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BostonLucy Feb 25th, 2003 06:39 PM

how is registration going over?
I know this can be a touchy topic on this board, but I was interested to know if it's cleaned up the trash talking. I haven't visited the sight in over a year because it was getting so ugly and was surprised to see that registration is now required.

Julie Feb 25th, 2003 07:01 PM

Traffic has picked up again, and most of the ugliness is gone, so I'd say it seems to be going over pretty well so far. You don't see much of the irreverent humor that used pop up from time to time (although Hiroshi seems to be trying pretty hard), but I guess that's part of the price you pay with registration.

Connie Feb 25th, 2003 07:24 PM

I was about to give it up too but registration has really helped.

Patrick Feb 25th, 2003 07:58 PM

There have been 150 posts since 10 this morning -- so no one can say traffic is down. The most amazing thing is that the topics seem a lot more varied than before. Maybe there are a lot of new posters doing all kinds of topics. Not a lot of humor, but sure a lot of good travel questions and advice. Maybe the humor will return. And I don't miss the nastiness. I think several of the negative posters were blocked several times as they kept re-registering new names and now have given up -- thankfully.

wantsomesun Feb 25th, 2003 09:02 PM

I think registration has been wonderful. It has helped alot and all of the nastiest has gone away. As the word on the board is spreading, I think we will get new posters and returning regulars who will appreciate the site becoming a friendly place.<BR><BR>We were also getting viruses sent to our email on a daily basis, sometimes several a day, and once registration started it stopped, coinsidence? Oh....I don't think so. Wondered if other posters getting viruses found the same thing.<BR><BR>It is such a great site and it will just keep getting better now.

Smokyboy Feb 26th, 2003 04:11 AM

I left a few days after registration, (kinda felt guilty when I got my free gift!) but have returned in the last few days. The other boards just don't have the eclectic diversity and travel chic that exists here. But with registration I guess that means we can't poke fun at our friends from Canada anymore, huh? Just kidding! I'm going to Bruce Peninsula in the summer and am looking forward to it. HAT to all!

Diana Feb 26th, 2003 04:32 AM

It has been good for the US board, but the Caribbean and Latin America boards have seen traffic go waaay down.<BR>Same questions over and over and very few posts.

Patrick Feb 26th, 2003 04:37 AM

Funny comment about the viruses. I started getting viruses about the time that registration started -- rarely if ever got them before. Just yesterday my filter stopped about 25 virus-laden messages, usually arriving about 4 or 5 at a time. It's getting really annoying, but I never connected it to the registration here.

wantsomesun Feb 26th, 2003 05:36 AM

Patrick,<BR><BR>We had gotten so many viruses over the last few months, and had the guy kicked off several internet providers. We were able to get all of the email info from the headers and sent it to our ISP and to the the various source of the virus as well.<BR><BR>With registration we figure the person causing the problem has been &quot;filtered out&quot; from here and has given up harrassing us.<BR><BR>If your real email address was on any of your earlier messages, that's probably where those viruses were originating. If you can get the headers from the individual emails, send it to abuse@(the ISP provider).<BR>It took us several months of forwarding messages but it finally worked.

Patrick Feb 26th, 2003 06:04 AM

Thanks for this information. An earlier post had suggested that my address had been picked up by a &quot;worm&quot; virus and was being repeatedly attacked as a result of that. No two of the emails seem to have the same heading -- with the exception that &quot;craig's list&quot; appears within many of them.<BR><BR>I will start collecting the information and forward it on, however.

sharona Feb 26th, 2003 06:17 AM

I agree with Diana that traffic on the Caribbean board has almost ground to a halt. Message 53 was from 2 days ago! And many messages don't get any replies at all. It's too bad. I'm not saying that the reason for the lack of participation is due to registration but the timing of when it started does raise suspicions.

Connie Feb 26th, 2003 08:14 AM

When there were a lot more posts, how many of them contained useful information?

soccr Feb 26th, 2003 08:28 AM

I think it's gotten much, much better and am very grateful to Fodors for instituting registration -- for one thing, it makes their supervision much easier so the crap-posts disappear sooner (usually).

xxxx Feb 26th, 2003 08:31 AM

I don't like registration. I chose not to engage in the nastiness that sometimes appeared but usually got a chuckle out of reading some of it. If I didn't feel like reading it, I didn't have to. It seemed to me that people were taking it all waaay too seriously. After all, no one was being forced to read or reply to anything they considered to be inappropriate. If the worst thing that happens to someone is having a nameless, faceless person saying mean things on the internet, then overall, life is probably not too bad. <BR>It doesn't seem that the questions and answers are much different than before. There is still alot of Hawaii on the US Board and London and Paris on the Europe board. It does seem that there are many &quot;What should we do in Hawaii, Florida, France, Italy, etc., etc.&quot; questions. Those questions drive me crazy. If you don't know what there is to do/see somewhere, why are you going there in the first place?? (Yes, I feel better now!)

Tansy Feb 26th, 2003 08:54 AM

I'm not a fan. It's too &quot;Brave New World&quot; for me. Remember the motto of Huxley's World State?<BR><BR>&quot;Community, Identity, Stability.&quot; <BR><BR>Sound familiar?<BR><BR>We may have stability, but the spice is gone.

wemr Feb 26th, 2003 09:26 AM

I think it is just so wonderful since the trashy talk and bad posters have been removed. This is no place for bad ideas to be talked about, especially in these times, if you know what I am talking about. Lets just stick to travel and be nice! This is a time when we need to give each other a hug.

nina Feb 26th, 2003 11:11 AM

I miss the old board. Not all of the bad posters have gone away, they're just behaving themselves. The upside is that I'm finally getting my closets cleaned out. Nothing very riveting here to keep me glued to this site like in the old days.

wemr Feb 26th, 2003 11:47 AM

I am also glad that people are behaving themselves. Some people on this board think that they can say whatever they think and get away with it, and use language which is not acceptable.

NotMe Feb 26th, 2003 12:04 PM

Reading some of the posters above reminds me of why we have registration and just how dull and uninspired this board has become as a result. As with any time you muzzle free speech, even obnoxious free speech, you eliminate discussion and debate. I used to love to come here. I often found interesting posts and posts where I thought I could make a contribution. Now they are few and far between. The registration folks got their wish and the rest of us have to live with it, a basically uninteresting board with fewer posts, mostly from the same old posters.

BostonLucy Feb 26th, 2003 12:23 PM

I used to visit here daily to get and share travel information. And yes, I can choose not to read the trash talk, but it was getting so bad that you were wading through it to get to what you wanted to know. I don't come here for spicy talk. That's available on other boards. I come here for good travel info and have contributed my share of advice over the years. If registration is filtering out the nonsense, I don't feel my constitutional rights are being threatened. I'm getting what this board is intended to give!

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