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Tony Hughes Jul 30th, 1999 11:55 AM

I wont fight..Scot should never fight Scot...... let her win...let Scotland go to the dogs...if they dont want my help then that's fine....I will find some other country that needs a Tony Hughes character, there must be one somewhere.

Kittie Jul 30th, 1999 01:54 PM

Awwww... you guys could never run me off! <BR>Sheila, <BR>It definitely sounds to me that the commitee you have been appointed to is quite important. You have in your power to make policy for the generations to come. Congrats to you! <BR>I get it... the airline subject. <BR>Dan, <BR>Oooooo...a boxing match? I would love that-without Don King of course &lt;g&gt;! <BR> <BR>I guess I am just an "ignorant American", but I consider Scotland as it's own entity. Many people I talk to (in real life, not just the dental office) seem to feel the same way. They tqlk about England then they talk about Scotland. <BR>

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