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Judy Aug 21st, 2001 08:51 AM

hello naīmeīs Judy, Iīm from Arkansas, and in 10 days, iīll be in a new countrie for the first time. Itīs Europe, but I still need to clear some doubts. <BR>Iīm going to england first to see the pope and the queen but people say that thereīs a terrorist group named ETA thatt is dangerous. is it ok to go there? is it true that in France wine and champagne is served at breakfast ?

I'm Aug 21st, 2001 09:09 AM

Oh, boy, Judy, you must be so excited! Only thing is, you have to go to Italy to see the Pope. That's doable in 10 days. Wine and champagne for breakfast?!! Woohoo, I'm on my way!!!

kate Aug 21st, 2001 09:09 AM

That's right Judy, we only have liquids, that's how we euros all stay so thin.

I'm Aug 21st, 2001 09:12 AM

Oops, me again, Judy. I see that IN 10 days you are GOING to the new counrie, not that you will be there for 10 days. Just how long are you planning to stay there? I hope you bring lots of shoes and ziplock bags, too. And for heaven's sake, learn the language before you go, just in case you have any questions.

martha Aug 21st, 2001 09:20 AM

Don't forget to take 500 washcloths with you

oops Aug 21st, 2001 09:20 AM

The terrorist group is not ETA, it is called VAT. LOOK OUT!

Judy Aug 21st, 2001 09:36 AM

Iīm sorry, if I didnīt explained very well, you see, my hubby is arranging all and Iīm just packinīup, but this things were told to me by ma friend Mary Lou, and she already travelled to many countries like mexico, to yuacatan and california. <BR>She told me somethinībout the pope and I know that the pope lives in Italy in the castel of the Vatican, and that the queen of europe is in england and that she was relative of lady Diana. <BR>Iīm not dumb !!! <BR>All I wanted to know is about the terrorist that place bombs, but iīve never heard about VAT group. Were are they in Vatland ?

Vat Aug 21st, 2001 09:43 AM

Wasn't Vatland the original Viking name for Milwaukee?

Got Aug 21st, 2001 09:48 AM

Hey, Judy, Madonna's over there in England, bet you could ask her things, like about the VAT and the ETA. She knows everything--why, I bet she even knows about the wine/champagne thing in France! Ask her!!

Judy Aug 21st, 2001 10:04 AM

where is vatland

Santa Chiara Aug 21st, 2001 10:08 AM

How do you get to the Amalfi Coast from Vatland?

xxxx Aug 21st, 2001 10:10 AM

Judy I am not sure if you are for real but your English is worse than mine and it is not even my first tong. Your knowledge of geography is pathetic. <BR> <BR>Don't you people see Judy is pulling your leg?

judy Aug 21st, 2001 10:14 AM

I donīt care if you call me ignorant, and say that I write with errors. Not everybody is legally forced to go to school, and I may write errors but no one sells better lands than ma hubby. <BR>you are all jealous that Iīm gonna to europe to see the pope while you stay at home watchinītv.

Wolfgang Aus Fhart Aug 21st, 2001 10:15 AM

Silly, silly people. Don't you know any German? Vatland is German for what land, as what land are you going to on holiday? See? Vatland=what land. Get it?

ilisa Aug 21st, 2001 10:23 AM

Oh, did California secede from the United States?

judy Aug 21st, 2001 10:25 AM

california what ??? another earthquake ? poor fellows, those !!

Judy Aug 21st, 2001 11:26 AM

I neva new that you did not live in California to. What country do yyou live in? America or nevada or new yoork?

Kim Aug 21st, 2001 11:28 AM

Most people on this board live in the Contries of New York, England, and New England. A few live in other contries like Paris, London, Spain, Asia, and Munich. They're people from all over the world on this website.

jEThrO Aug 21st, 2001 11:37 AM

Judy, <BR>Now, you be a good gurl when in the other contrie. Remember that you can never bring yur own grits when having breakfast in them foreign land. And for god's sake, break in them new shoes before you leave. Finally, make sure you see some movie 'bout Cap'ns Hillbillys Banjo. <BR>Now, you be writin.

Madonna Aug 21st, 2001 11:42 AM

Listen, you guys--quit picking on Judy. Just because her accent sounds dumber than the English accent I hear over here all the time and just looove, doesn't mean she can't come over here, too. You are all just jealous. And yeah, I got answers!! Money, too. Hey Judy, you say your husband is selling lands? I'd like to talk to him when you get here.

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