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kappa May 4th, 2004 12:11 AM

Hi Stormygirl, I'm enjoying your report.

Just a tiny tip since nobody has mentioned so far (I think). That's spelled "Veuve" and not "Vueve". Call me sp police or whatever ;-) but as I saw this mis-spelling repeatedly on the "champagne" thread too, finally I got the nerve to say it. And since you are learning French, I suppose you are interested to know these trivial things.

stormygirl May 4th, 2004 07:53 AM

Kappa- Thank you, I'm a pretty bad speller without a spell check. it! :)

I think this is a different kind of trip report because 1) this was my 5th trip to Paris in as many years, 2) I'm staying with friends who live there, we are hanging out in residential areas with others who live there, and 3) we are mid 30's and love to have a great time!

Continuing..... The Pompidou is actually one big stop that I hadn't been to before so I was very excited. It had been pretty cool and drizzly all day but was clearing up. At first I saw the line outside and was like WOW, but my friend pointed out it was just a bag check and moving quickly (hint 1). Next we move inside and the ticket counter is divided into windows for just the Miro exhibit, the full museum ticket or the films. The price between the special exhibit and the full museum was 2 Euro, the line difference was HUGE. We got behind the other 5 people in line for full museum tickets and when we went up to the counter I asked if I could just buy the Miro, she said of course- no problem (hint 2!). Wow, that just saved us about 20 minutes.

Up the escalators, the sun was out and the views were awesome! You could see out to Defense and the arch, very cool!

The Miro exhibit is quite extensive and traces his entire career. There were sections that we just loved and pieces that we didn't think much of. It took us over 2 hours to go through it and when we got done it was 7pm! This was a bummer because we were planning to meet some other Fodorites in the 6th at the wine bar but weren't going to be able to make it now. I heard it was a very fun time and I'm sorry I missed out!

We decided to head towards home. I wanted to find this new food shop I had read about in a Food and Wine so we took the metro to Courcelle and went looking for Be. Luckily the shop stayed open until 8pm. Beautiful sandwiches, pasteries, dry goods, spices, etc. I bought my husband a very nice small bottle of handcrafted cognac and myself a few tins of their pate- duck and pork. mmmmmmmm!

As we were walking back to the metro we passed a very large food shop called Hediards. I've never been in this one before so we went in and poked around.

First off they have wine tastes each day. We saw a small sign and asked about it so they gave us a glass while we shopped. This beautiful boy of about 18 at the most asked if we needed help. My friend replied no in French, I said we were just browsing in English. He immediately wanted to practice his English with me and proceeded to follow me around like a puppy on a leash. Someone was talking about Laurent in another was mine! ;)

I found a great box of assorted honey for my in laws and was headed toward the mustard when the boy said "Please, let me free your arms". Insert small giggles from my friend and I here. I found a really nice lime mustard then on to the chocolate counter for more treats for my husband. The problem was that they weren't marked and my husband can't have nuts. I started asking my personal shopping boy what was in each one but he was flustered because I guess he didn't normally work chocolates (more of a mustard and deli guy! ha) So he grabs a book and starts to describe these wonderful chocolates. I said about one decription "oh that sounds excellent!" and he says " I'm not finished", another round of giggles :)

Chocolates secure in a "sachet" as he calls it he asks if I have tried their fruit pastes and picks out a delicious pear one for me in the shape of a star. He then asks my friend if she would like one too and gives her the peach "I'm sorry it is not a star" he says. Is it ok to swoon over an 18 year old we wonder? ;) Shopper boys rings me up (it only comes to 18Euro??? I love him!), then gift wraps everything and carries the bag for me to the door where he opens it for me and escorts us out. I say thank you and his reply "the pleasure was all mine" elicts one more set of girly giggles! Back on the metro heading for home....but I hope you realize by now that just because we PLAN to go home and to bed doesn't mean it happens that way! More in a bit......

elle May 4th, 2004 08:01 AM

"Please, let me free your arms," he said. "So that you can embrace me."

Or am I reading too much into this??

cigalechanta May 4th, 2004 08:07 AM

hmm, where did you say this shop was?
signed, Mrs. Slocum :)

ChatNoir May 4th, 2004 08:14 AM

Which cutting-edge work did you like best at the Pompidou - the towering stack of empty pickle jars or the messy pile of used paper napkins?

Sorry, it was just too hard to resist.

But I will say the view is very nice from the top of that ugly building. Oh no, I better stop before the brick bats start to fly!

Chicago_Heather May 4th, 2004 08:31 AM

Stormygirl, fantastic trip report! Thanks for sharing. I'm going solo in November and am hoping to run into your friends. ;-)

mvor May 4th, 2004 08:41 AM

stormygirl, thanks for a great read and the tip about the art squat...more, please!

stormygirl May 4th, 2004 10:10 AM

<<"Please, let me free your arms," he said. "So that you can embrace me."

Or am I reading too much into this??>>

elle... you are funny!! of course he meant "let me hold that honey for you so you can shop more" but I like your thinking!

<<hmm, where did you say this shop was?
signed, Mrs. Slocum >>

cigalechanta-oh run don't walk the next time you are there.... metro Courcelle by Parc Monceau in the 8th I think.

<< Which cutting-edge work did you like best at the Pompidou - the towering stack of empty pickle jars or the messy pile of used paper napkins?>>

Chat noir we only did the Miro exhibit, I'll have to wait on the pickle jars for my next visit!

<< I'm going solo in November and am hoping to run into your friends. >>

Chicago Heather, take a helmet, lots of advil and some neosporin. We are like stunt women! ;)

<< thanks for a great read and the tip about the art squat>>

mvor, I really hope that some people check it out. It is so fascinating and such a French art culture thing.

Alright, so we are on the metro heading home and debating whether we should go home and make a salad or eat on the cheap at a cafe in the neighborhood or see a movie...something low key for these 30 somethings tonight! I suggest we stop at their neighborhood bar called Lush and think about it over a beer. We text her roomate to join us but she says that Bonnie and Clyde are on the tv so she is staying in (funny!). There is a really cute little bistro next to the bar so we decide to eat there- Bistro des Dames (18 rue des Dames if your in the 17th, Lush next door is populated with ex pats and Irish). Just then one of the American boys from the champagne festivities calls and says he wants to join us for a drink. So we head next door for dinner. Really a great light meal. We share an entree of raviolis, each one has a whole escargot in it and then it is all in a yummy spinache cream sauce. We also share a huge plate of meats and cheeses. Way too much food and a great price. Beer for my friend I've switched to a carafe of wine. We agree that we will finish our dinner, have a few drinks next door with the culinary student and then will go home and be in bed by 11pm (it's 9:30). My friend takes our coats and purchases to her apartment quickly then we all head to the bar. The bartended who knows my friend buys us a few rounds of shots, we get a bottle of wine for cheap, the culinary student buys the bartender (woman) flowers from a street seller and all of a sudden its last call! 2AM! WHAT?????? Now we have our 2nd wind (or is that 3rd, 4th....) so we decide to head down the street to a bar known only as "the late night bar" for some dancing! It's packed! And mostly with guys. We are chatting, dancing, drinking beers, having a really great time. And then I notice my watch..... 4 AM!!!! arrrgggggg! How does this happen to us? We leave and walk to the apartment as the sky is getting light. Our culinary friend is suppose to leave for Amsterdam at 7am- good luck! haha! Home, eye shades on, to sleep!

LaurenSKahn May 4th, 2004 10:40 AM

"Hmm, where did you say this shop was?
signed, Mrs. Slocum."

The real question, cigalechanta/Mrs. Slocum was did the young man say,"I'm free."

Cigalechanta, you win the guffaw of the day award!

mvor May 4th, 2004 11:37 AM

hi, stormygirl, I just posted your tip about the art squat to the 100 great things to do in Paris thread...I was in Paris in February and March and would have loved to have checked this out. It's definitely on the list for next time!

stormygirl May 4th, 2004 02:19 PM

Sunday, day 4. We wake up around noon, the roomate grills us for information, we laugh and tell stories. Off to brunch. Brunch in Paris you ask yourselves?? Yep! And at a NON SMOKING restaurant to boot!

The original plan was to go to the flea market but it is pouring rain so we decide on a leisurly brunch at a great little place called Le Pain Quotidien 18-20 rue des Archives, Marais (4th). This is actually a chain that my friend had noticed while living in Geneva but the menu looked awesome so we wanted to try it. Also the main dining room is in the basement made to look like an old cellar. The fun thing is that there are big long communal tables. And there are pots of honey, confiture and chocolate along with baskets of bread that you just help yourself to. YUM!!! We all had tartines- my friends had roast chicken with melted cheese, I had the smoked salmon with dill and avacodo and a small salad. We had this juice, a mix of apple and pear that was delicious. They sell really nice fresh breads, pasteries, chocolates and spreads too. We all loved this. There are a few locations in Paris and for those of you in NYC there is one there too I hear.

We visited another friends apartment in the Marais and just wondered around a bit making our way back to our house. I decided to do some packing while the girls napped. Very much like Sundays at home!!

We decided to check out one more swank bar- BarFly or B*Fly as it is sometimes written. Metro Georges V on Georges V. We decided to take the metro Alma because the girls hadn't seen the Diana memorial (I try to show them around their city! ha!). The bar is mainly filled with tourists staying at the ritzy hotels in the area. It doesn't have much personality and our drinks are horrible. But we did do some interesting people watching, this couple seemed to be on their first date or something. But I know they were American becuase 1) we heard them talking and 2) she was wearing a Burberry coat and carry a fabric Coach bag. I'm a spotter of brands ;)

Off to dinner, it is a bit tougher on Sundays. We had decided on a restaurant on the Isle but upon finding it decided that the atmoshphere looked like a dockmans hang out. So we grabbed a table at another bistro across the steet. The food was mediocre at best. Although my entree salad was huge with fresh green beans and goat cheese. Our meats were a bit overdone and the cream brulee was like jello pudding. Oh well!

The next morning I got up and Paris Shuttle picked me up. It was a beautiful morning as we headed out of town. Then we stopped at a huge garish hotel on the outskirts. All of a sudden 7 very loud and large people crowd on. They are REALLY LOUD and it's only 7am. my husband had called me and I was talking to him quietly on my mobile when the mini van door slides open and people are yelling at each other to hurry, don't forget the 20 bags, do you have the tickets, etc, etc. It was so LOUD and un nerving that I got really confused and told my husband I would have to call him back. So the van packs up with this American tour group. They have so many bags it's unbelievable and I have to hold my train case and back pack on my lap. I'm staring, really shocked. It's like these people decided to try to be the loudest, tackiest, harshest Americans they could be. I'm not making this up, I was stunned silent. So the last big guy that we are waiting on finally jumps in and says to the nice man sitting next to me "HEY JOE, WHO YA GOT THERE? WHERE DID YOU PICK UP THAT FRENCHIE CHIC? HI FRENCHIE." And makes a kissy noise. Holy crap! This is my last memory of Paris? NOOOOOOO! I just looked at him and said "I can't recall the last time some crude man called me a chick". But I wanted to say much more. The whole way to the airport they talked about all the crap they bought and how more French should learn English. GROAN!!!!

Finally airport, away from them. Bad terminal, the old one. I'm flying KLM.

So that's the scoop on Paris trip 5! Thanks for reading :)

Margie May 4th, 2004 03:19 PM

A great, great report - thanks for sharing your adventures with us!

ezlivin May 4th, 2004 03:41 PM

"So that's the scoop on Paris trip 5! Thanks for reading."

Thanks for posting.

Mikex May 4th, 2004 08:43 PM

Darn it Stormygirl. I thought I was over Paris. Then you come along with this great trip report and I find I am not yet finished with Paris. To go along with that I think I gained 5 pounds just reading about your eating and drinking adventures.
Great report!

stormygirl May 5th, 2004 08:59 AM

Mike, crazy as it sounds I actually lost 5 lbs. from all the walking around!

Oh I wanted to mention that if anyone is in the Monteparnesse station look for the new high speed people movers. They are REALLY fast! My friend and I were almost scared! We said it was good we hadn't drank yet.

Also since I was just there for 4 days I bought 10 metro tickets in advance at the metro station machines. They take credit or debit cards and you get a price break. Then I ended up being maybe just 3 short so I bought as I went. There is no need to buy from the ticket windows anymore, super easy.

palette May 5th, 2004 09:30 AM

On the Art Squat stormygirl visited....I tried to revisit mid-April, but they now apparently have "hours" and the doors were locked. Next trip I will check their website first.

stormygirl May 5th, 2004 02:51 PM

Hey great article on the squat! And it lists some others, I've forwarded to my friend in Paris and she is going to check them out and see if they are still around. Thank you!

marcy_ May 5th, 2004 03:17 PM

What an entertaining trip report, stormygirl!
It sounds like a you had a terrific time.

Have you ever read "Me Talk Pretty One Day", by David Sedaris? It's by an an American living in Paris, and is the funniest book!
There's a section in it where he talks about an experience on the metro that is hysterical, and your experience on the shuttle reminded me of it .

mvor May 5th, 2004 03:33 PM

palette, thanks for the website and update.

stormygirl, please let us know what your friends find out (I'm sure that'll be a great story as well)...

alan64 May 5th, 2004 03:48 PM

Marcy, Sedaris has been a favorite of mine for several years, ever since I heard him read on NPR. I've read his first book, "Barrel Fever", and now you've given me a great idea for what to read on the plane over to France later this month.

I've also got Dumas' "The Vicomte De Bragelonne" for reading in Paris.

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