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tttman May 4th, 2011 04:41 PM

What's there to do in Edinburgh?
I will be there for 3 days. Of course there are the castles in the city, and the mile. How can I fill 3 days? How is Portobello beach? Is it worth going to?

plr May 4th, 2011 05:01 PM

Believe me, you will not have any trouble filling 3 days with wonderful things to see and do in or around Edinburgh. But you need to narrow down your interests for replies to be helpful. Great city!

cynthia_booker May 4th, 2011 05:03 PM

Walking tours. Of the old city, of the new city, of the pubs.

janisj May 4th, 2011 05:05 PM

click on DESTINATIONS above -- there is a full feature on Edinburgh.

Way more sites than you have time so read up and pick/choose.

Amydiaz11 May 4th, 2011 10:11 PM

Edinburgh castle is the major attraction of the place. Apart from that St Margaret's Chapel, Crown's Square and the Great Hall, stone of density are also fantastic. American airways free ticket letter was received by my aunt and she called us all to visit the place. It was more fun because it was a combination of family get together and a holiday.. Whom are you planning to go with? I suggest to take some friends along.

Ackislander May 5th, 2011 12:05 AM

When you leave, you ought to be able to remember the differences between the Old and New Towns and why they are the way they are, you ought to know Arthur's Seat and Calton Hill when you see photos of them, and you should probably visit the Castle. It is a good one. Walk the Royal Mile.

If it is raining a lot, the National Gallery of Scotland and the Museum of Scotland are wonderful in completely different ways.

If you like sport and the season is right, try to see Hearts play the Hibs.

How old are you? If young, I would suggest a night on Rose Street in the New Town. It is lined with pubs, and it used to be a challenge to have a pint in each of them in the course of the evening. Without collapsing. If you are older, perhaps dinner at the Cafe Royal and a stroll through the New Town might be more appropriate.

I cannot imagine taking the time to go to Portobello to the beach unless you are an aficionado of declining British seaside resorts.

unclegus May 5th, 2011 12:31 AM

I live not far from Portobello and can honeslty say don't go out your way to visit there.
I go to the main street there because it has a great butcher and a not too bad greengrocers and a half decent deli,but thats it,I would'nt go for the beach,seldom warm enough here to enjoy a day at the beach.
this wesite is full of good info on what to see and do in Edinburgh.

latedaytraveler May 5th, 2011 01:02 AM

Tttman, For a better understanding of Edinburgh and all things Scotch, I would recommend reading:

How the Scots Invented the Modern World: The True Story of How Western Europe's Poorest Nation Created Our World & Everything in It by Arthur Herman

You will love Edinburgh …

gledamayl604 May 5th, 2011 07:27 AM

Edinburgh is one of the very few cities in the UK which can really claim to be alive for 24 hours a day. There's so much to choose between, from shopping and pampering to whisky tasting and golfing, not to mention the numerous festivals that take place in the Capital City. It is the perfect city to enjoy a short city break.

You can pick where to eat and what to do at almost any time of day - from a fantastic selection of venues covering the arts and music and all the cultural things you could ever want to do, to clubs and pubs and cafes, open from the early hours until, well, the early hours!

kimmerstravels May 5th, 2011 07:44 AM

When are you going? If you can plan accordingly, go in August during the Fringe Festival. It. Is. Amazing!!

liverbird May 5th, 2011 07:49 AM

I wouldn't bother with Portobello either, the village of Cramond is nearer the city, on the water & much prettier.

A great informative website for Edinburgh is, this also has a little video on it, just lasting a couple of minutes, that highlights all the sights.

I liked the city so much when I visited that I moved here!

Have a great trip!

stevelyon May 5th, 2011 08:07 AM

Hi tttman
It might be useful if you responded to the many replies; this is the third topic you have started and you have not acknowledged anyone. I know you are a new member but the replies you have received have asked for more detail which you have not yet picked up. I could add my suggestions if you want - and thats a question.

tttman May 27th, 2011 11:41 AM

I would like to see something next to the water. What part of Edinburgh next to water is worth seeing?


unclegus May 27th, 2011 11:35 PM

The Former Royal Yatch Britania,berthed next to the Ocean terminal mall in leith.
you could also do a cruse to the Forth bridges

amelie May 28th, 2011 05:01 AM

I liked the Royal Yacht Britannia for something by the water.

Fingalmoon May 28th, 2011 05:20 AM

I also enjoyed viewing the former Royal Yacht Britannia at Leith and it's a pleasant walk there too from the main city. Also did one of the underground tours off the Royal Mile and found it quite interesting. However if you want to get out of Edinburgh go see Stirling Castle; I think it was better than Edinburgh castle.

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