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Karen Mar 18th, 2001 02:46 PM

Ro, <BR>Twenty years ago, my husband was not excited about going to Spain. He had never been outside the US, and that's what I live for! He loved it! Now, we're ALWAYS talking about the next trip. Just try to find things that interest him. I'm sure he'll enjoy it just as much as you. Enjoy!

OP Mar 20th, 2001 09:56 AM

Ro: <BR>The first time we went to Europe my husband definitely did not want to go. He tried to back out about 20 times (and was very creative and somewhat convincing in his methods of escape). However, I persevered, as did you, and was totally organized and had everything lined up so he didn't get anxious. Result: We had a blast and he fell in love with overseas travel! We are now planning our third trip and he's probably checking this forum from work right now! My advice: find out what bothers him and subtly and methodically do everything you can to neutralize his fears. In this way you create a partner not an adversary. Good luck.

Anon Mar 20th, 2001 10:19 AM

I talked about a trip to Italy for a year. Ny husband the control freak was digging his heels. I finally told him that I was going with or without him. He beleived me and went. He had a difficult time on our first European trip. And it was all because he was out of his element and couldn't control everything. <BR>As the previous poster said, eliminate as many fears as possible. That's what I did and the trip was great. We just concluded our 8th trip abroad having visited 10 countries for a total of 7 months all told. Hand in there, Ladies! And go without if you must!

Melinda Mar 21st, 2001 09:08 AM

Reading these messages makes me wonder--why is it mostly women dragging reluctant men to foreign places? Is it the control freak aspect-or are women just more adaptable creatures and therefore less afraid of the unknown? Or is it just that more women are interested in this discussion? I'm taking an Italian class at a local college and 75% of the students are women.

nancy Mar 21st, 2001 12:38 PM

Melinda, <BR>All three!

Heather Mar 21st, 2001 12:57 PM

I've wondered about this topic ... didn't know it was so widespread until the Forum addiction meant that I saw so many posts about it. My dad gave my mom an unconditional "no!" to Europe, so I've taken her to Europe three times -- number four next year (crossed fingers) and he gets lots of postcards. What causes this? (Dr. Fordor?) I think that the board must have a monopoly on many of the learned, well traveled men (Ed, Mr. Fowler, Bob the Navigator, Paulo, Rex, Patrick, sorry to miss anyone) ... at least I hope that their travel partners are appreciative (I certainly am for their advice). How 'bout the men ... anyone have to drag their wives/partners along?

Anon Mar 21st, 2001 01:03 PM

Sorry about all the typos, the "controller" was just walking into the house! <BR> <BR>I believe it is all three, Melinda. <BR>I love my husband dearly, and am so happy that he was able to take that first plunge (although he knows I WOULD have left him behind, and that is probably the real reason that he accompanied me!), we have really enjoyed our travels together. <BR> <BR>What are your experiences, women? Were these men able to enjoy the trip once you got them there, and are they willing to go again?

Jan Mar 21st, 2001 03:46 PM

Oh, this was a hoot reading about all the difficulty getting men to travel with us!! I saw it firsthand when I asked my folks to accompany me to New York City last December for 5 days. Dad never expresses any interest in traveling...except shuttling from No. CA to So. CA by car or every summer "home" to Ireland to visit relatives. Mom was excited to go to New York; she's always wanted to travel, but Dad has always been so uninterested. Well, we went, saw 3 shows, dined out, walked everywhere and had a terrific time. By the first evening's phone call back to Dad, he was regretting not being there. So, when I mentioned Italy, he quickly jumped on the bandwagon. So, gals, go alone or with your friends. Let the fellas back home know about the terrific time you're having. Rub it in! Next time they'll show a little enthusiasm...and if they don't, I say go without them and have a blast!!

Jim Tardio Mar 21st, 2001 04:28 PM

I've know many folks who put off travel or refuse to go for one reason or another. Usually they are just frightened of the unknown. It's really a shame. My mother's family comes from Italy and I've finally persuaded her to visit the place...she's 79. For years I tried to get her and my dad to go. My dad never made it. Who knows why....he had the money and the time...but also that fear. It's really a shame. <BR> <BR>Photos of Italy...

Marlise Mar 21st, 2001 05:17 PM

GREAT post Ro! It was great reading! And here I've felt so left out because I'm divored and no husband to travel with for the "romatic" stuff....but my girlfriend and I have been on (2) cruises and now for the first time....going on a Danube River's been my dream to go to Europe my whole life.....and in only (44) days!!! Whowhooooooo!! Guess you don't need that guy after all!! I agreed with everyone....go without 'em and have a blast! Have a GREAT time in Italy Ro (it's on my travel wish list!)

Justin Mar 21st, 2001 05:57 PM

God I'm glad I'm a gay man.

ro Mar 22nd, 2001 08:25 AM

i think my husband finally realized i was serious about going either with him or w/o him. so that's why he's going. but your right, ask once maybe twice then find someone else to go with.

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