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flpab Jan 7th, 2015 10:13 AM

I feel for the woman that typed in the code to let them in. I know she feared for her kid.

flpab Jan 7th, 2015 01:07 PM

Kerouac, photobucket has the picture you took tonight for sale as a Christmas card for 1.49. I saw the pictures of the crowds that turned out. It is so close to home for you and I am sorry.

flpab Jan 7th, 2015 01:36 PM

Kerouac, photo bucket is trying to sell your picture as a Christmas card for 1.49.

flpab Jan 7th, 2015 01:38 PM

Sorry, I swear that post was not there and thought it strange so posted to let you know again and up posted the earlier one. Just didn't think you wanted that.

kerouac Jan 7th, 2015 01:44 PM

I went and looked but was not offered this bargain.

kissmekate Jan 7th, 2015 02:59 PM

The document, reviewed by a Reuters correspondent, named them as Said Kouachi, born in 1980, Cherif Kouachi, born in 1982, and Hamyd Mourad, born in 1996.

The police source said one of them had been identified by his identity card which had been left in the getaway car.

The Kouachi brothers were from the Paris region while Mourad was from the area of the northeastern city of Reims, the government source told Reuters.

menachem Jan 7th, 2015 04:03 PM

we're visiting Paris over the weekend, and were watching the news with my son almost 18 who said: "how can all this not lead to civil war"

We -all- are making a grand mess of it.

bilboburgler Jan 8th, 2015 12:35 AM

"one of them had been identified by his identity card which had been left in the getaway car."

In a sad world it has to make you laugh. :-)

Pvoyageuse Jan 8th, 2015 12:47 AM

"I went and looked but was not offered this bargain."
Kerouac, it happened to me too. First time it was there, second time it wasn't. Ditto with links you posted elsewhere (TA I believe). They also sell it as a framed picture.

flpab Jan 8th, 2015 04:21 AM

Also on canvas. Kerouac, more shootings this morning. I just can't imagine this. Just read this but not a lot on the news.

flpab Jan 8th, 2015 04:38 AM

shooter has not been caught, one dead and one critical.

IMDonehere Jan 8th, 2015 06:42 AM

I will say this to the French.

Do not allow your politicians to manipulate your fear to give them free reign to do whatever they want. After 9/11 Americans became scared beyond beyond the event and the worst foreign policy mistakes were made because of that fear that we allowed.

BTW, I worked three blocks from the Trade Center, saw the second plane hit and my building was engulfed twice by human remains. It was then I resolved to be cowered by what politicians said.

Pepper_von_snoot Jan 8th, 2015 06:59 AM

Completely agree with Aduchamp.

There is nothing patriotic about the Patriot Act.

After 911 Americans were brainwashed by politicians and the mainstream media into shredding the Constitution, especially the Fourth Amendment.

Americans don't seem to mind that NSA is collecting their telephone and email data. Reference: Edward Snowden.

A true patriot criticises his government when he sees duplicity.


MarySteveChicago Jan 8th, 2015 11:46 AM

Unfortunately we Americans cannot criticize our government. We can't even peacefully protest without being tear gassed or worse. Sigh

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