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jetset1 Sep 22nd, 2006 06:29 PM

Any new Fodorites tonight?
Hello~ welcome to the U.S. forum.

Where are you from and what are you planning for your next trip? Jump right in!

wanderluster Sep 23rd, 2006 06:43 AM

TTT - even though its a new day,
lets hear from the newbies!

Neopolitan Sep 23rd, 2006 06:51 AM

I'm curious if you are only looking for those who have never posted here before, or if you are also including all those regular posters who register new names, usually for the purpose of making rude comments. I've been seeing an awful lot of new names, but it seems apparent from their comments that many of them have been around here for quite a while.

paula1470 Sep 23rd, 2006 07:10 AM

Neo-I noticed that also especially in the last couple of days.

JAGIRL Sep 23rd, 2006 07:24 AM


iw Sep 23rd, 2006 08:10 AM

I'm not new....just usually post on the caribbean board, but.....I had to comment:
JAGIRL, you are a hoot and thanks for keeping the caribbean board laughing!:-d

heymo Sep 23rd, 2006 08:21 AM

Not new to Fodors, just seem to mostly post on the Africa board lately. Going to Egypt in two weeks. But I need to start looking for a bed & breakfast on the Big Island in February, so I have started monitoring the U.S. posts. Looks like quite a tight-knit bunch, can newbies bust in?

jetset1 Sep 23rd, 2006 08:26 AM

heymo, nothing tight here at all.. just a bunch of threads unraveling most of the time.. feel free to post and matnikstym, who lives on the B.I., is a great source of help for your information.. J.

heymo Sep 23rd, 2006 09:06 AM

jetset- Thanks for the welcome mat! I really enjoy these boards, most people we know are not travelers and constantly are questioning why we travel so's nice to talk to fellow wanderers! I'll be sure to look for posts from maynikstym about the B.I. So where's your next jaunt?

jetset1 Sep 23rd, 2006 10:36 AM

heymo~ not terrible exciting.. our turkey pilgrimage to eastern Washington this fall.

However, I may do a runaway mom sort of weekend in a couple weeks. Now that it's fall, I need a desert heat fix and some rock climbing before spring:)

iamq Sep 23rd, 2006 12:47 PM

How about asking if there are any old posters. That seems more appropriate these days.


jetset1 Sep 23rd, 2006 12:53 PM

tsk tsk iamq~ I never aged after 28, so there!!

iamq Sep 23rd, 2006 01:07 PM

I'm not referring to the chronological age of posters.


sistahlou Sep 23rd, 2006 01:19 PM

My oh My Mammy, I been postin' since back in the day when Elvira was more than a 6 letter word and mole people ruled the subways! Ahhh the good old days when trolls were trolls and no one hogtied the boards......It was a kinder gentler time.......ok it wasn't but it sure was fun and informative. Chat, chat, chat.....

jetset1 Sep 23rd, 2006 04:18 PM

I like seeing new people encouraged to participate, especially on weekends.

There are interesing posts from a variety of locations, near and far..regular posters seem to have their favorites, like FFRR and such, and are still there((Y))

I'm not sure why age is necessary, or complaints.. really the post title is self explanatory, but the venting might discourage new posters, which is a shame.. peace, J.((F))

OldSouthernBelle Sep 23rd, 2006 05:54 PM

iamq: Here's one oldsouthernbelle! And soon to be older! I may not like the wrinkles, but I'm acutally proud of my age!
I looked like a youngster most of my life and now at least people take me seriously!

iamq Sep 23rd, 2006 09:14 PM

OSB, I am NOT talking about chronological age. I don't care how old or young anyone is!

"Old posters" is meant as in the reverse of new. Like, I wish some of the missing old timer fodorites (regardless of age) would come back.


LoveItaly Sep 23rd, 2006 09:56 PM

Hi Bill, so do I! Fodor's is not the same is it? But I guess nothing remains the same unfortunatly.

tlf18 Sep 23rd, 2006 10:47 PM

came here last year and got good info for a california trip.

went to greece this summer, but didn't really check anything here, as we were staying with family in a village....

trying a quick 1-2 day Chicago visit in october. found some great stuff searching.

from near Baltimore area.

Bunnicula Sep 24th, 2006 06:18 AM

I am new... so new that I don't really know what a Fodorite is, or a Is this for people who travel alot? I don't travel much due to money (lack thereof) but I love to travel when I can. Do I still qualify?

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