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ira Oct 1st, 2006 04:09 AM

Ira will be off line for a while
Hi all,

We are off to watch the leaves change in New England.

Back in a couple of weeks.

au revoir


Marianna Oct 1st, 2006 04:14 AM

Hello Ira,

I heard that the color will be pretty good this year. Some far north areas have reached peak or almost peak. I see color in my northeastern Ma town (a few miles from the NH border) already.

Have a great trip!

JeanneB Oct 1st, 2006 04:24 AM

Happy peepin', Ira!

AnnMarie_C Oct 1st, 2006 04:45 AM

Enjoy a wonderful trip, Ira!

We'll be right behind you in a couple of weeks though don't think we're headed as far north as you and the Mrs. Take care.

kopp Oct 1st, 2006 04:49 AM

Hi ira,

I remember when you were planning this trip. Seems like so long ago. Have a wonderful time immersed in the beauty of New England: the covered bridges, red leaves on the trees, and the sounds of "crunch" under your feet as you hike.

We love fall trips, have been to Colorado and Wyoming to see the yellow and gold aspens, but never up to NE with their reds and oranges. I look forward to taking good notes from your report!

Happy travels!

massagediva Oct 1st, 2006 04:51 AM

Bon foliage!

annhig Oct 1st, 2006 04:56 AM

Hi, Ira,
your message brought abck memories of our one and only trip to NE 18 years ago, at the same time of year, along with out then infant daughter when celebrated her 1st birthday on a cape cod beach. we were blown away by the beauty of the trees colurs, which are nothing like as vivd in this part of england, [south west] though they are pretty good in the south-east where we used to live.
we put it down to the higher rainfall here - does anyone know why that should affect the leaf colour?

AnnMarie_C Oct 1st, 2006 04:57 AM

Very clever, massagediva! :-)

LoveItaly Oct 1st, 2006 06:33 AM

Wishing you and your lovely wife a beautiful time in New England Ira.

Lily Oct 1st, 2006 06:35 AM

Have a wonderful trip Ira and look forward to your trip report.

dorkforcemom Oct 1st, 2006 06:37 AM

Ira - have a wonderful, colorful, cool vacation. Take good notes - after our 98 degrees here yesterday and predictions of hot weather everyday this first week of October, I'm game to plan a similar trip fall of 2007!

Carrybean Oct 1st, 2006 06:53 AM


parisnow Oct 1st, 2006 07:08 AM

Please Ira don't go...I can't live without you?

Actually, I too will be on vacation in October. Plan to drive through Wisconsin/Minnesota Mississippi river bluffs to see the fall foliage.

jsmith Oct 1st, 2006 07:09 AM

If the Maine coast is on your itinerary, the Portland Museum of Art has a Paris and the Countryside - Modern Life in Late 19th Century France exhibit of 88 works that continues to Oct. 15.

Saw it yesterday and the drive from central Mass in glorious fall weather wasn't particularly colorful. Peak color is generally around Columbus day.

cocofromdijon Oct 1st, 2006 07:35 AM

Bon voyage Ira! And come back to us with even more ((I)).

cigalechanta Oct 1st, 2006 07:57 AM

IRA, Welcome to my part of the world. Have a wonderful time and do try one of our Maine Lobsters.

crefloors Oct 1st, 2006 08:07 AM

Have a great trip, but I suggest you leave the dog at home!!!!! LOL

baldworth Oct 1st, 2006 08:08 AM

I'm sure that New England is beautiful but actually there are more different types of deciduous trees in the Smoky Mountains than anywhere else in the world, or at least this was true twenty years ago. I hope that acid rain hasn't changed those facts. For those who can't make it to the northeast see if you can get to northeast Tennessee or western North Carolina.


baldworth Oct 1st, 2006 08:11 AM

By the way, enjoy your trip Ira!


i_am_kane Oct 1st, 2006 08:17 AM


Welcome to my part of the country.

Good leaf peeking!

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