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Roger Jan 10th, 2001 01:32 PM

Is Wichita Kansas safe?
I am a native of Wales and have an aerospace job offer for a Wichita, Kansas company but I have just read about a grisly mass-murder that happened there just before Christmas that leaves me wondering whehter I should relocate. Apparently, a couple of African-American gentlemen kidnapped five white young people and took them out to a field where the two white girls were forced to strip and make love to the gentlemen in the snow. Then the gentlemen head-shotted the lot of them. Miraculously, one of the girls survived the gun shot to the head and the gentlemen are in gaols. Does this sort of thing happen very much in Wichita like it does in many other parts of America? The dragging death of an eight year old Missouri boy by a black gentleman was all over the news last spring in the UK. It seems that racial violence is prevelant in the States.

becareful Jan 10th, 2001 04:35 PM

I was speaking with a female university student just today who advised she left Wichita State University because of all the violence and murders. She advised that she was being threatened (as well as other students) at the campus and residences..even being confronted by knife yielding felons. She also mentioned the very high crime rate. I think it is worth researching a little further - especially since you'd be moving the distance that you are. She finished her first year and moved back home (Canada). Take the job offer with a grain of salt!!

Paul Rabe Jan 10th, 2001 04:48 PM

Assuming this is not a troll-- <BR> <BR>Since, in the U.K. someone can murder 297 people and escape getting caught for over 25 years, you might be better off coming to the U.S. <BR> <BR>Indeed, like all other countries in the world, you're much more likely to die in a car accident than get murdered, particularly if you avoid illegal drug deals or arguments with acquaintances who have guns (the cause of half of U.S. murders). You won't get your name on CNN if you die in an accident, but you're just as dead. <BR> <BR>So give up this idea that the U.S. (and Wichita? COME ON!!) is too dangerous to visit, get the facts, and accept the fact that travel, by its very nature, carries some risks. If the risk of death in a travel accident doesn't defer you from travel, then the risk of murder shouldn't either -- IF you're an intelligent person.

Tony Hughes Jan 11th, 2001 01:20 AM

Roger <BR> <BR>wot strange wordes thou dost speke. Me doth think that this a troll be. <BR> <BR>Paul, you're spot on!

x Jan 11th, 2001 02:53 AM

me thinks this be a troll - <BR>1. uh yeah, right, an aerospace company in Witchita offers a job to someone in Wales??? <BR>2. really, what's the point of bringing up that it was black people that did the terrible things to whites that you heard of? (and i'm white!) whites murder whites, whites murder blacks, blacks murder blacks, blacks murder whites, Hispanics muder Asians.....well, you get the picture <BR>3. ya know, ya could choose to not live in the city you work in <BR>4. if you really are legit, i think you had better do more research on the area in other forms and come to your own conclusions, rather than depend on the opinions of just a slight few that are even going to be able to respond to this post rationally and intellegently <BR>still bottom line, i'd make a bet this is a troll. isn't school back in session yet??

Johnlw Jan 11th, 2001 03:15 AM

It soon will be safe! Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday have been hired to clean out all the varmits in Wichita. <BR> <BR>First thing is to close down the saloons and houses of ill repute (except Miss Kitty's). Any bushwhackin' sidewinder that comes a gunnin' will soon be strung up and hog tied. Yeeha!!

007 Jan 11th, 2001 04:12 AM

People: there is a little company in Wichita called BOEING. <BR> <BR>I know a little about the subject and it seems Wichita has far bigger problems with crime than other midwest cities of similar size. As a friend described, "there's not a lot of middle class in Wichita -- there's the few wealthy and the slummy." <BR> <BR>Roger ... you better check it out for yourself. <BR>

willy Jan 11th, 2001 04:54 AM

This may be a troll or it may not, but it is worth commenting on. I am originally from the Wichita area and still have lots of family there. I now live about 3 hours away in the Kansas City area so we get most of the news of things that go on in Wichita. Yes, the crime is a problem there considering that it is not a really big city. The post above about Wichita State University is very interesting and most likely true, as the campus is in a part of town that has gone far down hill over the last several years and is now surrounded by the nastiest of the nasty. The whole area is crime ridden and very unsafe. The recent mass murder was a random act committed by two brothers that had long criminal records (who were not even from Wichita but just showed up there to find victims). Regardless, Wichita does have a crime problem and it is major. I consider it an unsafe city when compared to others of the same size or larger. <BR> <BR>As far as job offer, Boeing, Lear Jet, Cessna, and Beech all have major aircraft plants there and there are many supporting companies. It is one of the major aircraft manufacturing sites in the USA.

KATHY Jan 11th, 2001 05:58 AM

Roger, <BR>I've never been to Wichita, so I can't say what it is like there. But I can tell you that Detroit is a major city in Michigan, and most middle to upper class people don't live in the city of Detroit. Many of them work in the city, but live in the suburbs of Detroit. <BR> <BR>I live in Wisconsin and our largest city is Milwaukee, and again most middle to upper class people don't live in the city of Milwaukee. We go to Milwaukee every day to work, but go home to the suburbs. Milwaukee isn't as dangerous as Detroit, but there are some areas that are rough. <BR> <BR>X, your ignorant. I'm sure Roger didn't mean anything racial by mentioning that blacks murdered whites, he was just giving the facts. I've been to England and France several times and the natives of those countries aren't prejudice like many Americans are. I live in a 100%white neighborhood, and I am positive that if a black family moved in many of my neighbors would sell there houses and move. This doesn't go on in London or Paris, black families and white families live in the same neighborhoods. <BR>

x Jan 11th, 2001 06:17 AM

yeah, but then why even mention the color of the skin of the killers/victims? why not just say he heard about violent crime there and relay the way the murders happen - why even bring the black/white issue into it? again, i'm white. i still think it's a possible troll

ccccccccc Jan 11th, 2001 07:07 AM

They are not "gentlemen," they are criminals. They did not "make love" to the victims, they raped them. Don't try to tidy up acts of violence.

KATHY Jan 11th, 2001 08:18 AM

CCCCCC, <BR>I agree with you 100%, but I wouldn't even call them criminals. Animals is more like it.

Jeanette Jan 11th, 2001 09:33 AM

Better watch who you call criminals on this forum. Live in a completely diverse environment, respect people from every background and support them through schooling, make your life's work the support of the underdog and they on this forum will call you a bigot and worse. Why! Because you call a crime, a crime. Someone like Jessie Jackson may show up and turn it all around. Of course the criminal was missunderstood and everyone in America <BR>is out to get him/her so they had no other recourse and must be given another chance. AND ANOTHER. In my case, which happened while I was quite young, both perps went on to rape again. <BR>IT can happen to you and it can happen in perfectly safe places when you do everything right. I would not live in any place which has bad police stats ever again. Roger, read what the stats say and not just what you hear. Most city dwellers love the perks of their lives and disregard the dangers until it happens to them. Having said that, your cities in Wales are probably just as dangerous.

danny Jan 11th, 2001 09:53 AM

I must say that in my experience, when someone mentions that someone was black or white or whatever, it means that there was some sort of issue with that trait. Sure, it's stating "facts" but is it really relevant to the crime committed? I think it only perpetuates, if only indirectly, racial stereotypes and further ignorance. <BR> <BR>Danny

me Jan 11th, 2001 10:05 AM

For what it's worth, the domain "" is unregistered according to Network Solutions. Roger, do you live under a bridge?

Buzz Jan 11th, 2001 11:55 AM

I live about 80 miles from Wichita. It quite a nice city, actually, well laid out, easy to access, reasonably good cultural connections, for this part of the world, with several good museums, a nice orchestra, etc. Also, contrary to what a lot of the Coastals think, it is a very diverse community with people living there from all over the globe. It is known as the Air Capital of the World, by the by. <BR> <BR>Yes, there is crime, I don't know anywhere where there is not. Last year I took a trip with a friend to England and he was mugged by a woman and her two male friends, and, hold on to your hat, THEY WERE WHITE!!! <BR> <BR>Generally speaking, the crime rate in Wichita is a fraction of what it is in D. C., Atlanta, L.A. or Detroit. Relax. The central-Kansas region is one of the world's best kept secrets. Panoramic views, clean air and water, good school, excellent food and people who still believe in the work ethic. You could do a whole lot worse, in the States or elsewhere.

Roger Jan 12th, 2001 04:31 AM

For the one person who said my email was not legitimate, I would say that I keep my true email confidential due to spam and possible hate mail. As for why I described those involved by race, I did it because we have no blacks living in my town in Wales. A few Pakistanis and Indians, for sure. The town has an Indian restaurant. However, the first black I encountered was on a school trip to Cardiff when I was a lad. Just wanted to clear the air. Thank you.

Thad Jan 12th, 2001 04:41 AM

Kudos to Jeanette's observations. Americans don't want to talk about it, it is not politically correct, but interracial crime is primarilly a one-way street. FBI statistics confirm this. It is worth noting that the horrible and disgusting dragging death of the African-American Mr. Byrd in Texas by three white thugs was headline news in America and was ruthlessly exploited by the Democrats in the 2000 elections. However, Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings and the print media largely or totally ignores some of the most gruesome black murders of whites. The recent Wichita mass murder is a case in point. Frankly, I think some liberals think that black on white crime is our just desserts for the slavery and segregation past.

michele Feb 13th, 2001 12:16 PM

wichita kansas is safe in certain areas, but as always a person must use common sense wherever they go. With the aerospace industry at an all time high here i'd say take the job, but keep your options open. personally i've been here since the middle of 97' and i'm ready to go. The reason i'm from the beach area of so. cal and peoples attitudes here leave something to be desired. The negativity of ppl. is just remarkable,extremely negative and you can definitely tell people don't like someone who is successful financially or especially when they drive a nice sportscar. Beware of the trucks and the minivans. My suggestion, make your money here, invest wisely then get the heck out of dodge!

Troll Feb 13th, 2001 12:57 PM

Some places are a secret because there is no one around to tell about them. Other places are a secret because no one wants to talk about them.

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