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_christina_ May 1st, 2008 04:34 PM

Je suis voyager à Bruxelles... quand je dois faire?
Salut! Je suis voyager à Bruxelles en la Belgique. Quand je dois faire? Je veux faire quelque chose amusant qui ne coûte pas beaucoup de l’argent. Respondez, s’il vous plait. Merçi!

hypatia May 1st, 2008 05:26 PM

Parlez vous Anglais?

janisj May 1st, 2008 05:33 PM

I can figure out what you are asking (fun, inexpensive things to do in Brussels) but cannot answer since I don't speak/write French. I'm pretty sure that is what you are asking just from the words that are similar in English and French.

There are several French Fodorites plus lots of others who are fluent so hopefully some of them will see your questions . . . .

llamalady May 1st, 2008 06:28 PM

.....cute accent on 'merci'!

StCirq May 1st, 2008 06:49 PM

Well, obviously French isn't your native language, so what is? Or is this some kind of joke?

azzure May 1st, 2008 06:49 PM

I've been studying French for awhile (still a beginner) and the phrase "Quand je dois faire?" doesn't make sense to me. I translate it as "When must I do?" but that can't be right.

StCirq May 1st, 2008 06:53 PM

The whole message is messed-up French. He/she is obviously not a French speaker native.

Je suis voyager was the first clue. Respondez was another huge one.Lots in between.

grandmere May 1st, 2008 07:09 PM

I'm glad for the reality check on this "French"; sure looked strange to me!

BTilke May 1st, 2008 11:33 PM

Brussels has lots of language clubs where people can get together to practice their French...maybe the OP could try one of those ;-)

At any rate, if this is a serious question, one of the easiest things for visitors to do is pick up the latest copy of The Bulletin newsmagazine and check out the "What's On" section. There are plenty of exhibitions in town that are free or almost. Free concerts as well.

flanneruk May 1st, 2008 11:45 PM

When I think of the amount of physical pain the good Fathers inflicted to make us use "en" right, I can see what a good idea physical punishment in education really was.

Seriously: reading "en la Belgique" hurts more than Father O'Sadist's ferula ever did.

jamikins May 2nd, 2008 01:28 AM

Maybe French is their 2nd language and they dont speak English?? Maybe their 2nd language isnt that strong but they can fumble through? Just a thought

hetismij May 2nd, 2008 03:09 AM

But if they don't speak English how do they know Fodors is a travel forum and how it works? And why post on an English language forum, I am sure there are plenty of French language ones out there in cyber space.

Celiaanne May 2nd, 2008 03:44 AM

Maybe it was just done for fun ... a student of French just trying it out? I think we all got the jist (sp?) of it.

fodorite_reject May 2nd, 2008 04:22 AM

Maybe she's a terrorist. ;)

ira May 2nd, 2008 04:35 AM

Bonjour C,

>Chercher pour Bruxelles sous les "Destinations".

ciaodeb May 2nd, 2008 04:54 AM

I used an internet translation program:

Author: _Christina_ Dates: 05/01/2008, 08:34 pm good day! I am to travel to Brussels in Belgium. When must I do? I want to do funny something that does not cost a lot of money. Respondez, itself it pleases you. Merçi!

If this is a real person, she is going to Brussels and asks best time to go (of year?) and further asks for suggestions of activities that are not expensive. Respond if you please. Thanks.

If the translation is correct 100% then her French is not. I agree that it may be a joke to our English board. Even if it is in French, it is empty of information that we would need to reply to. So I say to Christina:


Si ceci est une vraie question vous avez besoin de plus d'information. Quand pensez-vous à aller à Bruxelles ? Quel type d'activités appréciez-vous ? Vous obtiendriez la plupart des suggestions si vous avez écrit dans l'anglais.

I speak Italian but used the translations system to put into French:

"Whether this is a real question you need more information. When are you thinking of going to Brussels? What type of activities do you enjoy? You would get most suggestions if you wrote in English."

I think I have the gist of what she is asking, it is similar to Italian. Wonder if she will now reply back?

StCirq May 2nd, 2008 05:59 AM

OMG, what could be worse than a bad internet translation of badly executed French to begin with?

" I want to do something funny..." ... oh, please...

I think we should stick to English for this one.

In Brussels you can go see the Mannequin Pis - that could be construed as both amusant and funny.

Padraig May 2nd, 2008 06:04 AM

StCirq wrote: "In Brussels you can go see the Mannequin Pis"

The most over-rated single tourist attraction I have ever seen.

BTilke May 2nd, 2008 06:16 AM

In addition to my suggestions above, we thought the renovated Atomium was amusing (and better than we'd expected, esp. compared to how beat up and skeevy it was in the late 1990s). The extensive Barbie exhibit was a hoot--I still have two of the three Barbie outfits shown in the photos here:

The bar is stylin' and I hear some good things about the restaurant (and also some mixed reviews), have to try it soon.

StCirq May 2nd, 2008 06:21 AM

Oh, I totally agree, Padraig. In fact, it's just gauche. But it fits the "amusant" criterion, no?

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