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ashcanannie Mar 13th, 2012 12:45 PM

Sandals for Spain??
I am wondering if wearing sandals would be appropriate for touring the highlight spots in Madrid, Cordoba, Toledo, Granada, and Seville. We will be visiting in late May to mid-June and the weather will be hot. I don't do shorts but would like to wear capri pants and sandals would look better than any other type of shoe. My sandals are comfortable enough but I've never tried wearing them as a tourist. What do you ladies think?

The clothing/shoe issue is also challenged by the fact that we will be flying from Seville to Dublin, Ireland, where the weather is obviously very different. Long pants and heavier shoes will be needed there. I'm afraid that one carry-on suitcase might not work. Suggestions welcomed!


annhig Mar 13th, 2012 01:14 PM

yes of course sandals, why not? I buy fairly sturdy ones [my current ones are moshulu] and they are very comfortable for sight-seeing. just the thing for seville or madrid.

you need to make sure that they aren't going to be too tight [feet tend a swell a little in warmer temperatures] and I like to take a change of shoes for when it rains or evenings, which you could wear on the plane.

don't be too sure that the weather in Ireland in May is going to be THAT different from spin - it might be, but then, it might not!

I'd reckon on being able to get away with two pairs - the shoes and the sandals - if you want to travel light.

jkbritt Mar 13th, 2012 01:24 PM

Of course, sandals. Pack them and wear shoes on the flight. Planes can get cold and shoes and socks will help keep your feet warm.

Mimar Mar 13th, 2012 02:04 PM

If it's a long flight, I wear my sandals with socks. If my feet swell after a long flight, the sandals, which have velcro'ed straps, can be adjusted.

Look for walking sandals. They need to be sturdy and support your feet over rough surfaces.

annhig Mar 14th, 2012 02:29 AM

Look for walking sandals. They need to be sturdy and support your feet over rough surfaces.>>

ditto the velcro idea - the ones I have have velcro fastenings over the toes and round the ankle so you can adjust them to get a perfect fit.

josele Mar 15th, 2012 01:18 PM

You can always tell tourists: they always wear sandals, even in the bleak midwinter. Sometimes even with socks...;-)

annhig Mar 15th, 2012 01:39 PM

You can always tell tourists: they always wear sandals, even in the bleak midwinter. Sometimes even with socks...>>

and you can always tell the locals - they're the ones wearing their fur coats in July!

clareita Mar 15th, 2012 01:52 PM

I remember worrying about what kinds of shoes to wear when I was planning for my first European trip. It took about a day and a half to realize that the only thing that mattered was if my feet were comfortable. Wear what you think will feel best and don't worry about fashion.

josele Mar 16th, 2012 09:01 AM

"and you can always tell the locals - they're the ones wearing their fur coats in July!"
That's me, you got me. My wife is just the opposite. A serious problem in the bedroom...

Clarita, you are right, comfort is what matters.

annhig Mar 16th, 2012 10:35 AM

"and you can always tell the locals - they're the ones wearing their fur coats in July!"
That's me, you got me. My wife is just the opposite. A serious problem in the bedroom...>>

thanks for the image, josele - no chance of getting cold feet in your house, anyway!

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