaAgain Aug 12th, 2005 09:04 AM

AHagueto, does you hubby have a twin? I'm afraid to ask mine to do anything, and if I do, I start with: I want to ask you something, but please promise me you won't start till...

PamSF Aug 12th, 2005 09:13 AM

That was exactly my rant.

margot55 Aug 12th, 2005 09:14 AM

This RAVE just in: Mom was discharged from the hospital this morning and now is back home! =D> \:D/ thanks, Fodorites, your good wishes and good health to one and all!

Yawn_boring Aug 12th, 2005 09:16 AM

Rant: even though it's blistering hot, I'm spending the weekend at the beach!

Rave: too little support, at home and abroad, for the brave men and women sacrificing so much in Iraq to make the world a better place.

jersey Aug 12th, 2005 09:19 AM

LOL AHagueto...

Darlin', you do SOOO forget.

I barfed until 14 weeks all day and night. My neice barfed the whole time.
She has two lovely children and I, who had a (evidently) incurable problem with amnesia, have five children.

My youngest is almost 16 and I hear tell you do come out OK through this whole children thing. I mean, there are so many Grandparents on this forum raving about grandkids. So keep your sense of humor (God knows you'll need it) and soldier on. It will be worth it the first time you hold your little one.

jorr Aug 12th, 2005 09:22 AM

mm, Amen. Maybe he's hiding in the bushes with that Saudi prince. ((l))

jorr Aug 12th, 2005 09:34 AM

Yawn Boring, there is INCREDIBLE support for the troops!!! I have heard of Nobody who doesn't support them. Its the Iraq War we don't support and our fantastic troops being sent to that war.

AHaugeto Aug 12th, 2005 09:35 AM

kureiff - thanks for having my back :)
jersey - I appreciate it. I'd hoped it would be seen as venting, not complaining, and I don't buy into all the Perfect-Mommy crap, but I guess there is a little part of me that feels a bit guilty at not being totally blissed-out by the experience, especially as so many are struggling to have kids... But it is a little part, and though I can no longer quash it with a margarita I take comfort in the fact that I'll tell the little squirt what my mama always told me: "I'll pay for your therapy."

Faina - Nice to know that harmless little observations like "you know, I'd like to get a new front door" are asking for trouble in others abodes, too. I do NOT understand this man's brain!

Marilyn Aug 12th, 2005 10:05 AM

At our house we call it the Kamikaze School of Carpentry.

(I belong to the Zen School of Carpentry. I must have the shelf lean against the wall for at least 30 days before deciding exactly where it will go.)

Yawn_boring Aug 12th, 2005 12:54 PM


My point exactly. Everyone is entitled to his own opinion (at least in the US and many other, but not all, countries you are). But vocal critics of the war <i>during the war</i> is clearly an insult to those fighting it.

Think about it. You're a soldier on leave, tooling around the internet, reading all these folks saying the war is a huge mistake, and you're getting shipped out tomorrow to go risk your life.

You don't see how that's a slap in the face?

cobbie Aug 12th, 2005 12:59 PM

LoveItaly-I'm tickled to see myself mentioned in your post. So looking forward to dinner tomorrow night.

Rave: My friend is buying a house in Sonoma and I get to decorate it for him.

Rant: ants &amp; mice in my kitchen! My cat doesn't seem to be interested in the mouse. :-((

klr6773 Aug 12th, 2005 02:01 PM

Raves: One of my closest friends had a baby girl today,and both are doing wonderfully!
My sister is due next week,so even though my daughter is no longer the&quot;only grandchild&quot;,I'm excited for my Mom. She's going to go through serious withdrawl when we move to WA next month.

Rant: My BF decided he doesn't want to move with me and daughter to WA after all,so I was dumped.Daughter wants to know where &quot;Daddy&quot; is,which is hard to watch,because her biological father was only on the picture a short time. Two &quot;Daddies gone&quot; in 2 1/2 years gives me resolve to get through it for her sake.I'm putting my hurt aside so I can concentrate on being strong for her.No more crying jags for me...I know we'll be just fine without him.
&quot;I will Survive&quot;- Gloria Gaynor says it best!

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