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j_999_9 Sep 13th, 2005 07:07 AM

What am I missing re Nantucket?
Just spend four days in Nantucket and, honestly, I don't get it.

I firmly believe in the "to each his (her) own" philosophy of travel, but I didn't see much that was appealing about the place. And don't even get me started about the $5 ice cream cones.

Little_Man Sep 13th, 2005 07:18 AM

what exactly don't you get? As a native Massachusetts girl who now lives on the west coast, I haven't been there since I was a child, but it seemed very picturesque then...

j_999_9 Sep 13th, 2005 07:21 AM

I don't get why people pay the inflated prices and keep going back to a place that's just OK -- nor do I get what seems to be an inflated reputation.

kedron Sep 13th, 2005 07:33 AM

I don't get it either. My spouse and I rented bikes and almost got ran over a dozen times doing the "quaint" paths. Every now and then, you have to cross a street on your bike. Pretty? Yes, but I wouldn't go back. We couldn't wait for the next ferry to pull up.

cheriberry Sep 13th, 2005 06:49 PM

Dont Believe ..or Dont Understand??
Nantucket is like no other .Its an Island which has one of the Biggest Whaling Histories in the world...Did you not go to the Whaling Museum? Did you not see all the historic homes ....cobblestone streets?
Being a Cape Cod Native and residing in Chatham I can definetly "get " Nantucket.
Did you go to the Coast Gaurd Life Saving Museum? Or are you not into that either ??
Maybe Nantucket isnt for you ... Definetly if your biggest concern is the price of an Icecream Cone
Nantucket is unbelievably beautiful and is restored to match its history, keeping it seperate from other wealthy areas .I bet you didnt know that two thirds of Massachusetts Cranberries are harvested on Nantucket ....or that there are only Twelve Colors that you can paint your house trim ...or that they actually hunt the deer on the Island because the scare of Limes disease.??????
What exavtly DID you do While on Nantucket??

djkbooks Sep 13th, 2005 07:22 PM

Used to be, Nantucket was a magnificent "step back in time". A quaint and adorable, QUIET, steeped in history, destination. Difficult to get to, but well worth the endeavor. Actually, one of those "hidden gems".

Nowadays, however, the place is totally overrun with "summer folk", tourists, and day-trippers, with all the local businesses (accomodations, restaurants, shops...) grabbing your every dollar at whopping prices.

We used to visit every year. One evening, in a cocktail lounge, a local lamented that the CoC, now on the www, was "overpromoting".

There is much "appealing about the place", though probably not during July and August, when the island is ridiculouly mobbed these days.

We used to plan our visits for early June (before July 4th) or just after Labor Day (when the weather is still pleasant and most things are still open), but found that "shoulder season" rates had been eliminated.

rhkkmk Sep 13th, 2005 08:13 PM

djk has hit on it....yes july and august are crazy (try june and september and even october)....yes there are tons of CT and NJ and NY (and other) SUV's...lots of blond hair...lots of gold....lots of ripped clothing looking shabby....lots of pink/red fadded slacks, skirts and shorts...

it is a state of mind....did you drive out onto one of the beaches....did you catch blues off of the beach....did you enjoy that $5 (or less) cone from the juice bar....did you have nkt scollops....did you fly into ACK....did you sit next to jack welch at dinner or jerry steinfeld and his parents at breakfast....did you see mr roger's old house right near to M. Millie's old shack, now reclaimed....

PROBABLY NOT.....and that's why you don't understand why we return year after year and LOVE IT....

try it again....get out of town...walk the beaches, ride on the bike paths, walk in the dunes....visit 'sconset, etc, grows on you!!!

its not for everyone....the prices are out of control: gas, houses, rents, meals, goods and services, ferry tickets for your auto, etc..etc...but for many of us, its the BEST....

j_999_9 Sep 14th, 2005 06:55 AM

OK, you asked so I'll answer:

-- The $5 ice cream cone was no better than others for which I've paid half the price. And, yes, it was at the Juice Bar.
-- Nkt scallops? See previous comment re quality and price.
-- Was there post-Labor Day and the traffic was still awful. Made bike-riding difficult and dangerous.
-- Did I sit next to Jack Welch and the Seinfeld clan? Nope, and have no desire to. That's not why I go on vacation. But I'll try to pick up the latest edition of People Magazine.
-- Fishing? Did it. No bettter or no worse than a dozen other places I've been to.
-- Cranberries, deer-hunting and consistent house colors really don't catch my attention (philistine that I am).
-- Drive onto the beach? Not as good as Provincetown.

janiekins Sep 14th, 2005 09:26 AM

I do not go on vacation to sit next to Jerry Seinfeld or Jack Welch!!!!

ahhnold Sep 14th, 2005 09:34 AM


You answered your own question:

I firmly beieve in the "to each his(her)own" philosophy.

Following this statement with a "but" is an oxymoron.

mei Sep 14th, 2005 10:05 AM

I don't understand why some people get upset if not everyone likes a place that they love. I don't mind at all when people on the Fodors website dis my favorite fact, I try not to comment too much on the places I love...I don't want those places to be overrun with tourists. Not everyone can love everywhere....and that's a good thing.

I've never been to Nantucket...sorry I can't share in the arguement.

By the way...Who is Jack Welch??

sklong Sep 14th, 2005 10:26 AM

Nantucket is a wonderful place to visit. My husband has relatives that live there and we love to get away and visit. We always go off season so the Island is crowded. Lots of the stores are closed for the season, but the beaches are always open and just driving, walking around is a treat to see all the history. We love stopping at the book store and seeing the announcements hung on the door listing all town news, births and deaths. Haven't been back in a few years but are planning on going in the spring of 2006.

MikeT Sep 14th, 2005 11:33 AM

You don't like Nantucket? Don't go back. Why create such drama about it.

socialworker Sep 14th, 2005 11:38 AM

I agree that there is nothing at all wrong w/not enjoying a place that many people cherish. However, I would not take the trouble to write a post saying so. Is the OP saying that those who do like it are somehow foolish? Is this meant to warn people away from going? It just seems a bit strong to bother alerting the unsuspecting that Nantucket may not be to their liking. The same could be said of any travel destination, and this post allowed j_999_9 to vent, which is fine, however, if it is meant as a cautionary tale to others, it is not very useful, JMO.

snowrooster Sep 14th, 2005 11:38 AM

I've never been to Nantucket or done any research about the place. However I could still tell you that it is expensive, quaint, a place where celebrities vacation, etc. What I'm getting at is that it seems I (who've never considered visiting Nantucket) would know what to expect, so why didn't you? Either you didn't do your research or went their out of obligation (not your idea) and should have known you wouldn't like ahead of time.

Out of curiousity, what was the purpose of your visit?

dmkujat Sep 14th, 2005 11:52 AM

I too, was disappointed in Nantucket while on a biking trip there last year, but I think my disappointment was in the fact that it was just like home! (Home being Petoskey, Michigan). Same pushy tourists, same view, same expensive ice cream! I think people who come from a totally different area might appreciate the island more, especially in a shoulder season.

jnn1964 Sep 14th, 2005 12:33 PM

There once was a man from Nantucket, with a...

j_999_9 Sep 15th, 2005 06:39 AM

...I am the man from Nantucket. Anyway --
Drama? Oxymorons? Venting? Making others look foolish? Who knew Fodor's had a site for psychoanalysis?

My point was, simply, I did not enjoy it and wondered what I missed that others find so enjoyable. (And If I had said, "I believe in 'to each his own,' but I don't like Bora Bora in Afghanistan," would that be an oxymoron?)

ahhnold Sep 15th, 2005 06:53 AM

If you firmly believe "to each their own..", why do you not get "why people pay the inflated prices". As if it makes no sense to you.

I think the most logical statement is you "just don't get it".

If you don't like it, don't go back. Personally I thought it was over rated as well but would never questions ones desire to continually return.

To each their own;-)

j_999_9 Sep 15th, 2005 11:11 AM

OK, last time. Then I'll leave this to the Freuds of the world.

I didn't question why people keep going back. I asked what attracted them.

Of course, I didn't get it. Only God is omniscient. That's why I asked.

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