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dina4 Aug 25th, 2007 08:11 AM

fires raging in greece
It seems like a lot of Peloponesus is up in flames, but can't get much information on it. It's terrible -- with the death toll rising to almost 50 since Friday!

Bailey Aug 25th, 2007 08:29 AM

This is terrible!!

I just Googled 'fires in Greece'...and there were many listings....maybe that will help you with an update!

alanRow Aug 25th, 2007 08:30 AM

BoonieBear39 Aug 25th, 2007 08:49 AM

Yes, this is terrible news - our heartfelt sympathy goes out to everyone involved - a tragedy such as that certainly puts all minor problems into perspective. Thanks for starting the thread and for the updates.

chatham Aug 25th, 2007 09:10 AM

I am so sorry for this horrible tragedy to your beautiful counrty and people.

With Sympathy, Joan

thanos_GR Aug 25th, 2007 09:18 AM

Hello Joan

How are you?

Today our sky is not clear but not with cloud. Amazing because we are far south as you know from the mainland and the fires. My father say today at lunchtimes that he can taste it!

It is very bad news and so many peoples die. Unfortunately, the public services are in chaos and have difficulty controlling it and we say again that more government money needs to be used to prepare in advance. For sure, we know it will happen again but nobody prepares for it. This is bad.


BoonieBear39 Aug 25th, 2007 09:28 AM

Hello Thanos. Our heartfelt sympathy to you all out there in Greece. I had no idea until in the last hour I heard how far the fires have spread and how many people have died. We are thinking of you all.

billbarr Aug 25th, 2007 10:00 AM

I echo what BoonieBear has said.

Thanos, I think you have family in the Peloponnese because you kindly gave me particularly detailed lodging information when I was visiting Tyrins and Mycenae, after contacting them on my behalf.

I hope they are all safe and well.


chatham Aug 25th, 2007 11:04 AM

Dear Thanos,

I am well but this horrible tragedy has me very upset. My thoughts are with all of you.

Your Dad must have been a very young boy when I lived there or he might not have even been born. Your older cousins up at Hotel Eleni do remember.

My Best, Joan

travelerjan Aug 25th, 2007 11:10 AM

Unfortunately a number of these fires are definitely attributable to arson ... in one place 7 fires broke out simultaneously.

Many greeks say this arson is not some kind of twisted political protest but rather enconomic in nature -- these burnt out places then are let out for building new resorts etc!!

On Thorn Tree forum someone wrote about problems in Italy in the past with a similar greed motive, which were addressed with laws forbidden any development on burnt-out areas for a long number of years -- thus eliminating the motive.

dina4 Aug 25th, 2007 12:38 PM

Yes, there's definitely an arson/conspiracy theory prevalant in the Greek news (my parents get it on their satellite TV), but CNN seems to be reporting the story briefly as unfortunate wild fires.

Hopefully it will end soon, and there will be more specific news tomorrow...

thanos_GR Aug 25th, 2007 03:18 PM


You must try and not to be upset but I understand why and your long connection with our island and Greece. It is your island too.

It was my father's Name Day about 10 days ago and to celebrate he and my brothers and me spend the night on Delos. We do this every year on his Name Day. It is very special. He says he feels old now that we have given him a grand daighter.

I think for next year you come back here again and be with us and we will make you smile.


SharonG Aug 25th, 2007 04:03 PM

Oh how awful. I had no idea this was happening. My brother lived in Greece in the early 80's (in Rafina) and I visited him there and had a magical time. Wonderful country and wonderful people, My prayers are with them.

thanos_GR Aug 25th, 2007 04:12 PM

Yes travelerjan

I agree with every word you say.


P_M Aug 25th, 2007 04:21 PM

To all of our Greek friends: Like many people on this board, I also love your country. I've been following your story and hoping this will be over soon. Please be safe.

VirginiaC Aug 25th, 2007 04:21 PM

Our son-in-law, daughter and grandchildren are visiting his parents in the eastern Peloponnese. We spoke with them on Friday and they made no mention of the fires and from what I've seen on the maps, they are relatively far from the worst of the inferno. My biggest concern at the moment is that they are due to fly home on Monday, and I just read that the road to Athens airport has been closed by fire. I suppose I should be satisfied as long as they are safe, but I am selfish and want them home.

MEBoston Aug 25th, 2007 04:32 PM

I just left Greece on Thursday. It broke my heart to hear this news.

thanos_GR Aug 26th, 2007 05:44 AM


Thank you for asking about my family on the mainland. They are all OK.


dina4 Aug 26th, 2007 12:58 PM

topping for patmike

propertravel Aug 27th, 2007 03:10 AM

I feel the same sorrow in deep and feel sorry for the ones lost their lives due to this unfortunate disaster and please accept my condolences for all the family members of the victims and the Greek Nation.

Unfortunatelly seems greedy people are everywhere. Here in Turkey every summer we also suffer from forest fires a lot and hunderds of years old pine forests are turning into ashes and the poor animals are killed. Same reason, to get valuable land by the sea or to have more farm land. Some of the fires accure also due to picnic habbits, left bottles, sigarette buts etc.

Lets hope the fires end soon.

Greetings from Neighbour,

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