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Pearl Jul 10th, 2002 09:52 PM

Linen after Labor Day?
I know, not another fashion question, but I am starting to think about packing for my trip to Italy after Labor Day In Sept. and wonder if it is still a misfashion to wear linen. We will be in Southern and Mid Italy and it will still be warm, so is it ok? Where I live in the US, it would have the mavens clicking their teeth in dismay, what about Italy? Thanks.

MavensorMagpies? Jul 11th, 2002 04:01 AM

Where the heck do you live? You might want to move.

Alice Twain Jul 11th, 2002 04:58 AM

You remind me of a John Water movie, do not know the original name, the killer mom that at the end of the movie decides to kill two women who were at her trial because they were wearing white shoes on the wrong time of the year.<BR>First of all, Us Labour day doesn't exist in Italy. We celebrate workers on May 1st, remembering the shots at a worker's march for the 8 hours working shift in Chicago (or maybe Boston) in the early XX century. Secondly, in Italy dress codes are far more slack than that: you wear linen as long as it is warm enough to wear linen, when it gets colder, you stop wearing linen, that's all.

Uncle Sam Jul 11th, 2002 05:16 AM

Pearl,<BR><BR>now that you've received an answer on the linen things, I'm certain your next question will be about your white shoes.<BR><BR>US

and Jul 11th, 2002 06:55 AM

Paul after the white shoes there could be questions about stockings, gloves and hats.........

bettyk Jul 11th, 2002 07:06 AM

Alice, that movie was "Serial Mom" with Kathleen Turner. It was a hoot!

Leslie Jul 11th, 2002 08:39 AM

And didn't Patricia Hearst play the "offender" wearing white shoes?

suzi Jul 11th, 2002 08:45 AM

Yes, it will still be warm in Italy in September. Feel free to wear your linen, Pearl. And despite the jibes, I understand what you mean --- when I grew up, the fashion police would put out an APB on anyone wearing certain things after Labor Day. As others have mentioned, Italy doesn't know from this "fashion date". <BR>

John Jul 11th, 2002 08:47 AM

Who gives a shit?

Ann Jul 11th, 2002 08:53 AM

Misfashion? Do you also use the word paradigm often?

Pearl Jul 11th, 2002 09:06 AM

My, my looks like we have Fodor's mavens all in a snit about my question, don't we? Looks like Suzi is the only person that can answer a question in a civil manner. I know Italy doesn't celebrate Labor Day that is not the point, that is why I wrote September. So the question is: Linen in late September in Italy (and France)?

Leslie Jul 11th, 2002 09:19 AM

Linen for travel??? Isn't this the queen of wrinkle-prone fabric? I don't even wear linen in my life at home!!!!

Alice Twain Jul 11th, 2002 09:26 AM

Belive or not, my answer was a serious one. The fact that you reminded me of that movie is because in here (in Italy) noody cares what's the day and the month when it is up to dressing. You just check the temperature and dress to fit it.<BR>I have read a load of messages by people who are scared about "dressing code in Italy". Well, the fact that Italians are always extremely well dressed is a MYTH! I have seen too many people going around dressed with a worn sleeveless shirt, blue shorts, grey socks and sandals, I see these people all the time and I assure you they are Italians. So, please, as you decide about spending a week in italy, stop worrying aboout dress codes and all!

Maura Jul 11th, 2002 09:27 AM

Only a fool would wear linen in September any place in the world, except India. You will be the brunt of jokes and stares. Believe me.

Maura Jul 11th, 2002 09:32 AM

Don't listen to Alice Twain she is trying to get you to wear linen so you will look like a clueless tourist. In Rome no one would wear linen that late in the year. She must live far out in the country.

Betsy Jul 11th, 2002 09:32 AM

Pearl, I think I asked a similar question on this board last year. I visited Italy last October, so I decided not to take any linen along that late in the season (I grew up in the South and understand the mavens clicking their teeth). Well, the weather was very hot the whole month, and I saw scads of women in linen all over Italy. Wished I had taken mine. You'll be fine with whatever you decide.

Cluck Jul 11th, 2002 09:34 AM

Oh no, Pearl! Not France too?? You should've said so! Things are totally different in France, in fact so different I personally would pack two separate suitcases, one for each country. In France you have to wear your linen inside out after Labor Day, which is a holiday they of course don't celebrate, but you knew that, right?

Hiho Jul 11th, 2002 09:45 AM

Mon Cheri - NO Linen after Labor day. That is the law!!!!! I am aghast at any suggestion otehrwise.

Pearl Jul 11th, 2002 09:51 AM

Ha, ha, you are all so funny. I agree, Betsy, I will take some linen items "just in case". Thank you everyone for the time you took out of your busy lives to answer yet another fashion question. My family is from the South also, so we have different rules down here. <BR>Cluck, read my second message, I wrote September to set the record straight for all eternity.

Uncle Sam Jul 11th, 2002 09:55 AM

Pearl,<BR><BR>I'm from the South as well, and quite frankly the old rules do not apply anymore.<BR><BR>BTW, I have a number of linen shirts and they wrinkle just when I look at them. Are you planning on bringing an iron? And have you calculated your down time from ironing that stuff?<BR><BR>Suggest you just wear your jeans instead...but that is another topic! <BR><BR>US

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