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Hanuman Nov 25th, 2008 05:54 AM

Bangkok Airport(Suvarnabhumi) Closed by Protesters
Further to my post on another thread I want to warn any incoming or outgoing travellers of the news.

There's talk that the airport should be reopen tomorrow evening.

filmwill Nov 25th, 2008 06:20 AM


What's your assessment of the situation? Is it going to get worse? Sounds like it...

I don't normally let things like this affect my outlook, but the situation there seems to be getting a bit more serious with each passing week.

We'll still go unless there is a major international crisis, but I have to admit that I was shocked when I read the news this morning--and I'm used to, at this point, hearing about the situation there.

Guenmai Nov 25th, 2008 06:35 AM

If it's not one thing it's another. I just hope things are chilled out within the next few weeks. I just hope for a peaceful, restful vacation and Lord knows I need one. Smiles. Happy Travels!

Kathie Nov 25th, 2008 06:52 AM

Thanks, Hanuman, I've been reading about this. I'll be intersted in your perspective on it as things continue to develop.

rhkkmk Nov 25th, 2008 07:34 AM

i ahve just been talking to a friend in thailand who works at the airport....he says all flights have been diverted....not sure when the airport will be able to re open...roads are closed off....

Hanuman Nov 25th, 2008 07:54 AM

I think things will get worst for the country as there's a stalemate on the political front and the demands being made by both side are unrealistic. There will be more violence for the protesters and since the army is not stepping in and the current government is refusing to dissolve the house of parliament(or hold reelection). The constitution court might be the savior in this situation as they could dissolve the current ruling party but these same people have already set up a new party just in case with a brand new head quarter office. If that happens there should be a period of relative calm until the next election is held and most likely the pro Thanksin people will win again. Thaksin has already stated to the Arab media in Dubai, his new residence, that he intend to return to politics and to lead Thailand again.

The airport was closed by the protesters who believe the current PM will return there from his trip to the APEC summit in Peru. I've "heard" that the PM will land at either Korat or U-Tapoa airport and will return to Bangkok by helicopter. Once that has happened Suvarnabhumi should be reopen.

Will the problem affect or endanger the tourists? I don't think so but there's always a chance of the innocent bystander getting hurt or kill when people are shooting guns and throwing grenades around. Yesterday was the first day that we took precautions only because my daughter's school is near one of the airport. People from both side were blocking off the roads to and from Don Mueang and attacking each other on the highway and toll way!

I would keep checking the news but in all sincerity I think it will be safe for you guys.

Hanuman Nov 25th, 2008 08:18 AM

Just about to turn the TV off and sleep when the local news stated that the protesters will not leave Suvarnabhumi until the PM resign and the PPP party is dissolve!

I don't think the army and police can let the protesters close the airport for more than 24 hours so I dread to think what will happen next.

easytraveler Nov 25th, 2008 08:36 AM

Stay safe, Hanuman, both you and your family.

I hope something will give - this has been brewing for two years now.

Didn't Taksin recently get denied a visa to Great Britain?

Guenmai Nov 25th, 2008 08:43 AM

What a mess! And it's too late to go to Argentina for vacation. I leave for BK in three weeks. Smiles. Thanks for the info Hanuman. Happy Travels!

Guenmai Nov 25th, 2008 08:53 AM

Bob...Flights diverted to where and when they get to that diverted place, how are passengers getting to Bangkok? Happy Travels!

rhkkmk Nov 25th, 2008 09:13 AM

only 3 other thai airports have long runways for large jets. i guess other flights to go nearby places like singapore, K/L, etc...or don't take off in the first place......perhaps today they will sort things out a bit...

BradinBangkok Nov 25th, 2008 09:54 AM

I'll arrive on the 11th. No need to let a few protesters ruin a good trip.

Gpanda Nov 25th, 2008 11:40 AM

Let's see. Beth and I were in BKK the last six years. We decide not to go this year and the Thais protest our absence. Perfectly understandable. Next year, we should get the government (wheichever is in place) to pay for our trip to ensure tranquility.

rkkwan Nov 25th, 2008 11:41 AM

Both UA and NW's NRT-BKK on 11/25 went to HKG. What happens next will depend on the situation at BKK, and how long the airport is closed.

jcasale Nov 25th, 2008 12:21 PM

I was so sad to hear this news about BKK and Thailand today. We still have such warm and wonderful memories of our time there this summer and the people we met. I just hope that the situation can get resolved soon. My thoughts are with all of you there in the land of smiles!

Gpanda Nov 25th, 2008 01:50 PM

Beth and I fervently wish that the situation gets resolved quickly. We know how much everyone looks forward to their Thailand trips and hope that things get back on track.

filmwill Nov 25th, 2008 02:02 PM

Well written editorial in today's Bangkok Post about the very misdirected actions of the PAD:

Have to agree--no matter whose side you're on in the argument. It's a total bonehead move...kind of shooting themselves in the foot to spite themselves. Bad news for all invovled. Hope it's resolved quickly.

crosscheck Nov 25th, 2008 02:25 PM

My friend is stuck in NRT on her way to BKK right now...

KMLoke Nov 25th, 2008 03:03 PM

What's the possibility of the policy and army getting their orders from 'higher authority' obviously they aren't listing to Somchai.

Hanuman Nov 25th, 2008 05:04 PM

There are more than 3 airports capable of handling large aircraft. If needed I believe 6 or 7 airports and airbases can be use but not practical for the civil aviation business.

There has been several grenade attacks at both Don Mueang and Suvarnabhumi airport since last night. My daughter's school has closed for the day, thank god, but the plight of the travellers stuck in the country is awful!

AskOksena Nov 25th, 2008 05:21 PM

Many thanks, Hanuman, for your numerous fine updates. (Just between us: you are my #3 Fodorite, behind a certain '06 Thai wed 'Bella' (timing issues) ... and yes, that HK lawyer 'C' ... (something to do with her praise of SQ's latest J product, something rather dear to a certain semi-Singaporean.) ...

... (and for you little 'nervous nellies' out there: check out 'tripadvisors's' thailand forum, and a certain search bar search of 'macintosh Our Fine SQ F Flight Today' ... as recall, not that much traffic, out to dear ol' 'DMK' post 'coup' the morning of our BKK honeymoon departure, on to SIN for the final act ...

... finally, back to you, monkey god ... hope your daughter stays safe...

... (one reason the SQ wife is insisting the future Cost Centres be raised/educated in 'SIN' and holiday in Scotland ... (there goes the bank account) ...

... as always, safe travels to you ... (perhaps, SQ) ...

macintosh (robert)

meet the new boss/
same as the old boss/


Kathie Nov 25th, 2008 05:25 PM

Stay safe, Hanuman. And I really appreciate you keeping us posted.

rhkkmk Nov 25th, 2008 06:03 PM

pook---send you car over to the airport and bring back about 100 folks to give them a good meal and let them sleep on the floor for the nite....

filmwill Nov 25th, 2008 07:45 PM

So it sounds like the airport is closed for another day--bombs now? I may have to retract my statements from earlier. This does not look good.

rkkwan Nov 25th, 2008 08:01 PM

Well, the PAD has occupied the Government House for 3 months and the government/military/king haven't been able to kick them out. This may take a while to resolve.

Bisbeee Nov 25th, 2008 08:24 PM

All Air Asia flights to/from BKK 11/26 have been cancelled (one of them was mine).

US Embassy personnel are hoping the airport will reopen at 9pm tonight.

dogster Nov 25th, 2008 09:06 PM

Here's a visual that will bring it home to everybody that has been to Suvanabhumi.

rkkwan Nov 25th, 2008 10:15 PM

With most foreign carriers canceling all flights to BKK, it's actually those who're flying TG that have the best chance of getting into Thailand.

For example, TG795, the non-stop from LAX had just departed Los Angeles pretty much on-time; with the flight currently filed for DMK (Don Muang).

We'll see in about 16 hours what actually will happen to this flight.

thaitransit Nov 25th, 2008 10:26 PM

Due to the closure of Bangkok's international airport by the stupid PAD group. Alternative transport options are available.

Bus and train options are available subject to space for passengers in a hurry to leave Thailand. Onward flights can be obtained in Malaysia though various airlines.

SRT rail: Trains depart hualamphong visit OR for more details or call 1690 if in thailand for rail information.

Transport company Buses are also available from new southern bus terminal "SAI TAI MAI" in thonburi side of Bangkok. Tickets can be purchased at the time of travel.

Travelling time is around 18 hours trains depart Hualamphong at 14.45 (Butterworth) and 15.10 (sungai kolok) 13.00 (sungai kolok) every day.

2nd class sleeper 1210 baht oneway. Other classes are available.

Trains from Butterworth depart 13.15 to Bangkok

Trains from Sungai Kolok depart 11.30 and 14.20

At Sungai Kolok its about 2km to malaysia border where other transport is available to Kota Bhuru airport.

At Butterworth take a boat to Penang island and a bus to Penang airport where onward flights are available. OR take a bus to KL (about 5 hours)

Tickets can be purchased at Hualamphong and bang sue stations on the day or in advance.

If the train is booked out and you still want to travel standing 3rd class tickets are available on the sungai kolok trains. Otherwise take a VIP bus.

If the train is full buses to hat yai depart every hour until 9pm from southern bus terminal taking about 18 hours to get there. take bus 511 to end of the line or a cab to SAI TAI MAI in outer thonburi. From Hatyai there are vans and buses into malaysia.

For general information about thai buses and rail please visit and check the links at the bottom of the main page for related topics.

I hope this might help some stuck passengers.

Guenmai Nov 25th, 2008 11:29 PM

I want to scream!!! I had to cancel my August BK trip and have really been waiting for this upcoming trip scheduled to leave in 3 weeks.
I have my usual serviced apartment lined up and while there have plans to meet up with Thai friends as well as our GTG. But, if things don't chill out within the next 10-12 days, then I'll cancel. I absolutely can't risk getting STUCK there. I have to be back to work the day after I get home. Happy Travels!

dogster Nov 26th, 2008 12:21 AM

Check these pictures.

Amazing scenes.

dogster Nov 26th, 2008 12:29 AM

Let's give some thought to the guys stuck inside. It could be any one of us. This, from the BBC website.

'There have been chaotic scenes at Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi airport, where thousands of tourists are stranded by anti-government protests. Demonstrators from the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) have seized the facility in the latest move in months of protests.

Tourists have said they are running out of water and children's food supplies. Correspondents say there is utter confusion and travellers have received no clear information.

Rachel Kite, one of at least 3,000 tourists at the airport, told the BBC that many people had been waiting for up to 16 hours.

I'm angry and sad, because I have two small children - they are sick, so we want to go home

"We've not been told anything by the airport authorities or by the poor staff of Thai airlines, who are completely overwhelmed," she said. All of the information has been coming from the internet and from the BBC and other cable news channels."

Ms Kite said she did not feel she was in danger, but that people were becoming "more and more tense" as the noise from protesters increased. She said people were getting tired and some families with young children were running out of formula and food for them.

"I think the authorities are doing the best they can but inevitably tensions start to rise," she added.

"I don't know what happened to my flight," said one mother.

"They won't talk to us. And I'm angry and sad, because I have two small children. They are sick, so we want to go home."

Protesters say they will not leave unless Mr Somchai resigns
Thousands of PAD protesters, dressed in yellow, stormed the airport, having earlier blocked the main access highway from the capital.

They have also seized the airport's control tower and have demanded that all incoming flights request their permission to land.

Travellers say the PAD have been treating them well but flights are not expected to resume in the immediate future.

"We'd rather they just go home so we can go home,", said US tourist Kay Spitler.

British tourist Harry Bedford said people had initially been told not to leave the airport and that if they did they would not be given any assistance and would not be allowed to return.

"At the moment I'm in the executive lounge, which has been taken over by about a hundred people, who are refusing to leave this area, though the authorities want us to go downstairs and sit on marble floors," Mr Bedford told the BBC.

"They've turned the air-conditioning off here, and changed all the TV channels to show gardening. So we've got no idea what's going on outside," he said.

But Mr Bedford later told the BBC that people were being taken out of the airport.

"We've got no idea what's happening. Basically they've told us we're leaving the airport and they're going to be putting military in and to patrol it," he said.

"We've heard nothing from our embassy - we keep on ringing them in Bangkok and we wanted to say we thought we were safer here than outside. But they've chucked us out of the airport."

"This is crazy," said one traveller arriving from the UK. "I don't know why this is happening. It's really crazy. What can you do?"

Hanuman Nov 26th, 2008 02:55 AM

The PM has landed in Chiang Mai and the commander in chief of the Thai army has "offered" his suggestion that the PM should dissolve the house of parliament. Both side have disagreed with the CIC's comment and both side are not giving in.

People who are still stuck at Suvarnabhumi, estimated at 3,000, are being transported out to hotels. One thing you should know is that they, the people caught at the airport during the protest, were never held there and were free to leave at any time. Lack of information from the airlines or the authorities probably prevented them from leaving.

marsfelder Nov 26th, 2008 05:47 AM

Wow, I can't believe how quickly this situation has escalated.

We are suppose to depart for BKK on Friday and arrive late Saturday. Is it safe to assume that we will need to cancel our trip?

I'm really kicking myself for not buying trip insurance this time....

We were also planning to visit Cambodia for a few days during our trip. Ponheary said this situation is really hurting Cambodia as well.

dgunbug Nov 26th, 2008 05:48 AM

I sure hope this resolves soon. We are scheduled to arrive in Bangkok on Jan 30th. I can't imagine problems lasting that long.

simpsonc510 Nov 26th, 2008 05:50 AM

I'm with you... I'm leaving in three weeks. DS and DH leave in two weeks. We are not wanting to cancel!!! Will be watching this situation closely. Thank you, to hanuman, for keeping us informed with up to date information. Please continue to do so.

Carol (from Kassel Germany)

Kathie Nov 26th, 2008 05:55 AM

Mars, if it was my trip, I would cancel nothing and just wait and see.

Also, depending on your airline, they may be diverting to another city or you might be able to change to a flight to another city. If it were me, I might take the flight to the city to which they are diverting planes and play it by ear from there.

DonTopaz Nov 26th, 2008 06:50 AM

To keep up with the latest news, the best sources of information are the 2 major English-language newspapers, The Nation ( and the Bangkok Post ( Not that everything they report is absolute truth, but, at this point anyway, they are the best available sources.

I agree completely with Kathie's advice that the wisest thing to do is wait and see. While no one knows for certain what the outcome will be, it's likely that the situation 3 days from now will be very different from the situation today (at least in terms of the airport).

For those with flights scheduled for the next few days, I'd advise checking the web page of the airline that operates the flight to BKK -- that will likely give you more current and accurate information than even the telephone agents. (This is especially true if you're flying an Asian airline into BKK and you live outside of Asia.)

rkkwan Nov 26th, 2008 07:10 AM

If you're flying NW, currently covering 12/1:

[Yes, that's the correct URL.]

UA, covering 12/7:,6722,52925,00.html

CX already canceled the early HKG-BKK on Thursday, 11/27; and the BOM flight will not stop at BKK. You can check the status here:

SQ will let passengers change for travel up to 12/7 right now:

Just a sample of information available from the airlines.

Again, I think if the best chance of getting into Bangkok in the next few days will be on Thai Airways.

SueHuml Nov 26th, 2008 07:19 AM

I so appreciate all the updates and feel very sorry for those stranded at the airports.
Our Son and Daughter are in Cambodia at the moment and due to return to BKK tomorrow where they will stay for two days before flying back to the US. They are not sure what to do - and are looking into by-passing BKK and trying to get home departing from Cambodia.
Additionally, dh and I are due to arrive in BKK on Jan 2nd and I too am kicking myself for not buying trip cancellation insurance.We are staying a week at the Riverside marriott and then two weeks at the Phuket Marriott Beach Club.
Fodors talk has been so helpful to me in the past for our bi-annual visits to Thailand, and I'll be keeping a close watch on what's happening as I know you will have the most up-to-date information and will help me in deciding what to advise our son and daughter to do, and, whether to just hang in there for a couple of weeks regarding our long awaited trip to BKK and Phuket.
Hoping for the best, some peace and calm for the land of smiles.

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