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HIHO Jul 10th, 2001 11:39 PM

What color socks with shorts?
I one does wear shorts in Europe (god forbid), is it best to wear dark or white socks?

AnnaC Jul 10th, 2001 11:46 PM

In England it is essential to wear knee length white socks with brown leather sandals if you are wearing shorts. Anything else will just make you look totally out of place.

FiFi the Fashion Expert Jul 10th, 2001 11:51 PM

You will be sent directly to the guillotine for such an offence!!!

Debbie Jul 11th, 2001 12:22 AM

<BR> <BR>Socks? Why wear socks? <BR>

Jerry Jul 11th, 2001 02:22 AM

I like those little socks that just go to the ankle. Are these ok?

Carol Jul 11th, 2001 04:11 AM

HiHo, <BR>Back to the other post of looking like an American . . . Nothing screams it more than athletic sneakers and white gym socks! You have to do bare feet and loafers or thick-strapped black sandals. Or course you can "cheat" with those little beige peds thingys!

Judy Jul 11th, 2001 04:36 AM

HIHO, are you funning me? It made me smile nonetheless! ;-)

Gina Jul 11th, 2001 05:45 AM

My advice is specifically for Ireland the UK. Follow it, and you will blend in nicely. In addition to wearning dark, knee high socks, you must also wear a hanky (knotted in 4 corners, please), running shorts from the 1970s, and a short sleever dress shirt, assuming you're a man. <BR> <BR>If you're a woman under the age of 40, you can also consider wearing the 1970s running shorts, but you might also want to put on a pair of extremely tight demin cutoff shorts, topped off with an equally tight belly shirt. Make sure you wear very big shoes that you can't really walk in. Oh, and paint your toenails a bright color. <BR> <BR>If you're a woman 40 or over, try a very wrinkled cotton skirt, and then top it off with a tank top (or vest, depending on what country you're from) that's far too tight, and make sure it doesn't match the skirt. Make sure to wear white sandals that don't quite fit and are too high, so you can totter around. <BR> <BR>Why is it that people in Ireland and the UK can dress very nicely most of the year, but when summer hits, watch out! It because a festival of bad taste.

AnnaC Jul 11th, 2001 05:50 AM

Gina - you have to remember that we only have 1-2 weeks of summer a year. This means that our summer clothes don't get much wear. So, summer clothes bought back in the 1970s are still hardly worn.... <BR> <BR>Actually, I'm not sure I agree that the British dress badly in the summer - the occasional member of the older generation does still appear to retain the idea that sandals cannot be worn without socks, but other than that, I'd say we dress no worse in the summer than any other time of year. Perhaps we just don't look as good as people in warmer countries because the expanses of exposed flesh are pasty white rather than golden brown?

Al Jul 11th, 2001 06:14 AM

One of our fondest memories of a trip to Britain was to see men dressed in shorts, wearing anklet socks, with legs looking white as a chicken's, licking Walls ice cream cones, and all carrying umbrellas while walking on seaside piers. We thought that we had somehow stumbled on a shooting site of a Montie Python episode.

Momma Jul 11th, 2001 06:21 AM

I'm probably working overtime, but isn't this yet another version of the baggy-pants troll?

moonshine Jul 11th, 2001 06:45 AM

Current fashion trends dictate: <BR>If you are female and have a nice bum and legs, then hot pants are compulsory. <BR>Otherwise, cover up at all times... <BR>The customs officials will score you out of ten when you arrive and issue the correct attire where appropriate.

elvira Jul 11th, 2001 07:53 AM

HIHO has brought many fashion questions to the forefront through his many recent posts. Personally, I think your sock color should contrast sharply with your skin colour: dark skinned people should wear white, and light skinned people should wear black.

debbie Jul 11th, 2001 08:11 AM

I personally vote for the socks with individual little toes. Maybe the sights of Paris? Eiffel Tour on one toe.....

Maggie Jul 11th, 2001 01:47 PM

What color socks? magenta. <BR>What color shoes? Bright yellow. <BR> <BR>I'll meet you at Westminster Abbey, 12 noon sharp! <BR> <BR>Just kidding! <BR> <BR>Whatever you wear, you'll peg yourself as an American because, once you get comfortable, you'll wrap your legs around the front legs of the chair. And if you don't do that - <BR>Well, you still mark yourself as an American, because you have to switch the fork from one hand to the other before stabbing the cut food and putting it in your mouth. <BR> <BR>So, if you are going to stand out anyway, why not stand out all the way?!

Capo Jul 11th, 2001 01:53 PM

I think plaid shorts and argyle socks make an exceptional fashion statement.

cmt Jul 11th, 2001 02:16 PM

Orange or chartreuse, definitely.

steverino Jul 11th, 2001 02:21 PM

Ooh, hot. What color are your stiletto pumps? <BR> <BR>

StCirq Jul 11th, 2001 04:32 PM

I always say, vermillion goes with everything.

Al Godon Jul 11th, 2001 04:36 PM

I like to wear one red sock and one white sock with a tassel around the top. <BR>My wife is very short, something like 5'0" with heels. So when she loses me in a crowd it is very easy for her to stoop down a little and look for a red sock. If a white sock seems attached to the same person, then she has found me.

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