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Myer Jul 4th, 2018 06:36 PM

July 14th Bastille Day
We'll be in Paris on Bastille Day.
What is open and what is not?
We'd like to see some of the festivities but would also like to keep our distance from crowds.
Any suggestions for viewing in the area of Saint Germains des Pres?

Seamus Jul 4th, 2018 06:53 PM

It has been a couple years since we were in Paris on 14th July, but made it a point to be there for several years running. Crowds always seemed to just be part of the overall experience. If you want to avoid crowds pass on the daytime parade on the Champs. Evening festivities with concert and impressive fireworks center around Tour Eiffel, and there will be throngs both on the Champs de Mars and across the river at Trocadero. You may be able to catch glimpses of the fireworks from SGdP but not sure about any one spot. Smaller but quite convivial events happen across town at the fire station parties. Check out info here.

kerouac Jul 5th, 2018 03:35 AM

You will not see festivities if you want to avoid crowds. Crowds go to the festivities. That's what the festivities are for. Even the firemen's balls are extremely crowded.

You can watch the big concert at the Eiffel Tower and the fireworks live on television in comfort and security.

Marija Jul 5th, 2018 11:19 AM

We tried going to one of the fire station events on the 13th but there was a ridiculously long line snaking through a park not far from the station. I have no idea what happens when and if you reach the front of the line.

Myer Jul 5th, 2018 11:38 AM

We have to catch a train the next morning so I doubt we'd be up too late.

I did a bit of searching though on Google Maps and noticed that the top half of the Eiffel Tower, and thus the fireworks, is visible from Luxembourg Gardens.

PalenQ Jul 5th, 2018 12:22 PM

Why be afarid of crowds - terrorists? Well reports above say there are so many various crowded venues chances of being involved in any would no doubt be less than crossing a Parisian street. Try to catch the military parade of the Champs - Trump did last year and wants to duplicate its grandeur and military aspect this fall in DC or at least did set that in motion.

Try to stay in Montparnasse area perhaps as easy to hop trains from around there to Tours (right?) - is easy and it's a nice part of P. Tours likely to have celebrations going into wee hours too no doubt.

Christina Jul 5th, 2018 12:42 PM

I hate crowds also, it has nothing to do with terrorists, why do you decide that's the issue? I just dislike crowds, why is that so hard to understand. And if you are trying to imply crowds are perfectly benign they are not. People can get hurt in fact due to crowds (such as in metro, but that's one reason they close them near the events, to avoid people being crushed), there are people in those crowds in Paris that put off illegal fireworks which can be hazardous, if I remember correctly (kids around the Champs de Mars). And if you are concerned for physical reasons (eg, maybe you aren't young and muscular), being in crowds can be dangerous. Besides, you often can't see anything anyway in crowds.

Although last time I was there, I remember thinking, gee, this is kind of stupid, what a prime location for a terrorist target, the National Military Parade on the Champs-Elysees. (in fact, the year before was the attack in Nice). Security is kind of a joke, after all, police kind of casually check your bags, but it would have been super easy to get something past them. There were riots and arrests a couple years ago, in fact, including Molotov cocktails being thrown and violence around the Assemblee Nationale.

I've gone to the parade several times but would never go to the fireworks. They were fantastic on TV, though.

For the parade, I just get out at Kleber and go near the Arc where it isn't as crowded. I go maybe an hour early at most, as I'm not into spending too much time at that. I saw enough even though a line or two of people in front of me, it is really a magnificent revue. Some kinds of troops don't enter until a bit later, though, I forget which ones, but I just loved the old tanks and the cuirassiers.

Myer Jul 5th, 2018 01:32 PM

Well, we went to see the fireworks near my son's place yesterday evening.
This time of year it rains almost every day at some time.
The last few years it had cleared by the 9:00PM fireworks starting time.
Not yesterday evening. It started to rain (then pour) just as we were getting out of the car. After a while we gave up and went home. At least we had a nice BBQ.
My daughter texted us from her area. She lives near the beach. She said it was totally clear and she could see fireworks in every direction.
I guess we know where we should have been.

PalenQ Jul 5th, 2018 03:30 PM

I hate crowds also, it has nothing to do with terrorists, why do you decide that's the issue?>

Just thought it could be now after Nice and other attacks and Bastille Day natural target but yes lots of reasons to avoid crowds as you correctly state. I too don't like huge crowds where I can't easily walk out - as for attacks I presume the real security may not be obvious.

StCirq Jul 5th, 2018 03:39 PM

I don't even like the crowds at our small village Fête Nationale celebrations here in the Dordogne. I don't normally worry about terrorism, but seeing the prevalence of security people at local celebrations here recently, like the Félibrée last weekend, it does give you pause. They even canceled the Strawberry Festival in Vergt this year because the mayor decided they couldn't possibly provide security for the 25,000 people they were expecting, in a town of maybe 5,000.

If in Paris on the Fête Nationale, or the Quatorze Juillet (It's not called Bastille Day in France), I'd either go the Parc Belleville or watch in a hotel or bar.

kawh Jul 5th, 2018 07:12 PM

If you don't love crowds, maybe someone here can recommend a bar or restaurant with a nice street view. It's pretty crazy. Last time i was there for the celebrations, the streets were wall-to-wall people and several people were tossing firecrackers around... maybe that doesn't happen now that the world is so unpredictable.

progol Jul 6th, 2018 02:56 AM

It's over 10 years since we were there on July 14, and we also tried to go to a Fireman's ball (the night before, if I remember correctly) but the line was waaay too long so we gave up the idea. We were staying in the 7th, so were able to walk over to the Champ de Mars and find a spot. Yes, it was crowded but we enjoyed seeing the fireworks and had a short walk back to our hotel afterwards, so the hassle factor getting there and back was minimal. :)

Belinda Jul 6th, 2018 06:13 AM

Last year we watched the fireworks from L’Oiseau Blanc where we had dinner. It was very expensive but the fireworks are incredible and we had a very good view. There are other restaurants and bars that are offering dinners that night for a little less. These are the granddaddy of all fireworks.

kerouac Jul 6th, 2018 06:41 AM

Just for the record, it should be mentioned that the fireworks show is a total audio visual presentation with music and other sound effects designed to be seen from the Champ de Mars. People watching from afar are missing at least 50% of the experience and losing out on the French genius of sound and light shows -- designed for crowds.

So I'll say again -- just watch it on television.if you can't face other members of the human race. Frankly, there is absolutely no reason for misanthropes to be in Paris on the 14th of July or any other place anywhere in the world when it is a day of mass celebration.

xcountry Jul 6th, 2018 06:54 AM

“So I'll say again -- just watch it on television.if you can't face other members of the human race.”

He said disparagingly from the safe haven of the Internet, while not facing other members of the human race.

kerouac Jul 6th, 2018 07:10 AM

Do you want to meet for a coffee?

PalenQ Jul 6th, 2018 10:58 AM

only over the internets!

kerouac Jul 6th, 2018 11:19 AM

:cool: Ha, I am anxiously awaiting your next visit to France, PalenQ.

PalenQ Jul 6th, 2018 11:24 AM

three lifetimes from now - we'll have a cafe at Les Deux Magots!

kerouac Jul 6th, 2018 12:00 PM

I will not set foot there. How about Les Petites Gouttes? Accueil | Les Petites Gouttes

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