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Travelnut May 17th, 2005 04:55 PM

Man dies from Eiffel Tower 'base jump' in parachute accident
I didn't see anyone post about this today...,00.html

"... A Norwegian man was killed on Monday night in an attempt to celebrate his country’s national day by jumping off the second level of the Eiffel Tower with a parachute....Three Norwegians had entered with tourists in the middle of the afternoon and had hidden from guards. One jumped from the 380ft-high second floor of the iron structure, but the 31-year-old man, whose name has not been released, did not clear the first level and died instantly after smashing into the metal beams...."

cigalechanta May 17th, 2005 04:59 PM

also 4 other Nowegians or maybe the same wanted to do that from another tower.

Robespierre May 17th, 2005 05:05 PM

Nice to know that's out of the gene pool...although with our luck, he's already reproduced.

The same group (apparently) got kicked out of the Montparnasse tower earlier in the day.

Patrick May 17th, 2005 05:59 PM

Let me see if I understand this. Somebody went up on the tower, not realizing that the tower flares out dramatically towards the bottom? How on earth could anyone think he could jump and not hit the structure flaring out below him before he could pull the cord on the chute?

Good comment, Robespierre.

a1wysiwyg May 17th, 2005 06:33 PM

Base jumping - thrill a minute:

I believe it should be called free-base jumping...

Watch that first step - it's a doozy...

I suppose the surviving Norwegians are heading next to Giza and try one of the pyramids...

machin May 17th, 2005 06:50 PM

What a stupid thrill. They could have killed someone on that fall.
Many years ago when someone committed suicide, they landed on a tourist who died from that action.

Scarlett May 17th, 2005 07:10 PM

why do I feel like the only one feeling sorry for this person and his family?

Ronda May 17th, 2005 07:40 PM

There's got to be a Norwegian joke or will shortly be one regarding this incident. I truly feel sorry for the fellow but I would bet they were all drinking. Someone who had base jumped before would have made better preparations.

LoveItaly May 17th, 2005 08:13 PM

It is not a Norwegian joke, it happened Monday in Paris.

I agree with you Scarlett, the family left behind that has to live through this tragedy. Several years ago I read that for each person that dies there are at least one hundred people that are in mourning. Some more then others of course. Not a joke for sure!

crefloors May 17th, 2005 09:24 PM

I wouldn't think the second level would be high enough to allow time for his shute to open? Isn't there a mesh or something to keep people from jumping? Did they climb up from the outside? That's a shame but base jumpers are nuts. It's illegal to jump at Half Dome in Yosemite but a few years ago a group got up to the top and wanted to demonstrate how "safe" it is and that the restrictions against it in various places should be lifted. Well, one of the women's shute failed to open and you can figure out the rest. Don't understand why people do things like that. Glad I wasn't at the Eiffle Tower that day.

OT May 17th, 2005 10:49 PM

This is not a joke, Base Jumping is a "sport" for a group of, to us, stupid and irresponsible people. There are a few mountains in Norway which are used by base jumpers from all over the world, it is illegal, but they still do it for the thrill and prestige. Sometime it goes wrongs, and they are left dangeling by the paracute ropes along the cliff sides. A very dangerous and courageous rescue operation is required to free them.

Sometimes the jump goes wrong, as in this case, but the guys are still "heroes" in the eyes of their fellow jumpers.

Base jumpers comes from all over the globe, not just Norwegians.

Marianna May 18th, 2005 01:01 AM

It is a tragic and sad situation for the family and friends of this person who jumped and also for any visitors to the Eiffel Tower who may have witnessed this terrible accident.

Sue_xx_yy May 18th, 2005 03:56 AM

Scarlett, I think much of the ridicule is an instinctive attempt to inhibit further such jumps, and the causing of grief to yet more family members. Given that the motive in jumping is to gain fame and admiration, consider that displays of ridicule and contempt might be more effective deterrents than security guards.

Incidentally, the notoriety of alcohol as an excuse for losing self-control exceeds that drug's actual effects. When inebriated, those not in the habit of reneging on their accountability do not suddenly 'magically' lose their ability to be so accountable, grace a the alcohol imbibed. I might feel marginally sorry for a drunk driver when he is killed, but my sympathy is tempered by the knowledge that while drinking is not a choice for some, to drink does NOT mean that one loses the ability to understand that one shouldn't drive while drunk, or arrogantly break the law at any time. Few of us can claim we've never done anything dumb, and certainly the individual didn't deserve to die in this instance, but the fact remains he endangered others, and future such attempts need to be discouraged.

Neil_Oz May 18th, 2005 04:25 AM

These idiots have been banned from playing the fool in certain national park areas in Australia because of the problem OT describes - placing rescue personnel in the position of risking their own lives. They keep sneaking back, though, the urge to gratify whatever drives them seemingly stronger than any feeling of social responsibility.

An Australian jumper was killed not so long ago ago after leaping from Shanghai's Jinmao Building. I've got no idea whether he got around to reproducing before that stunt. Of course we feel sorry for those they leave behind, but I think Sue_xx_yy is on the right track - ridicule and contempt may not have much effect, but it's worth a shot.

USNR May 18th, 2005 04:49 AM

If you ever saw the grisly results of this kind of "sport" you would not want to try it.

We lived in a highrise across the street from one of Chicago's highest skyscrapers. On several occasions we saw the remains of people who either jumped or were pushed from high up, only to land on the plaza below or to come apart as they bounced off the building's sides. Talk about a bloody mess. I can imagine that the Eiffel Tower really shredded this guy as he scraped his way down. I thought Norwegians were smarter than that.

nytraveler May 18th, 2005 04:57 AM

No - unfortunately there are idiots everywhere.

Naturally one is sorry for the family - but I have no sympathy for the jumper - he made his choice despite knowing the risks. At least he no longer has the potential to injure anyone else.

elaine May 18th, 2005 05:20 AM

I agree the guy was an idiot, though some of us have made very silly or risky decisions at one time or another and very luckily, have come through unscathed. I have to admit that jumping off the Eiffel Tower wasn't ever on my list.
I do feel sorry for the family, and for
any unnecessary death. One presumes he didn't wake up that morning planning on dying.

OT May 18th, 2005 11:24 AM

To answer USNR, - yes, most of us Norwegians are smarter than that, but for some human beings, regardsless of nationality, this extreme and dangerous sportis like a drug.

This man, and 3 other people with him, were first turned away from Montparnasse tower earlier in the day.
They then went up to the top of the Eiffel Tower, but due to the security could not make the jump. They then went down to the lower level. According to the Norwegian newspapers, this man, jumped, but did not adjust his parachute for a shorter jump than originally planned, which proved fatal.

Robespierre May 18th, 2005 11:59 AM

Somebody look at this drawing, and tell me how a parachutist jumping from the 2nd floor could avoid colliding with the 1st:


Even if he were using a static line, the chute wouldn't deploy in that vertical distance...and jumping far enough out to clear the lower level would require a standing broad jump of 30 feet (use those 11m dimensions at the left as a scale).

This guy had a lot more guts than brains.

starrsville May 18th, 2005 01:06 PM

Pun intended?

Sorry for the morbid humor, folks.

Travelnut May 18th, 2005 01:42 PM

There was a malfunction:

&quot;..A Norwegian who leaped off the Eiffel Tower in a publicity stunt was killed after his parachute got stuck on an upper deck and came off, officials said Tuesday.

Police investigations indicate he planned to film his jump as part of a publicity stunt for a Norwegian clothing brand. The man, 31, entered the tower with a hidden parachute and a helmet that had a video camera attached to it, police said.

When the man reached the tower's second deck 380 feet up Monday evening, he jumped, but <b>his parachute evidently got caught on the tower's structure and detached</b>. He landed on the 182-foot-high first deck...&quot;

JJ5 May 18th, 2005 01:53 PM

So sad, because it just did not have to be.

At college age level (USA) we are seeing more and more youth (of both sexes) becoming addicted to adrenaline rush activities. We've lost one to motorcycle &quot;jumping&quot; and to bungee this year. Many highly dangerous sports or stunts become addictive in degree. We had a &quot;climber&quot; in Chicago that just couldn't stop. You real got to feel for their families sensibilities though.

He could have taken someone else out, as mentioned. What a waste!

Bitter May 18th, 2005 01:54 PM

Although i generally don't believe in outlawing risky behavior just b/c it is risky, I get sick of the time and money that goes into rescuing mountain climbers or others engaged in relatively risky behavior. Why should the rest of us pay for the risks they assume?

Robespierre May 18th, 2005 02:18 PM

He <u>fell out of his chute!?!</u>

Let's see: isn't the harness the thing that keeps you attached to the parachute when it opens?

So if it got caught on something, you'd get caught, too?

Man, those dudes must have been absolutely <i>ripped</i>.

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