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Iza Apr 29th, 2002 11:03 AM

97 days till Kauai!!!!!<BR>Still don't have my flights :-(

Mike Apr 29th, 2002 11:06 AM

167 days until wedding...169 days until honeymoon in Maui! <BR><BR><BR><BR>

dave Apr 29th, 2002 11:06 AM

14 days..first vistit to Maui! then on to Oahu( been there before). Sleeping is becoming difficult.

Lenore Apr 29th, 2002 11:11 AM

Kal and others on the west guys are so lucky! You only have to fly half the distance/time and presumably pay only half the price for your airfare. We poor souls on the east coast have it rough. I've been home 8 days now from our 1st ever trip to paradise (aka: Hawaii) and I'm still try to get back into the swing. The jet-lag is murder coming back. But I will definitely suffer through it again (hopefully next year) since the rewards are sooooo worth it! Have a great time Kristin and others. Aloha!

Sarah Apr 29th, 2002 11:23 AM

What you do Lenore is break up the trip coming and going with a stop over on the west coast.... a longer stop off returning on the west coast. That will help you break in better. <BR><BR>WHO ARE YOU CALLING LUCKY. I WISH I HAD JET LAG FROM A HAWAIIAN VACATION.

Suzie Apr 29th, 2002 11:27 AM

Lenore,<BR><BR>We're still looking for a good deal on flights. True about number of hours being half, but then you all on the east coast can jet over to Europe more easily than we can.

Lenore Apr 29th, 2002 11:36 AM

So true Suzie - We also can easily go to the Bahamas, the Caribbean or the Yucatan pennisula without the long flights you'd have to endure. Another South Florida plus - We have several cruise ports nearby, so we can hop on a ship without ever geting on a plane. IS good!!!!

zachary Apr 29th, 2002 11:57 AM

Okay!! I'm jealous of all you Hawaii bound folks. Been to Hawaii 5 times in the last 7 years. But,bought a car a few weeks ago so having to settle for a cabin by DeGray Lake in Arkansas for this year. But can't wait til next year. Everyone, have a GREAT time!!

Gary Apr 29th, 2002 12:16 PM

79 to Honolulu, 82 to Kauai!!

ronald Apr 29th, 2002 12:18 PM

45 more minutes till my next trip to McDonald's I'll post a trip report.

rachel Apr 29th, 2002 12:34 PM

Save the McDonald's trip report fry guy. We're not interested in how many Big Macs you can put away.<BR><BR>59 days to Oahu and Maui, excited for everything except the flight :( !!

kwl Apr 29th, 2002 12:48 PM

3 1/2 days! Can't wait :)

Susan Apr 29th, 2002 01:31 PM

46 days until I'm sitting on the beach at the Kahala Mandarin, sipping a mai tai!!! Thanks Kristin for making me count it out!<BR><BR>Kal, I've been checking the airfares from the bay area and right now it's cheaper to fly out of Sacto. We're considering driving out there for the cheaper flight ... shoe's on the other foot now, eh? <BR><BR>I'm loving all the folks getting married soon and honeymooning in Hawaii. Brings a tear to my eye remembering my wonderful Hawaiian honeymoon 11 years ago. Congratulations all you newlyweds!

kal Apr 29th, 2002 02:16 PM

S'spike,<BR>I looked the The Insect's (thx Suuuz) Travel Section yesterday and it said the cheapest fare to HON from SMF was NoWest at $700. You're not saying that fare is the cheapest are you? /:-(<BR><BR>If you do fly outta SMF, beers at the Alamar Marina are on me and Mrs K.<BR>Unless it's an a.m. flight...than it's Bloody Mary's, of course!<BR>Kal

Susan Apr 29th, 2002 02:24 PM

Kal, dude, I saw $395 on either Hawaiian or Aloha, thru Expedia for June. That was last week .. I'm checking every day of course, and now it's up a bit. I'll keep you posted and take you up on your offer if we have to make the drive! Mr. Spike ;-) doesn't like the thought of getting into SMF at 11:20pm then still having the two hour drive home. So I'm still shopping, haven't developed a twitch in my eye yet!

Susan Apr 29th, 2002 02:40 PM

Kal, I just got a fare of $385 from SMF to HNL on Hawaiian on their website, Maybe you'll be there sooner than you think! I'm still hoping I can get the same out of Oakland, but wanted to clue you in asap. Good luck!

kal Apr 29th, 2002 02:58 PM

S'spike, dudette, I hear ya on the drive home. We used to get in to SFO at time we got the shuttle to the hotel and got our car it was "yawn:30" time we got home around 3:00am..but it was only 1:00am in Kauai!<BR><BR>We toyed w/ going over on June 22nd thru July 1st but Mrs Kal will be in Anchorage runnin' her bunz off and the logistics were too mind bogeling. Not to mention the $$$$$.<BR>Good luck on an Oaktown departure.<BR>Kal

Laurie Apr 29th, 2002 04:27 PM

87 more days until our trip to the Big Island and Kauai. We had a Spring snow storm here in Maine today-Hawaii seems far away... :-)

venice Apr 29th, 2002 04:32 PM

20 more days to go till Oahu!!!can't wait.....

ja Apr 29th, 2002 07:07 PM

154 or 164 days (haven't booked yet) until Kauai!!! Checking things out, making notes, saving up a lot of questions for one big annoying post in the next few months!!!:-)

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