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Sarah Jul 14th, 2003 05:30 PM

Anyone have ideas of an edible gift to take to Oahu from NYC.
Visiting a friend on the North Shore so she does not have easy access to the gourmet shops of Honolulu. Still, I was thinking of bringing food hard to find on the island. Anyone have any ideas? I have one day to pack this stuff and I need to be able to find it in Manhattan.

Anonymous Jul 14th, 2003 05:37 PM

Any kind of processed ethnic treat that isn't well-represented on the islands: Hispanic, Jewish, Italian, etc. Think back to the last time you went shoping or dining out with this fridne: What does she like? Be careful, though, Hawaii has very strict rules about importing fresh fruits and veggies.

Shebs Jul 14th, 2003 05:43 PM

Not sure how it will hold up temperature-wise, but how about champagne truffles from Teuscher?

Also, before landing in Hawaii, I had to fill out a form declaring certain types of food (agricultural products?). I can't exactly remember what, perhaps someone else might know. You should keep this in mind when purchasing your food gifts.

Sarah Jul 14th, 2003 06:00 PM

Thanks Annoymous that is exactly what I was thinking.

I walked by a Swedish store this afternoon and picked up Gooseberry Jam, Pancakes, Eldeflower Saft (drink), rosehips soup, chocolate, traditional dill sauce for fish.

I also have Parmaseana Reggiano 2 huge hunks. I know you guys probably have this in the islands but this is aged, imported blah blah blah. I am guessing yours is far more costly?

Sounds like a lot but I need more. Imported Pasta?

I was also thinking of cooking Indian, can I find Indian curry pastes etc?

Thanks Shebs that sounds good too. I am worried about melting but I could put it on dry ice. What do you think of Baklava? I can find Middle Easter (pistachios instead of walnuts). Do you see Baklava often on Oahu, the walnut kind?

GoTravel Jul 14th, 2003 06:04 PM

Bagels from Ess-a-bagel and black and white cookies.

Sarah Jul 14th, 2003 06:29 PM

go travel won't bagels dry up in a plane? I was thinking about. Black and white are they good? I have only heard they kind of basic, yellow cake with a sugar based frosting? I was thinking Canolies or some rum cream pastries from Vinneros. Just worried about the transport of them. Ugh! anyone else?

Sarah Jul 14th, 2003 06:32 PM

sorry go travel that sounds RUDE. Just questioning, do you really like those cookies and do you think the bagels will stay soft with air-travel.

Shebs Jul 14th, 2003 06:33 PM

I agree with you about the chocolate melting... I had the same concerns. I just got back from Hawaii a week and a half ago and carried chocolate macadamias in my carry-on (no dry ice) and though it was over 90 degrees when I landed in LGA, it was fine. Still, no guarantees.

I'm actually from NYC so I can't say if Baklava is common in Oahu, but I'd have the same concerns with the sugar coating on the Baklava getting strange as the chocolate melting.

As for curry pastes, I had a few restaurant meals in Hawaii with curry in the dishes so I'm assuming it's available. I went to a Safeway supermarket in Maui and it seemed to be better stocked than the Food Emporium or Gristedes in my neighborhood. I also wouldn't be surprised if that Safeway had everything that I could find at Grace's Marketplace or Citerella.

Finally, I'd make sure that Parmasean- Reggiano was allowed on the island before going through the trouble.

enjoylife Jul 14th, 2003 06:40 PM

I bought a bunch of burritos, froze them and carried them in a small cooler (Igloo) to Oahu for a very grateful friend.

Sarah Jul 14th, 2003 06:58 PM

thanks enjoylife did you buy them in NYC if so where. That does sound good. I already have the igloo.

Sarah Jul 14th, 2003 07:00 PM

thanks shebs I am going to call on the cheese right now.

Robertson Jul 14th, 2003 07:15 PM


How about a box of those yummy black and white cookies. I've heard so much about them but am not sure what would be the best bakery in the City to get them. Would you or anyone else happen to know about where I can find them?

Another idea would be some Italian biscotti. They are great with coffee.

Shebs Jul 14th, 2003 07:16 PM

Robertson, try Zabars on the Upper West Side.

Robertson Jul 14th, 2003 07:24 PM

Thanks Shebs.

luv2fly Jul 14th, 2003 07:25 PM

Go downtown to Katz's and get the most delicious salami.

Sarah Jul 14th, 2003 08:10 PM

salami that's sounds great and it will go with the Parmesan. How do you pick a salami? I will probably just go to Agata and Valintina or Eli's and pick something imported.

MelissaHI Jul 14th, 2003 08:12 PM

My cousin bought me a wide variety of cheeses from New York once. We do have cheeses here in Hawaii but not in the selection that you have in New York. If it were ME, I would enjoy cheeses.

My Indian friend sometimes cooks for us, but only when his mom brings (or mails) spices from home. Otherwise he can't cook an authentic meal....or he improvises, which isn't the same. The selection of Indian spices here is not too good.

We have burritos, pasta, baklava (no one makes them better than my aunt Anita!), and cookies. Did you ask your friends if they wanted anything in particular?

mari808 Jul 15th, 2003 12:01 AM

agree w/ melissa on cheeses (not a big selection here, altho parmigiana reggiano avlbl even at safeway) and pasta and baklava (we have, yes, w/ walnuts).

if someone asked ME this question i wd say: black and white cookies (ever since seinfeld, been dying to try one), some nice hard salami and some bialys. found them at one place on maui but think new york stuff must be better.

also, while we have a wide variety of asian restaurants (and groceries), plus italian, french, mexican, greek, we have next to no eastern european, caribbean or african cuisine. even if u froze some borscht or goulash it wd be exotic. we don't even have cuban sandwiches, fried plantains or red beans and rice. (maybe it's time to go to new york!)

lisettemac Jul 15th, 2003 04:53 AM

This might be easier -- H&H will ship bagels anywhere in the world. Just call and they ship by the dozens. You can arrange them to arrive right after you do!

Sarah Jul 15th, 2003 04:58 AM

Wow I went to sleep and woke up and look at all of these answers!!!
Excuse me while I read.

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