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Degas Oct 10th, 2003 05:44 AM

elaine, you are much too modest. Your insightful and informative posts approach legend status on this forum.

I won't get my hopes up too much on the museum. And thanks for the website tip.

Sue_xx_yy Oct 10th, 2003 07:30 AM

Monsieur Degas

You are too kind. You pointed out in at least one other reply that your sights were on St. Paul's **church** not cathedral. Any confusion was due to my own haste.

I'm not sure if it's still the case, but the Theatre museum used to be, and may still be, closed Mondays, if that's a consideration.

vcl Oct 10th, 2003 07:59 AM

St. Paul's Covent Garden is one of the little delights of London. The garden is charming and the church is filled with memorials to Britian's theater greats. And you are right, the portico is the opening scene in My Fair Lady.

When Inigo Jones was commisioned to design the church for -- if memory serves -- the Duke of Bedford, developer of the area, Bedford told him he didn't want much more than a barn. Jones is said to have replied, "Well then, you will have the best barn in London."

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