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alw1977 Mar 31st, 2008 11:15 AM

Ladies... girly question. Sundress for BdC dinners?
Ladies, did any of you bring a light sundress for dinner at BdC? What type of attire is appropriate for dinner at BdC for men and women?

Also, I've heard several people suggest a light jacket for Arenal at night. We're going in early May. Would my lightweight fleece be too hot or would that be okay?

janenicole Mar 31st, 2008 11:39 AM

I didn't bring a sundress to BdC, but there were ladies who did. I brought a denim skirt that I wore a couple of nights with different tops. Shorts and a nice top are fine, lightweight capris. It just kind of depends on what you have room for when packing. Make sure it is something that doesn't wrinkle. The men can be in shorts. My husband wore denim shorts a couple of nights with a collared shirt. I suppose some men wore cotton docker type pants.

sumi Mar 31st, 2008 11:59 AM

>> Ladies, did any of you bring a light sundress for dinner at BdC? What type of attire is appropriate for dinner at BdC for men and women?

Er... I took a shower and tried to put on something that wasn't as smelly as what I was wearing before taking my shower... :)

Honestly, it is very casual and pretty much "wear clothes."

There was one couple when we were there who arrived at dinner impecably groomed. Apparently we were all in awe because the night after they left, the talk in the dining room was (a) how did she do "that" with her hair without a hair dryer? and (b) where did she learn to put on such careful makeup without any light? It was very amusing.

sumi Mar 31st, 2008 12:02 PM

Wow, I'm just reading janenicole's reply and all I can is that I'm so glad we were there with all the other slugs!

volcanogirl Mar 31st, 2008 12:35 PM

I didn't see a single woman in a sundress when we were there - all shorts, capri pants, or loose cargo type pants - cool and comfortable. I'm a girly girl and I gave up wearing makeup on the second day because I was so sweaty, also no blow dryers, flat irons, etc. Men were all in shorts. I don't think my husband recognized me the entire time we were there. It was kind of refreshing to be so natural!

aqualime Mar 31st, 2008 12:36 PM

I wore a t-shirt, casual skirt and flip flops one night and got a couple comments that I was sooo dressed up! The only solution for my hair was to leave it wet after the shower and slick it back in a ponytail. Makeup was pointless, I couldn't see anything in the bathroom mirror. I think a casual sundress would be fine with really comfy flat shoes, heels would look ridiculous. Skirts and sundresses are way more comfortable in the hot weather than pants/capris imo. My husband wore khaki shorts, a short sleeve shirt and flip flops at dinner.

alw1977 Mar 31st, 2008 12:38 PM

Thanks everybody. I usually wear sundresses because they are much more comfortable in hot weather than shorts for me. Don't worry - I wouldn't dare bring heels. It's my water shoes and flops on this trip!

mmb23 Mar 31st, 2008 12:39 PM

Our only criteria was that the clothing be clean, or at least not the stuff we'd been hiking in all day!

Seriously, I had a super-casual skirt (which I wear in cities during hot-weather travel, it has a hidden shorts feature) and a clean sleeveless shirt and flip-flops; I wore this ensemble most nights.

The closest thing approaching "dressing for dinner" that I saw were tropical print swim cover-up type dresses for ladies and cotton/khaki shorts for men.

we were there in late March and it was SO hot that I think everyone was just trying to be cool.

Enjoy BdC! It's great!

volcanogirl Mar 31st, 2008 01:28 PM

alw, that sounds fine - whatever you will be cool and comfortable in. I'd also bring extra socks and underwear - very nice to be able to change into something clean and fresh after hiking. Things get really damp there, and new clean clothes feel wonderful.

tully Mar 31st, 2008 02:27 PM

On one of my times at BdC there was a lovely, older couple. The first night I was there he confided in me he'd had the same clothes on (at dinner) for the past 3 nights. He asked me if he smelled, lol (he didn't). His wife just sat there rolling her eyes.

Another time, I saw the slow deterioration of one lady there. The first night her clothes (all white!) were all nice & neat, hair & make-up perfect and so on. Over the next few nights she just got worse and worse til she gave in and looked like the rest of us :D

I think sumi sums it up - if it doesn't have that 'osa funk' it's wearable! That said, I do have a sundress I usually bring, it's made by Ecote and the material is rayon I think? I love it just cause I can ball it up real tiny and it doesn't wrinkle. But paired with my teva's it leans more towards casual mess than smart casual.

volcanogirl Mar 31st, 2008 02:57 PM

Another suggestion: Bring something to pull back your hair unless it's short. I brought lots of headbands, scarves, etc. I had crazy hair by the end of it all and since it's long and thick, I had a hard time getting it to dry in the humidity. So nice to be able to pull it back and tame it a little.

alw1977 Mar 31st, 2008 03:37 PM

Thanks for the hair reminder. I have long hair, but it's kind of thin, so I challenge the Osa to keep my hair damp all day. It's never happened, even in August in the Caribbean.

I plan to bring a host of rubber bands, barettes and bobby pins. Oh, and when all else fails, my trusty pink ballcap.

althom1122 Mar 31st, 2008 03:47 PM

Am I the only one who doesn't know? What's BdC?

janenicole Mar 31st, 2008 03:49 PM

This thread has me giggling! I think that it is nice that 'anything' goes at BdC for dinner as long as you don't smell!

I am going to grow my hair long enough for a pony tail for my trip next year!

cmerrell Mar 31st, 2008 04:18 PM

Hi althom1122,

"BdC" stands for Bosque del Cabo; a very popular, much beloved lodge on Costa Rica's wonderful Osa peninsula.

Many of the Costa Rica enthusiasts here(myself included) have stayed there and absolutely love it!

One a different note, I've been scouring your terrific Peru trip report for information. Hoping to get there this October!

dfarmer Mar 31st, 2008 04:33 PM

Has anyone every noticed that when a "girly girl" question comes up we all have so much fun!!!??

OK - my hair is short! So in CR or any tropical destination, I use a little gel, run my fingers through, try to airdry a bit, fluff and perfect!

As to clothes at BdC, I wore quick dry capris and my hiking sandals to dinner. With 4 nights I swapped outfits every other night. Would have loved a cotton skirt. Husband wore shorts.

Can't respond to the Arenal in May.

But for sure no need to take a curling iron, hair dryer, etc to CR. It truly is a bad hair day, everyday!!

volcanogirl Mar 31st, 2008 04:39 PM

I washed my hair in the mornings, and at night it was still wet; I told my husband I thought I might mildew!

tully Mar 31st, 2008 06:38 PM

Mildew, :D

I can definitely echo the barrettes etc. My 'bangs'used to hang down past my mouth - with the proper tools (hairdryer, curling iron) this works; at BdC it failed miserably, so much so that I ended up borrowing the kitchens scissors and cut them up to my eyebrows. I was going crazy with them hanging in my face!

As for Arenal in I can remember when I was there in May I was fine and I am a wimpy FL gal.

shillmac Mar 31st, 2008 07:57 PM

This has been a hilarious thread! :)

Just shorts and capris for me. I could throw in a casual short skirt with a drawstring waist, but if packing became really tight, it would be the first thing to go! Good idea to take a couple of things (for 4 nights) that you don't wear during the day. And swap them, maybe change it up with an extra top or something.

Molly08 Apr 8th, 2008 01:34 PM

I'm reviving the girly talk - do all of these comments apply to other areas of Costa Rica? We are going to Peace Lodge, Hotel Arenal Nayara (a new hotel, but looks pretty nice), and staying at a B&B in Nosara. I would think shorts and capris will work for any beach town, but didn't know what was the typical wardrobe in Arenal and Peace Lodge?

tully Apr 8th, 2008 02:06 PM

In Arenal I wore the same, t-shorts & shorts. At PL I wore a t-shirt & capris & a rain jacket, only as I was cold.

volcanogirl Apr 8th, 2008 02:32 PM

Molly, I did the same as tully - kept casual outfits, but they were a little warmer for Peace Lodge and Arenal evenings - long pants or capris and long-sleeved tops in the evening. The evenings are cooler in those areas than they are in the Osa. I'd bring a little lightweight jacket or sweater in case it gets cool.

xyz99 Apr 8th, 2008 06:16 PM

Ok, this is going to sound weird, but here it goes:
Aqualime said “Makeup was pointless, I couldn't see anything in the bathroom mirror” – I have no problem going w/out makeup in vacation, I usually do so when we go in the Caribbeans. A little sun tan is all I need.

But, what do men do about shaving? How/where can they shave if there is not enough light in the bathroom? Do they all turn into cavemen in BdC? Please tell me there is a way…

volcanogirl Apr 8th, 2008 06:28 PM

I didn't have any problem seeing in our bathroom mirror; my husband shaved every day - our bathroom had windows that let in a lot of light and also a door that opened up into the outdoor shower area. One suggestion - if anyone wears contacts, bring a backup pair of glasses. I always wear contacts, but I had a lot of problems with them with all the sweat and humidity and general stickiness, and I was glad I had packed glasses in my suitcase.

shillmac Apr 8th, 2008 07:00 PM

Never had a problem with seeing in the mirror at BdC. There were a few mornings, it would have been nice not to see! LOL!

volcanogirl Apr 8th, 2008 07:42 PM

You crack me up, shillmac!

sumi Apr 8th, 2008 08:17 PM

xyz99, I think the comment about not having enough light to see the mirror is only at night. Since the lodge has to generate its own electricity, the lights are pretty dim. It gets dark around 6:00 and dinner is at 7:00 so getting "dolled up" for dinner can be a challenge!

shillmac Apr 9th, 2008 04:28 AM

Oh, okay, at night. That's probably true as I remember. My dolling up just consist of a little lipgloss and pulling my wet hair back. The key is to doll up early (around 5:00) while there is still light and head for the bar for cocktails before dinner!

janenicole Apr 9th, 2008 05:14 AM

Sumi - that is why I made sure I was ready (presentable) by 6:00. Maybe the fact that happy hour starts at 6:00 had something to do with it. ;)

janenicole Apr 9th, 2008 05:41 AM

shillmac - I must not have refreshed my screen, and I missed your post. Heading to the bar at 5:00, huh? Sorry it looks like your spring break is not at the same time as ours next year. We will miss each other by a week. Sounds like we could have had a heck of a good time over drinks!

sumi Apr 9th, 2008 06:16 AM

>> Sumi - that is why I made sure I was ready (presentable) by 6:00. Maybe the fact that happy hour starts at 6:00 had something to do with it.

LOL... and my strategy was "ignorance is bliss"... :)

Davy1961 Apr 9th, 2008 06:49 AM

Though not a lady, I will throw in a response (since so many "girlies" answered the equally noninclusive, sexist and demeaning "manly" question while back, <BS> [that's "big smile"]). :) :)

Bring on the breezy sundresses! However, if you feel that you or someone around you has not passesd the sniff test, CHECK YOUR SHOES. If you have spent any time around the "monkey tree" south of Cabina Sol during a feeding frenzy, you have likely picked up monkey stuff in the tread of your Keen$ or Teva$.

I speak from experience.

Sorry to interrupt. Please get back to girly stuff.

cmerrell Apr 9th, 2008 07:07 AM

That's great, Davy! :-))

To enlarge upon one of shillmac's comments: having mirrors at all at BdC is <i>not</i> necessarily a good thing. Even on the days when I tried to apply a little lip gloss and eye shadow, my frizzed out &quot;hair from hell&quot; tended to utterly ruin the effect! ;-)

volcanogirl Apr 9th, 2008 09:17 AM

I felt kind of like I was staring at my &quot;junior high&quot; self - did not do my hair, no makeup, glasses - major flashback and not in a good way! My husband said he didn't think people would recognize us if they ever saw us out in the real world.

cmerrell Apr 9th, 2008 09:38 AM

I hear you on that, VG. At least, I sort of hope people wouldn't recognize me because that might just be a bit embarrassing! Of course, most would fare no better if they spent any time on the Osa peninsula. :-)

How are your CR plans shaping up? Monteverde and Tortuguero still on the list?

alw1977 Apr 9th, 2008 09:39 AM

Davy -

As the originator of this noninclusive, sexist thread, I thank you for your bravery in jumping into the fray. I also thank you for warning me about the monkey doo. I assume it's similar to stepping in dog stuff? If so, that is some rank organic material. There are times when tread is not a good thing.

tully Apr 9th, 2008 02:08 PM

Brave man jumping into the fray! Nothing like a natural fertilizer ;) May I add - when the monkeys (especially the capuchins) are in the palm trees, don't stand right under it, I watched someone get beaned with one of those big pods. (well you should never stand under a monkey anyway, lol)

As far as lighting.....ok, ok I admit it....if you hit the bathroom between 5-530, you can fit in some mascara and even get most of it on your lashes.

volcanogirl Apr 9th, 2008 02:57 PM

Phillip told us the monkeys will actually pee on you if you're on their turf; we almost got hit while we were walking under a group of trees - always look up before you stop!

cmerrell, our trip is shaping up nicely. I had to drop Tortuguero but still want to go someday. We're going to hit the Peace Lodge and Arenal again and then add Monteverde this trip since I've heard good things. I'll keep you posted!

shillmac Apr 9th, 2008 03:02 PM

What a great thread! :) Mirrors, sundresses (breezy no less, from our only guy contributor--he doesn't ask for much!), mascara, happy hour, don't we all sound like a bunch of hussies! :)

Isn't it great to be somewhere, though, where you don't have to CARE--and woe to that gal who fixes up too much and makes the rest of us look like slouches!

cmerrell Apr 10th, 2008 09:09 AM

This is indeed a great thread, Jill! :-)

Speaking of monkey hijinks, I was hit in the head by a small tree branch in December while enjoying the gulf overlook area at BdC. I looked up and there was a cappuchin in the tree right above me. The little bugger threw the branch down on me! I <i>think</i> it was accidental, but I actually saw the branch leave his/her little hand before I ducked partially out of the way!

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