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NeoPatrick Mar 9th, 2015 07:14 AM

Back to Chicago restaurant questions
We had a great discussion on this before our October weekend, but we just booked Chicago for my birthday weekend mid July. Lots of time to make "difficult" reservations! Using our about to expire Frontier miles for free airfare -- but sadly we need to go into ORD and not Midway. Oh well. We'll probably stay at the Hyatt Regency on Wacker this time. Maybe Hyatt Place if it becomes cheaper than currently. We'd probably prefer to walk to and from dining, but not absolutely necessary.

Three places we didn't make last time that I still have at the top of my list -- and perhaps this will take care of the whole weekend in terms of dinner. But which one would have the best atmosphere for my actual birthday dinner -- again we are into quiet and "romantic" more than loud and trendy? Or other suggestions. I think we don't want Tru or Everest or one of those "classic like" destinations. A "friend" insists North Pond would be absolutely the best choice. Thoughts on that?

Bohemian House

exiledprincess Mar 9th, 2015 08:49 AM

North Pond is wonderful and lovely, NP. Are you in on the weekend? Perhaps interested in Sunday brunch there?

Oooh, the results of procrastination...Bohemian House is now a $$$ level restaurant, instead of the $$ level it was past Oct. Things are going up!

Now - just for you and don't tell anyone else (just our little secret - SHHH!), I'm going to give you info on a event held in mid-July. The premier farmer's market in Chicago is the Green City Market. Every year, they hold their summer BBQ in Lincoln Park and many of the best chefs in the city contribute. This year, it will be held on Thursday, July 16. How does that fit in with your BD celebrations?

They haven't yet posted a listing of the chefs for this year's BBQ yet. But you can see who had contributed for the vittles in 2014 - as well as the cocktails served by just doing a little Googling. (Although with a quick web check, I see the 2014 chef details shown on The Local Beet website and the Green City Cocktails website for the latter.)

Hope I deliver the goods to you this time around!

exiledprincess Mar 9th, 2015 08:53 AM

Sorry, I posted prematurely. Trigger-happy.

About the BBQ...Of course, this isn't the quiet, romantic setting you are requesting. It's a most anticipated culinary events in the summer. But the rewards! The rewards! :D

DebitNM Mar 9th, 2015 08:59 AM

This is a sexy restaurant with what was THE BEST steaks we have ever eaten. One of our favorite meals of all time.

NeoPatrick Mar 9th, 2015 09:54 AM

So near, yet so far. My birthday and the day we fly into Chicago is July 17 -- Friday. We fly home on Monday. Can't be changed. Last time we were in Chicago in July we did the taste of Chicago, but that was a disappointment after what it was years ago. But the chef's thing does sound great.

Hmmm, so about BoHo, is it great? Or now just overpriced?

I didn't realize there was a David Burke's in Chicago -- have eaten at two of his places in NYC. Nice. How does that compare with Bavette's? More "sexy"? Hmmmm. What does that mean exactly?

DebitNM Mar 9th, 2015 10:11 AM

I thought the decor was not romantic, but Metrosexy. Is that even a term?? LOL. The food, the decor, it all felt sexy.

Dont know Bavette's..

jacketwatch Mar 9th, 2015 12:21 PM

Look into Mercat ala Planxa. It's anCatalonian restaurant owned by Jose Garces who you may know as one of the Iron Chefs. It is quiet and the food was great. It's in the Blackstone hotel,BTW.

We also like The Boarding House which is owned by Alpana Singh from "Check Please" but it's a bit loud.

An early,Happy Birthday. :).

exiledprincess Mar 9th, 2015 06:37 PM

Ah, too bad...Maybe next year - when you turn 21 and can **legally** enjoy those cocktails, eh?

I can only imagine your opinion of being caught in the middle of the Taste of Chicago, NP. I will say this about it: From time to time I've found several little somethings really nice and surprising there. I've always enjoyed the chef demonstrations which I attended. And I've sampled some cuisine that I wouldn't have necessarily gone out of my way to try.

But the REAL deal happens on the last weekend of September in Millennium Park. The Chicago Gourmet event. Obviously, you won't be paying $ for a strip of tix there.

BoHo, quality yes, overpriced nah.

Serious money/serious food: Grace on W. Randolph in Restaurant Row.

And the one I think you might find very interesting: Intro Chicago - at the old L20 location in Lincoln Park, if you ever were there. This is NEW - just opened last month. Don't know who will be the celebrity chef when you are coming BTW, the Lettuce Entertain You Enterprise group restaurants includes Everest and Tru. Note: You buy tickets.

Al fresco and Good for You, too! Homestead on the Roof. After this past winter, we all need a little sunshine.

HappyTrvlr Mar 9th, 2015 07:07 PM

Another vote for North Pond for your special dinner.

NeoPatrick Mar 10th, 2015 04:06 AM

My first introduction to Taste of Chicago was 1995 on Fourth of July. It was wonderful. It spread over most of the park with various locations for food, numerous bands performing, families with spread out blankets everywhere. Then jump to a couple years ago -- kind of wedged at one end of the park with a scattering of picnic tables and nowhere to go. But yes, in both cases we got some pretty good food.

When I looked at North Pond online it just seemed not impressive -- not sure why -- maybe the idea of being in the park made me think Tavern on the Green or something kind of touristy. But if there's that much support for it -- and it IS always listed as one of the most "romantic" which I try to believe means "quiet", although yesterday I saw Maggiano's at the top of one of those "most romantic" lists. Seriously?

I finally got around to revisiting the Bohemian House site. Huh? It doesn't really seem much more expensive that before, but the menu has changed. What happened to the tongue which was the most raved about dish before? Somehow, the menu now seems more basic or classic Czech and less exciting like a new take on Czech. Maybe I'm missing something there.

Just checked Grace. Might be wonderful, but $410 for two before wine or cocktails -- we'll pass.

Mercat ala planxo looks interesting, but perhaps more for tapas type lunch -- maybe perfect when we go to the Shedd (which we've always missed).

Yes, I've read several times how loud Boarding House is.

Intro Chicago is a fascinating concept -- but well, probably way too-too for us. I don't think we're quite that kind of foodies. We love good food, we don't worship it. Is that a fair assessment?

One point -- I love all these comments about super "new" places, but honestly, with our trips to Chicago so far and few between (although twice within a year this time is a record), there is sure nothing wrong with settling into a well established place either. We don't need the "newest" when there are so many good "old" standards around.

NeoPatrick Mar 10th, 2015 04:09 AM

So let me go again, although this still may not be a final list. Choosing between these three -- which would it be?

North Pond

exiledprincess Mar 10th, 2015 07:06 AM

I just take many those lists with a BIG grain of salt, NP. IMHO, so many have a basis with far too much emphasis on budget and far too low on quality/inventiveness. I also look who is contributing to the voting. I can pretty much tell that on many of the "lists" by the names of the restaurants which crop up (i.e., chains showing up).

Re: suggestions for new restaurants - and you notice that I always try to let you know they are new. Pros: Sometimes/Many times you get the quality at a lesser - sometimes much lesser - price before all the hype sets in and reservations (or tickets now)are practically impossible to get at a reasonable time when you want them. I should mention that Intro Chicago already opened to hype. Of course, the cons are often the regularly expected issues with service, etc.

And on that same subject, the nominees for the James Beard awards have been recently announced and there are a number of them from Chicago. Some of those restaurants which have been announced will get a great deal of additional business on that basis. Some, that have been getting increasingly difficult for getting reservations, will now be nearly impossible.

Told you that Grace was serious money. Not quite as expensive as Alinea and some others yet, though. But definitely one of the best in Chicago.

BoHo - honestly, it really doesn't take much to go from a $$ to a $$$ nowadays - maybe only an additional $5-10/entrée. You'll still note that every one of those entrees is still $26 and under - which is pretty good nowadays for a better selection. BTW, I too am sad that the tongue has been removed.

Oh - the Shedd Aquarium. Of all the museums, it are the most popular - especially with families. I will give you some gold advice: Get there *before* they open. Go to the very first special exhibits (timed entry) you can and then do the regular exhibits afterwards. Get out of there before noon. You will thank me when you see the line trying to get in the doors when you leave.

Are you going to walk to the Shedd? Or take public transportation? I'm asking because there is the new Maggie Daley park which partially opened this winter, located to the east of Millennium Park. It will still be a work in progress but as it is on your way....

Are you looking for breakfast places in close proximity to your hotel? Check out Toni Patisserie & Café, which is just across Washington to the south of the Chicago Cultural Center. That would be about 4 blocks from your hotel.

I wanted to leave Intro Chicago for last - before I give you my thoughts on dining. Normally, I think that you are correct. However, the concept is that they are going to have celebrity chefs changing every couple/three months and the space itself will change with each concept. This is kinda-sorta similar to the concept that Next has, where the menus invoke a time and destination in themselves. Now, if I were you, I keep Intro Chicago in the back of my mind and check and see who the celebrity chef will be *after* C.J. Jacobson - and perhaps whoever is next. Not sure on the timing there, you realize. It might be someone whose cuisine you've always wanted to sample. Just my 2 cents.

Now, my suggestions:

IMHO, leave BoHo on your list - perhaps on Friday but more likely Sunday evening. It's the closest restaurant to the Hyatt Regency on that list, you know. I would at the very minimum do drinks there one of the days.

If you still don't want to go to BoHo, then Bavette's. Drinks at Three Dots and a Dash. For the birthday boy.

I wouldn't necessarily put Topolabampo on this list. Maybe because I've been there a few times and you may not have been. But it apparently is a favorite of yours - so your choice on that subject.

North Pond, as I suggested, for brunch. And I'm going to tell you why...You really cannot tell it from the photos on the main page of their website, but those windows along the front - they are really French doors that open that entire side up. It is a simply lovely space, especially on a great summer day. The chef is Bruce Sherman. When you looked at the information for that Green City BBQ 2014, you would have seen his name at the top of the list.

And afterwards - one of my favorite walks in Chicago is to take the little path to the east of North Pond (both the restaurant and the pond itself) southwards. It is about 4 blocks long.

It eventually comes out right across Fullerton from the Lincoln Park Conservatory, with the north end of the Lincoln Park Zoo just beyond. (The main entrance of the Zoo is a little further south, through the flower gardens - and Grandma's Garden is just to the west, across Stockton.) The Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum is to your left. You are right in the vicinity of the "hidden" Alfred E. Caldwell Lily Pool (cross Fullerton at the light and go about 1/2 block to the east of the Conservatory).

If you wanted to walk along the Lakefront Trail back to the Magnificent Mile, you just have to walk east on Fullerton and you are at the North Avenue Beach. Oh, and BTW, if you have any desire to rent some bikes for the rest of the afternoon, there is a place on the North Avenue beach that does so. I would suggest that you peddle northwards along the Lakeshore Trail, instead of south.

This, to me, is the essence of a Sunday morning into afternoon in Chicago during a wonderfully warm summer's day.

exiledprincess Mar 10th, 2015 07:24 AM

NP, I seriously don't think you'd be interested in this option, but I'm going to give you the name of restaurant to view their website: El Ideas.

There are only 24 tables in this establishment, which is in an "iffier" area of the city.

Read up - hope you enjoy it.

mr_go Mar 10th, 2015 08:21 AM

Catch a cab and go to Maude's Liquor Bar on Randolph's "restaurant row". Get a table upstairs, where it's dark, quiet, romantic and relaxed. The food and drinks are both excellent.

NeoPatrick Mar 10th, 2015 08:51 AM

hmmm. So many things.
We will surely walk from the Hyatt to the Shedd. What's that popular egg place along Michigan near there or the Art Museum, nice for a breakfast. I think the idea of early on Saturday and out by noon would be good -- and that could then lead to Mercat for lunch!

Last time I was at Lincoln Park zoo, we walked from River North (yes, we are walkers). I like your phrase "on a warn summer day". The last time we were in Chicago on July 4 was 2012 and I think it was over 100 that day. Seemed worse than Naples Florida! Hopefully it won't be record breaking this year. The brunch idea sounds good, but we're sort of thinking doing the show at Steppenwolf that day (matinee). I suppose if my theatre friend from Evanston joins us, she could meet us at North Pond and then she could drive us to Steppenwolf. (She happily drives everywhere -- as we found last time when we were overthinking a place to meet closer to her).

Not sure why Topolobampo calls to me. I ate there for lunch a LONG time ago and it was wonderful -- always wanted to do dinner there. And then there was the time Lee and I were having lunch at adjacent Frontera Grill when he had an "Alzheimer's" attack, passing out and EMS came into the restaurant, carried him out, and the staff refused to take money for our lunch which was already finished. (He was fine after a night at Northwestern Hospital, by the way). The restaurant even followed up with a letter checking how he was doing (although friends said they were just probably trying to avoid a law suit -- I felt it was all very sincere).

Tell me more about Bavette's. I've read mainly raves and I think you mentioned it before, exiledprincess with the caveat of "if you can get a decent time" -- maybe there's something about the difficulty of getting in a place that entices me. It does look more inviting that the usual steak places, although I have to see I'm a bit intriqued by the David Burke suggestion. Is Bavette relatively quiet and cozy for two? Not into those "line up in banquette" places rubbing elbows with the diners next to us.

Yep, you are right about not being turned on by ElIdeas, but it was fun to look at. This is my favorite picture -- is there really anything to eat there or is that a day camp decoupage project? LOL
Matsutake Gummies - Miso / Black Garlic / Borage

jacketwatch Mar 10th, 2015 09:02 AM

Maybe this?

exiledprincess Mar 10th, 2015 10:40 AM

Re: Bavette's - You do realize that this isn't inexpensive. Those menu prices in line with what you are thinking?

Take a look at the photos for Bavette's on Yelp - #67 as of right now. A picture is worth a thousand years. Is that the type of atmosphere and seating you would like? The food is luscious.

As close as I can recall (being it was last October), you had posted quite (?) near your visit - at least within a couple of weeks. Being that you wanted a weekend night, you know what it's like to get decent seating times that close for an extremely popular restaurant. That's probably why I wrote that (and it's still true). But now you are reserving months in advance.

Re: breakfast - I believe you are thinking of either Wildberry, which is closer to Millennium Park or Yolk, which is at S. Michigan and 11th. Both are very popular with tourists. So, unless you want to have a (very) long wait for a table, get there before 8 a.m. (maybe 7:30-7:45 a.m., if you are going to walk to the Shedd before it opens).

I mentioned Toni Patisserie because you don't have the hordes descending on you - lovely food and beverage choices. NICE. Besides, you might like to get a little belated BD cake (or other sweet). (But don't forget your Hoosier Mama pie this time around!)

I know just the 4th you are discussing. I was taking the Lakefront Trail out to the Museum Campus and the pavement was buckling from the heat! Hopefully, we won't have that this year - not after what we've suffered through this winter!

Re: El Ideas - and here I was thinking that you were going to make a comment on those literally licking their plates. :O

Speaking of that weekend, they are having the Sheffield Garden Walk in the DePaul University area of the Lincoln Park neighborhood on the 18th and 19th. This is about a little less than a mile to the north of where Steppenwolf is located on N. Halsted (just north of North Ave.)

Ask your friend if she's ever been to Knife and Tine in this area. And, if so, what she thinks.

exiledprincess Mar 10th, 2015 10:59 AM

Yikes! "thousand years" = "thousand words"

NeoPatrick Mar 10th, 2015 11:28 AM

Yolk is the place. I've met there a couple of times on weekends and no wait that I recall, although it was busy. Just thought of it because it seems it's right on the way to The Shedd.
Toni Patisserie sounds fine, although I avoid almost all sweets so that isn't a draw there. My idea of the perfect last course for my birthday dinner would be a nice cheese course, in fact! But Peter will happily devour a major dessert and manage to let me sneak in a tiny spoon. And he'd no doubt love Hoosier Mama pie.

Hmmm. I'm looking at Knife and Tine, and wondering if that's actually the place we met her once several years ago -- not too far from Steppenwolf. Isn't there also a Fork and a Spoon or something? I'm drawing a blank. We also met for brunch once before Steppenwolf at Boka, but it doesn't look like they do brunch any longer. Our other "go to" is an Italian place just a block or so north on the same side as Steppenwolf, on a corner.

Back to Bavette's. Yea, I think I loved the pics of the atmosphere, especially those wonderful tufted booths, but I guess the usual question is "will two people get one of those, or end up at tables in a line?" It looks dark, atmospheric, and nice, but that doesn't mean that's really how it's going to be. Well, yea, I know with steak places, it will be up to $100 per person for food -- but with a big steak, one split side or possibly one split salad and one side is probably all we'd do. Can't do appetizers, soups, full salads, etc with a big steak.

Weekender Mar 10th, 2015 12:30 PM

Vinci is just up Halsted from Steppenwolf.

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