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alw1977 Apr 10th, 2008 09:15 AM

I'm going to hazard a guess that the capuchin hit you intentionally. Though cute, they are mean buggers. One pelted my husband in the head with a rock once at a zoo on St. Maarten. He had pretty darn good aim.

volcanogirl Apr 10th, 2008 09:21 AM

They can be mean; when we were at BdC, a man discovered an injured bleeding pelican down at the beach and decided to carry it up the trail so we could get it to the animal sanctuary. As he carried the injured pelican, the capuchins started moving close to the trail and getting aggressive like they were going to attack and get an easy meal. Also, when a friend of mine was at BdC, she saw a troop of capuchins eating a toucan. One of them even had the bill in its hands - I always thought they were cute little guys, but now I definitely think of them as wild animals. I think they like to defend their turf and won't hesitate to go after an easy meal. I asked Phillip if the monkeys would ever attack us, and he said no because they would never win; we're just too big. Whew!

cmerrell Apr 10th, 2008 10:01 AM

It is true that any wild animal should be given space and due respect.

Perhaps the cappuchin did have it in for me! At least there was no bladder-emptying activity involved! ;-)

shillmac Apr 10th, 2008 07:51 PM

Hey, they may not win, but you can bet an attack wouldn't be pleasant! Attack of the Capuchins. Sounds like a movie in the making!

We were petting one's arm and hand through the cage at Monkey Park last summer. It seemed to be enjoying it. It was my daugher, myself, and my daughter was holding my granddaughter. She was a little nervous and holding back. Finally, she got up a little nerve and reached out to pet the monkey's hand as we were doing. Quick as lightening, that little sucker had a fistful of her hair! It was weird that he reacted that way--and only with her. Just unpredictable. I just happened to be snapping a photo at that time and caught it. Then rushed forward to pry his ornery little hand loose! She wasn't fazed, but definitely remembers and talks about it still.

sylviam Apr 14th, 2008 10:35 AM

While at BdC last week near the hanging bridge, a monkey "pooped" on my nephew while he was looking up at it in the trees. Luckily it hit his shirt and not his open mouth. We laughed hyterically as did he as it makes a good if not messy memory.

At the animal sanctuary we were told that the Capuchins are the meanest and sneakiest of the monkeys. As far as the Toucan goes, Toucan's will kill monkeys by flying at them at high speed and spearing them with their beak. Perhaps it was payback to that poor Toucan by the Capuchins.

Regarding dressing for dinner at BdC, the only people we saw "dressed" for dinner were two elderly couples. The women had a bit of makeup and wore skirts or sundresses. The rest of us just showered off the Osa funk & monkey poo and showed up at 5 pm at the bar. By 5:30 you can see little in the mirror in the bathroom nor do you much care to. Clean and dry was our motto.

shillmac Apr 14th, 2008 07:34 PM

Good motto! Works for me! LOL

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