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zeppole Nov 29th, 2008 01:32 AM

I wouldn't call the Varenne "fussy" but it's boringly bourgeois, and it's stuck in a neighborhood that hasn't got a density of informal, great places to eat. It's chief virtue to me that it faces off-road, down a very small courtyard, making it exceptionally quiet for a Paris hotel. The rooms, as mentioned above, can be bigger than other Parisian hotels, but they don't exude a lot of warmth, despite the antique furniture. It's a perfectly safe choice. You're unlikely to have any complaints about anything at the hotel.

Since you're not leaving until May, you've got plenty of time to hunt around for accommodations more your style. My priority would be getting out of the 7th which -- pace, Gracejoan -- I think is one of less fun areas of Paris.

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