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Intrepid1 Jun 20th, 2005 12:53 AM

Rooms in most Vegas hotels were made to accommodate four persons. Frankly, I couldn't care less whether you are sleeping together, fighting about the bathroom use, or anything else.

And those people who are doing the kindergarten "Ooooooh Ick" thing...well, they haven't gotten any for years so what do you expect?

dfrostnh Jun 20th, 2005 03:03 AM

All the convention hotel registration forms I receive routinely provide rates for double, triple and quad occupancy. You get four keys. The hotel will also divide the room bill among the occupants. This is true of Hyatts, Quality Inns, Westins, etc. Some people like sharing rooms. Others don't.

walkinaround Jun 20th, 2005 04:53 AM

As for whomever wrote: if you can't afford two rooms, stay home. This is a ridiculous, classist point of view.

don't worry, these people fashion themselves as "enlightened and worldly" but such small-minded comments always show us who they really are. they've travelled just enough to be a little dangerous but not nearly enough to realise that some people do things differently than they do - either out of choice or circumstances. pathetic.

Scarlett Jun 20th, 2005 06:05 AM

I don't know about that, walkinaround.
On numerous threads, Travelers with Experience, post alternatives to a posters plan. Some of them actually work better.
Perhaps, staying somewhere one can afford and not having to think of ways to sneak past the front desk could be one of them?
"Classist" lol, reminds me of old Woody Allen movies when they stood around and discussed the LaLouche way someone behaved :D

Lori Jun 20th, 2005 06:34 AM

Get 2 rooms - stay at less expensive hotel if necessary. It is very possible that upon checking in the only thing avail. is a king bed .. and some hotels do not have sofa beds in the rooms, I know that for a fact as we go to Vegas often. 2 couples sharing a room/bathroom would never be comfortable to me unless it were an emergency situation (and even then I'd be uncomfortable).

You do not say how much you want to spend, but check into 2 rooms. If you have a car consider staying off strip. The Orleans gets very good reviews and is quite nice (I have not stayed there but I did attend a conference there).

suze Jun 20th, 2005 06:54 AM

I don't see the problem here. Just be honest with the hotel front desk when you make reservations and ask for a 'quad' room for two couples. Sheez.

It's the "best to not mention anything" that is the only dumb idea in your original post IMO.

jlm_mi Jun 20th, 2005 07:08 AM

As mentioned before, it's allowed as long as you're up front with the hotel. What no one has mentioned, though, is that you're not likely to save a lot of money this way. I put a random date (July 20) into Bally's reservation engine. Their basic room (called a deluxe) is $79 that night for 2 people, or $139 for 4 people. I would never share a room with another couple to save $19.

Also, keep in mind that Vegas is a sexy city. You may well want your privacy . . .

So, when are your dates and what hotel budget did you have in mind? Creative minds here may be able to help you come up with a better solution than sharing a room.

wtm003 Jun 20th, 2005 07:17 AM

I agree with Suze. If this arrangement makes the trip affordable for you, then share a room. Just be honest upfront and specify 4 adults when making the reservation. Enjoy your trip!

Where2Travel Jun 20th, 2005 07:35 AM

Extra person charges in Las Vegas hotels seem to be pretty steep. Maybe this isn't the case for all the hotels but when I was looking recently an extra $35 per person was fairly common.

If you are travelling at a cheap time (for Vegas) then that sort of extra person charge means there may be no or little saving compared to getting two rooms.

Obviously, if you are paying quite a lot for a room that doesn't work the same. In this case two rooms at a cheaper hotel would probably be better for everyone.

Judy24 Jun 20th, 2005 07:39 AM

Although not stated in the post heading or the original post, several people have stated that this poster is going to Las Vegas. If that is actually the case, then I believe the occupancy rules are different.

To my knowledge, most Las Vegas hotel rates only apply to up to 2 in a room. There are additional charges for each additional person in the room, even if they are children. That probably explains why the Bally's rates mentioned above turned out the way they did. Contrary to what rkkwan says, they do to care about how many people are in the room. I'm not saying it makes sense, I'm just repeating what their policies are. Who knows, maybe they feel that if you need to put a lot of people in one room, you're not going to be blowing big bucks in their casino? It's just a guess.

A few suggestions: If you are in fact going to Las Vegas, and if you're going in the summer, most hotels have super low rates. Go to each hotel's website and sign the guestbook and you'll get lots of email offers. If that doesn't work, you might also want to try Priceline. Good luck.

tpatricco Jun 20th, 2005 07:40 AM

4 adults in one room...allowed? Yes. Recommended? No way!

Take it from a couple who just spent a week in Key West with another couple. We moved out of their 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom condo timeshare on the 2nd day and got our own hotel room.

Even the best of friends can have "issues" in the bathroom that would really make you want your own.

What you can deal with from your spouse is significantly different than what you can tolerate from others - even friends.

Don't ruin your vacation, or risk loosing friends. The advice to find a less expensive hotel & get two rooms is the best suggestion.

If you try the single room, be prepared to buck up for second room if things get unpleasant.

Good Luck!

jlm_mi Jun 20th, 2005 07:55 AM

Judy24 - The first line of the original posting is "My wife and I will be traveling to Las Vegas with another couple in the near future."

Judy24 Jun 20th, 2005 07:58 AM

jlm mi: You're absolutely right! I'm slapping myself on the head and going "duh!". I'd say it was a blonde moment, but I'm not blonde, so chalk it up to my poor reading comprehension.

beachbum Jun 20th, 2005 08:02 AM

Honesty has nothing to do with being classist. Book the room for four so you're sure to get two beds. And maybe you'll get lucky.

When my associate and I checked into Caesar's Palace a few weeks ago, they didn't have two rooms in the category we'd reserved, so, without our asking, they gave us a free upgrade to a two bedroom suite. Ended up being the same room in which scenes from the film Rainman were shot. According to the front desk, the rack rate for the room was $5,000/night. Too bad we didn't have our wives along!

travelmonkey Jun 20th, 2005 08:52 AM

To answer your original question-yes hotels do allow 2 couples in a room. I worked in management in the industry for 11 years and people do this VERY frequently.

Generally at the time of reservation you will be asked to the number in your party. If you are not asked I would let them know it is a party of 4. That way, as previously mentioned, you will not be bumped to a single room in the event the hotel is short on doubles.

Alot of hotels have gone to flat rates just because it is difficult to keep track of the number of occupants in a room. And guests do lie as to the number of occupants when they know there is a charge for extra people.

When you book ask if there is an extra person charge and what that charge is. That way you can just factor it into the cost you will need to split with the other couple.

Enjoy your trip!

MFNYC Jun 20th, 2005 09:22 AM

Most LV hotels charge for extra occupants (adult or children) in a room. It's posted with the rate info on most websites (hotel sites, expedia, etc). They may or may not enforce it.

snowrooster Jun 20th, 2005 09:26 AM

As others have mentioned, this is definitely allowed but you should check with the hotel and see if there is an extra charge. If you don't want to be surprised and stuck with one king for four people, you should to be up front with the hotel and pay any additional fees.

Personally, I would rather stay home than share a hotel room with another couple, but that's me. If you personally prefer to share a room at a nicer hotel rather than get two rooms at a not as nice hotel that is your choice. We all have our preferences. :-)

Austin Jun 20th, 2005 10:08 AM

SDA1 - might ask around to see which hotels have larger rooms. Our double at the Flamigo was large, but the bathroom tiny. I hear (read here on fodors) that the Venetian has large bathrooms.

I personally think that if you all can share a room to save money instead of staying home, more power to you! I hope you enjoy your trip.

Judy24 Jun 20th, 2005 10:15 AM

If SDA1 is looking to save money by having 4 adults in one room, the Venetian may be out of his budget. Then again, they do have great summer offers if this applies to his trip time frame.

Even if he stays at another LV hotel, assuming he'll be honest and make the reservation for 4 people upfront, for most properties there will be a jump in the room rate that will probably outweigh any hoped-for savings. Just go to the website and check it out. Again, this is LV specific, and doesn't apply to many other locations.

rb_travelerxATyahoo Jun 20th, 2005 10:22 AM

I'd like to believe that SDA1 asked, " is it best to not mention anything ..." not about the money, but about the possible tsk-tsk reaction he feared they may receive. Many of you ask why not stay at a cheaper hotel. Maybe they ARE staying at a cheaper one. If one wants to travel they do what must be done.

As someone who travels to Williamsburg often and learns of how often 3-6 people, unknown to each other, would be assigned the same bed it makes this situation sound so tame. Being involved until a few years ago with both a bicycling and an outdoor sports group, I've grown somewhat accustommed to "dorm" or "barracks" type sleeping, including mixed gender. It's really no big deal, as far as sleeping arrangements go. I just don't like the bathroom wait, altho, as pointed out, there's always the public restrooms downstairs.

I doubt any hotel would try to get a party of 4 adults share a 1-bedded room.

Enjoy Vegas, SDA1

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