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maitaitom Jan 5th, 2012 09:42 AM

Everything's Coming Up Roses - Rose Parade in Photos & Words
This sort of piggybacks on Faina's thread. I have been to something like 28 Rose Parades (I stopped counting as I reached middle age). I've never actually gone to the parade and taken a lot of photos, so I thought this year would be a good time to start. The photos range from early morning (before the parade when you can walk down the street and see the floats close up) to the actual parade.

Below is the start of my "Rose Parade" trip report, but after a few paragraphs, you should look at the photos that go with the writing on the link provided below.

"When you grow up and live in the Pasadena area for most of your 60 years, there is no way to escape going to the Rose Parade. Believe me, I know! I’m not sure exactly how many Rose Parades I’ve been to in my life, but I am certain the number now exceeds 25. I am not a “parade guy,” but I must admit the Rose Parade “wows” me just about every year I have attended it. I also figure our property values don’t drop as much as the national average since millions of viewers who are hunkered down in snowstorms across the nation witness our New Year’s weather out here and move. This year the weather was once again perfect!

We had not planned on going to the Rose Parade this year, but our friends Burt and Paula invited us to go with them along with Paula’s sister Jane, and although sleeping in sounded good, there’s no way to turn down a free ticket to the Rose Parade. As an added bonus, they had great seats at the beginning of the parade, so Tracy and I thankfully accepted their generous offer.

This year the parade was on January 2, since the 1st was on a Sunday, and Pasadena has the “Never On Sunday” rule for the parade and the game. This policy was instituted in order "to avoid frightening horses tethered outside local churches and thus interfering with worship services." The joke around here is that Rose Parade and Rose Bowl officials have a pact with God. If they don’t have the parade and game on Sunday, God will provide great weather every year. For the most part, the weather on New Years Day (or the 2nd) has always been fantastic. I only remember a couple of days that it ever rained on the parade.

As for this year, well, it was another perfect day in paradise with temperatures in the 60s by midway through the parade and reaching the 80s by game time. The mountains looked like you could reach out and touch them.

To get to our secret, free parking spot near the start of the parade (I could tell you where it is, but I would have to kill you), we must arrive before 6 a.m. (the parade starts promptly at 8). After getting through security, we enjoy walking down Orange Grove and looking at the floats close up. Not only do you get the great fragrance of the floats as you walk close by, but the walking keeps you warm in those early morning hours, although this year it was incredibly mild even at that early hour.

Tracy hit me beside the head so I would see there were some Marines on horseback with a stunning sunrise coming up behind them. What a great way to start the day!"

For the rest of the report with photos, click the link below. Happy New Year!!


cigalechanta Jan 5th, 2012 10:41 AM

Thanks Tom fun photos!

P.S. I visit a blog by a female name MaiTai

ElendilPickle Jan 5th, 2012 10:50 AM

Thanks for the great report, Tom! I have fond memories of sleeping on the bleachers at the Rose Parade in about 1980 or 1981, and Mr. Pickle and I went one year to the park where you could the floats after the parade.

Lee Ann

Giovanna Jan 5th, 2012 10:58 AM

So glad you're well again and, as usual, making everything you do sound fun! Thanks for the photos and report.

JJ5 Jan 5th, 2012 11:32 AM

Great pictures. And nice report. It was lovely to see those flowers.

rncheryl Jan 5th, 2012 12:43 PM

You made me laugh about passing by the hot dog stand. On my Rose Bowl visit, I was pregnant with baby #1. To fight off early morning blahs (and freezing wind) I had a couple of cups of coffee. Well, compressed into my teenyweeny bladder,,,you get the picture. It was not a pretty sight fighting my way thru the crowd to the PortaPotty.

maitaitom Jan 5th, 2012 02:39 PM

"It was not a pretty sight fighting my way thru the crowd to the PortaPotty."

I do everything in my power to stay away from those nasty things. I used to drink a vat of coffee before the parade, but not anymore.


tenthumbs Jan 5th, 2012 02:50 PM

I very much enjoy your trip reports and photos, maitai!

In my next life, I want to write and photograph as well as you do......... :)

Clousie Jan 5th, 2012 09:04 PM

Great photos, Tom. Every year I say "next year we're going," but it hasn't happened yet. Did you ever volunteer to help decorate the floats? Think that sounds like fun.

But the big question is how did you make your great photo journals on a Mac? Do you just make an album on iPhoto and then export to your website. Looked at several and they are beautiful. Especially like the interaction on the Restaurant one. Was that done through the Mac or on the website?

maitaitom Jan 6th, 2012 10:16 AM

"Was that done through the Mac or on the website?"

Yes, I have a Mac. I work in iWeb, but since they are discontinuing that program, my site is now published through GoDaddy. Using iWeb, you can just drag your iPhoto photos and put them wherever you want in your text. It also allows you do have photo journals and nice slide shows like I have done with many of our trips. It actually is a great deal, and I wish Apple would think again about getting rid of it. Thanks for the nice comments.


MomDDTravel Jan 6th, 2012 10:26 AM

awesome photos Tom - I just do not believe you are 60 ;-)

<When you grow up and live in the Pasadena area for most of your 60 years>

maitaitom Jan 6th, 2012 11:09 AM

"I just do not believe you are 60"

me neither, but at least I don't really turn 60 until July.


Toucan2 Jan 6th, 2012 08:35 PM

It was fun going to the parade through your eyes. I've got many a Rose Bowl t-shirt from back in the day when UW was actually a contender on a regular basis.

maitaitom Jan 7th, 2012 11:03 AM

"when UW was actually a contender on a regular basis."

My dad went to UW. Washington-Wisconsin and Washington-Minnesota in 1960 and 1961 were the first of many Rose Bowls I attended. I remember Bob Schloredt, the Huskies' QB who was blind in one eye and won two Rose Bowl MVPs. One of my favorite Rose Bowls was in 1978 when the "Moon to Spider" duo upset Meeechigan.


Dayle Jan 7th, 2012 11:56 AM


Thanks for the gorgeous photos. I've been to a few Rose Parades, being a native southern Californian. It's one of only three things I miss about living in southern CA.

People who have never been just can't appreciate the incredible beauty of the floats. The TV cameras don't capture the gorgeous flowers, the pure quantities, the fragrances, the amazing detail! Sigh.

(The two other things are fresh stawberries out of the Irvine fields and all the concerts to choose from.)

Happy New Year Tom and Tracy!

lindagj Jan 7th, 2012 06:30 PM

A few years ago DH and I went to the parade and had great bleacher seats. Weather was perfect, floats were outstanding. Loved smelling the flowers and even being able to see the individual petals. We couldn't believe it when an older fella in front of us told his wife , " I like it better on TV." Ever since, we always say that as we watch from our living room.

traveler2005 Jan 7th, 2012 09:02 PM

Thank you for your beautiful photos and notes.

As a Midwesterner who has always watched the parade on television, I've wondered how hard it is to attend in person. How far in advance do tickets need to be purchased? How do you buy them? How much do they cost? Do you need to buy tickets for seats or are there places that you can just stand on the street to watch?

I am not asking you for detailed information - just a general idea.

traveler2005 Jan 8th, 2012 07:44 AM

Just so you know I'm not entirely lazy, I went to the Rose Bowl website after I posted. It looked like its too early to order tickets at this point and prices weren't listed. Do people need to jump on the tickets as soon as they are available - or is it still possible to get them closer to the end of the year?

The only prices that I saw on the site were prices including hotel and some tours and they were high (to me).

rncheryl Jan 8th, 2012 07:48 AM

Tom: my favorite Rose Bowls are when ANYONE beats That Team From Up North.

maitaitom Jan 8th, 2012 08:54 AM

traveler 2005...

Tickets for 2012 Rose Parade go on sale February 1 (link provided). I much prefer to sit in the grandstands (camping out and getting there in the wee hours of the morning was a lot more fun when really, really young). The television cameras are all at the turn from Orange Grove on to Colorado Blvd. If you can score a seat near there, those are great seats. If you sit on the west side (opposite TV cameras), you do have a little bit of problem with the glare from the sun, but on the plus side you know the bands will be playing and the floats will do whatever magic they provide at that spot for the cameras.

I have been able to get good seats later in the year, so you don't have to buy them in February if you are not sure you are going.


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