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teresetrees Apr 26th, 2005 05:37 AM

We started traveling again when our kids were in preschool and early gradeschool. The thing that surprised (and maybe hurt a little) me the most was how LITTLE they missed us! I would fax them daily with drawings of where we had been and little stories about our trips. When I got home all of the faxes were right where they had come in except for the first two! In their usual "honest" way they said sweetly that they were too busy having fun with their aunts and friends. My 8 year old said it "felt like homework!" to keep a journal or read the faxes. They will have a great time while you are gone, getting to bend the rules a little, eating things you might not let them, being spoiled by everyone from their teachers to the baysitter and neighbors. The only one who will suffer will be you! So try to take a deep breath and enjoy your time with your husband. They will miss you very little as their life continues. If is you who are in the new environment. My kids are 16 and 18 now and enjoy travel as much as we do. Sometimes with us and sometimes not!

Mimar Apr 26th, 2005 06:15 AM

I don't think you're doing your kids a favor not talking about your trip. I would have talked it to death, looked at pictures of your destinations, etc. so they'd get used to the idea.

When I was raising my son, springing things on him never worked. We'd talk things out ahead of time so he'd know just what to expect. Surprises leave them wondering what else you have up your sleeve.

jujubean Apr 26th, 2005 06:28 AM

Mimar, interesting observation. My 3 year old doesn't seem to care and she lives in the moment anyway - I plan to read her the kissing hand for a couple nights before we leave and we'll talk about it then. Any sooner and I think she'd forget anyway!:) As for my 8 year old, she has studied about Rome - she even got a library book out of her school about it - and going to a Catholic grade school - these past few weeks have all been about Rome!! So, we've talked about it ("mom, you'll get to see the new Pope!") and she's helped me shop for some new clothes! But, I also don't want to build anxiety either - I think it's a tough, but achievable balance.

seetheworld Apr 26th, 2005 01:59 PM

jujubean, I think you've got everything under control - have a wonderful trip and be sure to tell us all about it. Enjoy the book with your children and all of the kisses that your children will share with you!

dorkforcemom Apr 26th, 2005 03:49 PM

jujubean - it sounds like you are ready both physically & emotionally to leave the kids and experience a wonderful vacation! I used to mail postcards a few days before I left so that my son would receive something in the mail from me the first day. He was so young he never knew the difference. I would make up stories about foods we would have on our trip - always foods he didn't like so that he wouldn't be jealous and would actually be glad he had whatever grandparents were serving! Now life is so different. I leave my 20 year old daughter (who has a multitude of health problems) with a nurse for 10 days while my husband & I enjoy our respite in Europe. I'm extremely grateful! We leave Saturday for our once a year sojourn. When you return, please fill us in on how the youngsters handled everything - as well as you & your husband.

HKP Apr 27th, 2005 10:24 AM

Yes, DO check back! Happy Anniversary, and many many more.

dutyfree Apr 27th, 2005 01:17 PM

Go to any TABAC shop in Italy and buy a "Vectone" brand phone card from Europe to USA-its 5 Euros and good for 200 minutes. Its all in English and works so easily. The card has a world map on it with purple on the top part and blue with the word VECTONE on the bottom. You can use it at any hotel,pay phone etc. without extra charges. You punch in the 800 number on the back of the card,give the pin that you have scratched off the back of the card and then dial :
001(code for the USA country) with your area code and number you want. Trust me-these are the BEST phone cards I have ever used overseas anywhere. I use them every week for work to call home,make doctor appointments and even call long distance relatives. An English speaking voice comes on each time and lets you know how many minutes you have before you start your conversations. You can call home everyday and chat without worrying about the cost to your kids!

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