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cynthia_booker May 23rd, 2010 09:26 AM

Jimmy Buffett resort
For anyone interested, Margaritaville, a new 162 room hotel on Pensacola Beach, is scheduled to open within about two weeks. The local paper says it is Gulf-front, and I expect it will be very nice. I don't much go for family resort type places, but I think this will have tremendous appeal for plenty of tourists.
And so far, no oil in our water or even close, so come on down!

Aduchamp1 May 23rd, 2010 09:51 AM

Jimmy Buffett is known as a businessman. I am sure every table will have a shaker of salt.

I think there are a few Margaritaville resorts around.

DanM Jun 1st, 2010 10:21 AM

Nope, this is the first hotel/resot.

Ryan Jun 1st, 2010 10:29 AM

As a capitalist I've got to give him credit for creating an iconic consumer brand. As an ex-fan of his music, just adds to the reasons why I haven't willingly listened to one of his songs in a decade.

I read is "A Pirate Looks at Fifty" and realized ne's a mogul, not a happy go lucky beach bum.

garyt22 Jun 1st, 2010 11:57 AM

I agree with Ryan... the guy has whored his name and brand more than Donald Trump... Its a hotel, not a cathedral.... but the mindless middleaged parrotheads who drink til they vomit will make their pilgrimages to brag that they were first "to the Mountain"... "Margaroilspill"

He even sued the owners of Hawaiis' Cheesburger in Paradise after they trademarked the name for their chain... doesn't he have enough money? They actually make cheeseburgers in paradise!

DanM Jun 2nd, 2010 01:06 PM

No different than nike, polo, hilton, gatorade, etc. He has built a brand that people buy into. It is business, just like anything else. He has a brand to protect and market like any of the other companies whose services we have used or products we have purchased today.

DanM Jun 2nd, 2010 01:16 PM

I will also point out that he steams video of all of his concerts for free. You can listen to his radio station for free. You can take pictures and videos at his concert. These are things most artist will not permit. So while he markets the heck out of his brands and his name and fights to protect the image he has created, he loosens up in other areas.

cynthia_booker Jun 2nd, 2010 05:08 PM

I know a lot of parrotheads who enjoy themselves but do not drink till they vomit.
About the Cheesburger in Paradise, one principle of law is that if you let one business use it, everybody else can, too. So he may or may not have minded the place in Hawaii calling themself that, but he really had no choice but to stop them, unless he wants one on every other corner.
Anyone may like or dislike Jimmy Buffett, that is personal opinion, but I think it is a little strong to say he has whored himself out. He is a businessman portraying a character, like any other entertainment professional.

Ryan Jun 2nd, 2010 06:27 PM

But that's the irony of it. He sells escapism and the beachbum lifestyle as a well crafted brand. He's Ralph Lauren with more musical ability. I work in the corporate world. Last thing I want is view "paradise" through the prism of his bad rhymes and brand.

Aduchamp1 Jun 2nd, 2010 06:56 PM

You are right Jimmy just has restaurants and sells t-shirts, furniture, golf bags, footwear and assorted other crap.

Can you imagine the products, if he sang, "Take This Job and Shove it?"

garyt22 Jun 3rd, 2010 06:35 AM

Its open season when the "character" he plays has the same name as the Mogul... Buffett uses his Parrotheads as an ATM and charges outrageous ticket prices and top dollar for his merchandise... If he's such a great guy, where are the free concerts ?? The beachbum lifestyle has been gone for 40 years and he's still milking it like a golden cow... his fans have become zombies with $100 bills stapled to their foreheads... its the ultimate hypocrisy...

DanM Jun 3rd, 2010 07:10 AM

His ticket prices are some of the lowest. In the last year or so I have been to Tony Bennett, Jimmy Buffett, B.B. King, Metallica, and Willie Nelson. Willie was the cheapest. Buffett was next. B.B. King was the most expensive. And he does do free concerts. He did one just a couple of weeks ago in Panama City.

You do not have to like the guy, but realize he is no different than any other business man (of course, he is more successful than most).

Aduchamp1 Jun 3rd, 2010 07:40 AM

So in essence, his songs have turned into ads. Isn't that the opposite of Barry Manilow who started his career writing jingles.

Ryan Jun 3rd, 2010 07:52 AM

"You do not have to like the guy, but realize he is no different than any other business man (of course, he is more successful than most)."

So really what you're saying is that Parrotheads are simply the equivalent of consumers loyal to a brand. Similar to my 7 year old daughter's fascination with American Girl, then?

DanM Jun 3rd, 2010 08:43 AM

Ryan - Yep. I think most of them realize that and are okay with it. I am not sure who is not that way. Fans of a sports team, regular drinkers of a particular beer or soft drink, people who like a particular brand of clothes, etc. I just do not view as being any different than any other business.

I am not sure that his songs are ads. I do think that the music now takes a back seat to the other businesses. That is not to say that the music is secondary, but more that the real money comes from the other sources at this point. It is estimated that his last tour grossed $41M (I am sure the net is much less), while he earned an estimate $100M last year. The result, I think, is probably that the music becomes a smaller piece of the revenue pie.

Probably the best comparisons would be to major athletes with significant endorsement deals, restaurants, etc. Like Michael Jordan. Elvis was also a mjor marketer. He came along at a time when you could not do what Buffett has done, but I am sure he would have been in a similar position.

Aduchamp1 Jun 3rd, 2010 09:17 AM

Now about Beeth's Oven-classic bakery goods
Or Schlomo Mintz-A treat for the Jew in everyone

bkluvsNola Jun 5th, 2010 09:29 PM

It's beginning to sound like some of you guys need "Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes" judging by your judgements of the "Son of a Son of a Sailor". "Come Monday", you'll still be looking like "A Pirate Looks at Forty" and needing a "Grapefruit-Juicy Fruit" to cheer you up while Jimmy will be enjoying his "Cheeseburger in Paradise" in "Margaritaville".

P.S. If you want to find Jimmy, his friends will say "He Went to Paris" with a "Pencil Thin Mustache". He carried some "Boat Drinks" as he circumnagivated the "Volcano" in Iceland.

So what are we to do? "Why Don't We Get Drunk..." You know the rest...

ccolor Jun 6th, 2010 04:05 AM

And in the meantime, why don't all of us "Fruitcakes" have some "Boat Drinks" and realize "We Are The People Our Parents Warned Us About"?

ksucat Jun 6th, 2010 08:23 AM

I saw him being interviewed yesterday on TV with his hotel grand opening with the biggest oil spill to hit the panhandle and he stated it was till slated to open but he was talking about timing of the oil spill and can't say I blame him being bummed from and investment stand point.
Been to a few of his concerts, and do like him but I prefer the island mentality that is his mantra, but he is a business man first and foremost.
Is he related to Warren Buffett?

Ryan Jun 7th, 2010 06:13 AM

"Is he related to Warren Buffett?"

I believe they are very distant cousins.

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