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weaverm Nov 20th, 2003 11:31 AM

Taking Wrapped Gifts with You
Now that the holidays are upon us, does anyone know if you still cannot take wrapped Christmas presents on the plane with you? I know for a while the security screeners with unwrapping them. My family is all getting together for Thanksgiving and I'd like to take their Christmas gifts with me (I'll be driving) so they can take them home with them--and some of them will be flying.

Dan Nov 20th, 2003 11:39 AM

You can take wrapped gifts with you. The screeners can also unwrap them. They may or may not choose to do so depending on what the x-ray machines show!

rjw_lgb_ca Nov 20th, 2003 11:39 AM

As far as I know, wrapped gifts will still be unwrapped by the screeners. You can check the website to be sure, but my advice is to send the gifts on other air transportation, i.e., UPS and FedEx.

JackOneill Nov 20th, 2003 11:44 AM

Better yet, send all your wrapped gifts to me and I'll take care fo them.

xaimimgr Nov 20th, 2003 11:54 AM

Has the threat of terroroism gone down that they wouldn't need to unwrap or check gifts???

andy Nov 20th, 2003 01:24 PM

I flew to NY last weekend and had a wrapped gift IN my went right thru x=ray with no problem..HOWEVER, it was only a book and some lingerie...

I think if you are taking metal toys or electrical gadgets, you still may have them opened....

this is just my opinion.......

GatorLadyUSA Nov 22nd, 2003 02:29 PM

I've called most of the major airlines with this question (I'm in corporate travel) and all of them said you cannot bring wrapped gifts thru security. TSA will unwrap them for inspection if you do and you'll end up spending way more time than needed at the checkpoint. *{J}*

GatorLadyUSA Nov 22nd, 2003 02:32 PM

For those who posted mesages saying you can take wrapped gifts thru security, please go to on the TSA's website. It clearly says: "Please refrain from taking wrapped presents to the airport. TSA is recommending that you either ship wrapped packages ahead of time or wrap on arrival. If the package alarms, TSA will need to unwrap it to investigate the source of the alarm." *{J}*

gail Nov 22nd, 2003 02:37 PM

Massport (Boston - Logan International Airport) has been running public service announcements prior to Thanksgiving rush. What these say about gifts is if they are wrapped, the TSA screeners MAY unwrap them if they see anything suspicious, regardless of whether or not they are in checked bags or carryons.

I think it would be easier for your family members (and I understand more time and expense for you) if you shipped them to their homes. Unless the gifts are small in size, who knows if they will even have room in their luggage to cart them home.

PS - I wish I was so organized as to have completed my Chrsitmas shopping by now - nice job!

Scarlett Nov 22nd, 2003 04:49 PM

OK, here is the way I got around this once, I will try again this next trip.
I wrap the gift in colored tissue then put it in a gift bag. Nothing is taped shut and the security people don't have to do a big unwrapping/tearing things open deal..they can just look inside.
I carry everything in a carry-on because I don't want to gift some dishonest baggage handler.

ChristieP Nov 23rd, 2003 05:47 AM

Personally, I would advise shipping the gifts ahead. Sure, it does cost some money (as opposed to the "free" checked baggage) but it is less hassle and it is a lot easier to arrive at your destination and have the gifts waiting for you!

Wednesday Nov 23rd, 2003 05:56 AM

The last time I did this, I checked an oversized suitcase that was probably half gifts. Then filled it up with what I got and checked it home. I did not have fragile or irreplacable items in there though, those I would carry on then wrap once I arrived. The clothes helped keep it all secure and packed.

J_Correa Nov 23rd, 2003 11:15 AM

I'd just ship the gifts through the mail - no worries about the wrapping at security or your family having to cart them onto the plane. Planes will be full over the holidays and carry on luggage may be a problem in general.

LN Nov 23rd, 2003 01:36 PM

You can go to and select your own shipment; I selected 3 day ground transportation using my own box, printed my mailing label and paid for my shipping by credit card. It was less than $10.

Then you can take your package to your local Office Depot (that accepts UPS) and send those gifts off.

It was quick and easy!

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