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GoTravel Jun 3rd, 2005 03:51 AM

Freaky Friday Rants & Raves 6/3!
Sorry Jorr, girlfriend got bit by a Brown Recluse and I have to boogie out of the house!

Rant: Spider bite!

Rave: Vacation coming up soon!

Rant: Ride in van with 12 other people!

Rave: Ride in van with 12 family members!

Rant: I turn 40 next week.

SAnParis Jun 3rd, 2005 04:10 AM

Rant It's been raining non-stop for the past week. Rave Who cares ! I leave for the beach in the morning for two weeks.

bonniebroad Jun 3rd, 2005 04:24 AM

RAVE: Terrific buddies on here who are helping me plan my Florida vacation in Indian Shores .... leave in two weeks! :-)

RAVE: Dropped that 45th pound this week. Yee-HAWWWWWWWWW! Of course, will gain it back on my Florida vacation. :p

RAVE: Summer starting off COOL in Raleigh. Hope it will stay moderate.

RAVE: Made reservations for trip to Wrightsville Beach with granddaughter for August. We have such a good time! ((l))

RAVE: Got the new Weber Performer grill this week. It's terrific ... using it to do steak kabobs & shrimp kabobs tomorrow night, to go with my DH's terrific Pina Coladas.

Have a wonderful weekend, fellow Fodorites! :-)

bamakelly Jun 3rd, 2005 04:24 AM

Happy 40th birthday, GT!

RANT: Rain!

RAVE: My sister is coming to visit next week.

That's about it. Uneventful week here, I guess!

Happy Friday everyone!

Wednesday Jun 3rd, 2005 04:25 AM

rant: We have had thunderstorms too.

rave: The rain is making my new garden perky and keeping it cooler.

GoTravel Jun 3rd, 2005 04:27 AM

Rant: What is up with the rain?

bonnie: congrats! Wow! 45 pounds is a huge accomplishment and I know you'll keep that weight off because you've lost it making lifestyle changes! Gotta feel fantastic about that!

girlonthego Jun 3rd, 2005 04:46 AM

Happy Birthday Go Travel and welcome to the over 40 club! I just turned this past Oct.
Congrats Bonnie on the weight loss. Wow 45 pounds!!!I just would love to drop 10! I assume with dieting, you are excercising your brains out? I hate excercise!! Something I am going to have to start to do like or not.

RAVE: TGIF! I have been waiting for FRiday all week. Somehow these short weeks always seem longer.

RAVE: Last SOL test for my kids. We are done! Only two more weeks of school and I can't wait till there is no more homework and schedules!

RANT: RAin again...uggh..please bring us sunshine this weekend. We have four soccer games. And since soccer is an outdoor sport, I am asking the heavens for perfect weather for me!

RAVE: It is Friday and I should shut up and stop complaining.
Have a good weekend all!!

bonniebroad Jun 3rd, 2005 04:48 AM

Thank you, Miss Go_Travel! :D I feel like a different person ... I really do! You won't be able to stand me when I get off that next 25! :p

And you have a WONDERFUL 40th next week! It won't hurt a bit! ((^))

ronkala Jun 3rd, 2005 04:49 AM

rave: Mark Felt

rant: death toll in Iraq, one thousand six hundred sixty four.

jorr Jun 3rd, 2005 05:36 AM

Rant: No electricity this morning until now.

Rave: Going to beautiful Lake of the Woods on the Canadian boarder in two weeks. Loons, bears, pine forests, huge fish, crystal clear water and friends.

Rant: More Rain Rain Rain. The lakes (10,000) are so high the roads are underwater in some places. And my septic system is getting expensive to pump out.

Rant: I always predicted that Deep Throat would be Ben Stein, former Nixon speech writer and hippie before that.

jersey Jun 3rd, 2005 05:39 AM

Overcast and drizzly here in Central NJ. Tomorrow more of the same. Good time to finally clean out the garage. (Oh whoopie)

Rave: DD#1 back from Seattle, post college graduation trip to se BF. Wonderful pictures, can't wait for the opportunity to visit myself.

Rant: End of HS year work overload for DD's # 2 & 3. Only three more weeks until HS graduation for DD # 2. (Really late this year)

Rave: My garden and yard are looking good! The extra work I've put in shows. And who needs nails anyway?

No real rants... have a great weekend.

cd Jun 3rd, 2005 05:46 AM

Congratulations Bonnieboard, I am so jealous!

RAVE: Had a wonderful weekend last weekend in Houston with my kids! visited 3-4 clubs Sat night and had a blast! It's such a rave to have adult kids who are friends.

RANT: Broke my ankle walking from one club to another....darn uneven sidewalk! Ummmmmm don't think that 4th martini had anything to do with it! :-)

dcespedes Jun 3rd, 2005 05:48 AM

Congratulations Bonnie and good luck to you on the next 25--you can do it! =D>

GT, 40 ain't so bad--Happy Birthday! ((^))

Rant: Entire email account was wiped out this week due to a software glitch.

Rant: People who buy their kids pets but neglect them once the "honeymoon" is over.

Rave: Leaving for Alaska next week for two weeks.

I hope everyone enjoys a great weekend! :)>-

Statia Jun 3rd, 2005 05:52 AM

Rave: Bonnie's lost that 45th pound. You go, girl!

Rant: cd's broken ankle. Ouch! No more partying for you. ;) Boy, I haven't thought about clubbing in Houston in a long time. I never seem to have the time when I'm there. :(

Rave: It's Friday and this week has gone by so fast!

Rant: Have a lot to do at home before DH's daughter comes to spend a month with us. Don't want to spend time doing spring cleaning while she's here.

Have a great weekend everyone! :)

trivbeck Jun 3rd, 2005 05:53 AM

Rave: Went to my son's High School graduation last night. It was a nice ceremony held outside in the stadium, weather was nice. A very bittersweet feeling, he's my baby and it's the end or an era, no more public school activites to attend.

Rant: Graduation party is set for tomorrow (Been working like a fiend to get the house in order)and it looks like rain!

Rave: Just get through this weekend and things will be back to "normal".

bennnie Jun 3rd, 2005 05:56 AM

RAve: The sun is out in more ways than one.

Rave: Booked 2nd vacation for this summer - never before has this family had two big trips in one summer. Yahhh!

Congratulations Bonniebroad and GoTravel - two milestones!

CD- I hope you are not in pain.

iamq Jun 3rd, 2005 06:05 AM

Rave: Happy 40th G.T. My 40th year was a watershed year: New house, new career, and new partner. Six years later I still have them all!! Life IS good and continues to get beter!

Rant: local school district politics.

Rave: 8 and one half days unitl summer vacation!!!!!!


b_in_d Jun 3rd, 2005 06:19 AM

Rant: I hit the gym in a couple hours and it being Friday, I REALLY don't want to go. But I will.

Rave: I don't turn 40 for another year and a half!

Rant: The "Before 40" list is looking daunting.

Rave: Denver evening weather is fantastic for sleeping. Like a baby.

Rant: 2 puppies who won't let me sleep longer.

Rave: Heading to my first vacation in over 2 years, in just 3 weeks.

otto Jun 3rd, 2005 06:24 AM

it's friday fodorites! :P

jor, that took me by surprise! thanks gotravel for starting today. booh spider!

rave: moving day is tomorrow. :">

rave: short work week. ((Y))

rave: great phone calls from my dad and best friend this week. :->

rave/rant: empty wallet, but that's living! ;;)

rant: spring evidently didn't feel like coming. was it something i said? ((R))


Fodorite018 Jun 3rd, 2005 06:24 AM

Rave--It's Friday:)

Rant/Rave--Tomorrows track meet will be a zoo. It is in Eugene and at the same time as the Prefontaine Classic.

Rave/Rant--DH is mountain climbing in WA today and tomorrow. Not sure if the weather will hold to reach the summit.

Congrats to all the graduates!

GoT--Happy early bday!

Bonnie--WTG! GoT is have made the right changes to keep this off:)

CD--Ouch! Hope you are doing ok! Maybe its time for another help the pain:)

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