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menachem Aug 27th, 2014 07:55 AM

I'm Dutch, I call my country The Netherlands, but then I'm from up north, where "Holland" isn't always favorably regarded.

Try using "Holland" for "The Netherlands" in Friesland. They won't like you for it.

bilboburgler Aug 27th, 2014 08:12 AM

P, all I can say is thank goodness we are not back there with the whole Salem burning thing still to come let alone that between Hell, Halifax and Hull

annhig Aug 27th, 2014 10:20 AM

sometimes I think that fodorites wold argue about the speed of raindrops running down a window-pane.

I say "Holland", you say "Netherlands", let's call the whole thing off.

PalenQ Aug 27th, 2014 10:35 AM

It was like the intense battle a few weeks back where someone upbraided a new poster who dared use Eastern Europe when referring to Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, etc. - saying that he should have said Central Europe instead. And though that is technically correct the term Eastern Europe, perhaps a remnant of days when the East Bloc commie countries were called 'eastern Europe' and there are now such things as the Eastern European Railpass that covers all those countries - it was not called a Central European Railpass because most folks still think of Poland and the Czech Republic and Hungaruy as 'Eastern Europe" - rightly or wrongly.

sometimes folks just wish to show off their self-presumed intelligence over matters than make little difference - like the word Holland being ubiquitously used by Americans for The Netherlands - you use the vernacular most folks do - in this case definitely Holland, even by some Dutch themselves IME.

Much ado about nothing of course!

menachem Aug 28th, 2014 01:42 AM

Well, Pal, you know the Netherlands so much better than we, its inhabitants do.

Anyway, OP, you won't have much of a problem being in either NL or NOR.

PalenQ Aug 28th, 2014 05:20 AM

memachem - so you never heard any Netherlanderers refer to themselves as from Holland? Or use the word Holland in lieu of The Netherlands? OK maybe I am off the mark on that but using Holland for The Netherlands is what most non-Dutch people do and thus why The Netherlands Tourist Board uses Welcome to Holland as its web site instead of Welcome to The Netherlands - that is my main point - that the use of Holland outside of The Netherlands to call your country is much more often than using The Netherlands.

menachem Aug 28th, 2014 07:23 AM

Only people from Holland see fit think their two provinces represent the entire Netherlands. It's an attitude that goes right back to our founding as a federal republic.

It's the same as when Europeans use America for the United States of America. Canadians do object.

Anyway, here are the Dutch stereotypes

PalenQ Aug 28th, 2014 10:00 AM

Love that sarcastic stereotype site!

One practical reason for me using Holland vs The Netherlands is that Holland is much easier to type.

menachem Aug 29th, 2014 01:26 AM

Not in Dutch, it isn't ;)

Tulips Aug 29th, 2014 05:19 AM

I'm Dutch, and would never ever say I'm from Holland. I don't ever refer to my country as Holland. Nor does anyone I know. It's a bit like calling someone who is from Wales 'English'.

So no, Pal, people from parts of the Netherlands outside of North and South Holland don't say they live in Holland.

I know that the tourism board talk about Holland. They're probably from Amsterdam. Which is Holland.
I'm from Brabant, which is not. Promotion of 'Holland' is mostly geared towards Holland; Amsterdam, tulip fields, The Hague. Their posters feature tulips, Amsterdam, windmills. You find those in Holland. There are windmills in Brabant, but they look different and are used for a different purpose. Do you ever see a 'Holland' poster featuring Maastricht, or the Wadden islands, or Leeuwarden?

Anyway, to answer the OP's question; you'll be fine in the Netherlands. They will appreciate if you try to speak a few words in Dutch, but will be happy to speak English to you. There is no prejudice against Asian people. In Belgium, where I live, I'm not so sure; Amsterdam is certainly easier than Antwerp in this respect.

spleetooginnederland Sep 30th, 2015 11:01 AM

I grew up here as Chinese, lived here 25 years.

There are many Chinese student studying in Holland, which will increase in upcoming years!

I think as a student, u will be fine, U will meet many other Asians and other foreign students in large cities or cities with quality university.

In general there is no racism or prejudice towards Asians in Holland, but...

In the media, u will read a lot of negative reports on Asians, especially about Chinese/China. ''Jokes'' about Asians are not censored, even if they are racist, but just pass off as a ''joke'' in Dutch culture.

But u can't read Dutch, so it is fine for now.

Living quality is very good and much cheaper than Norway!

And last good RAIN coat!!

janisj Sep 30th, 2015 11:24 AM

spleetooginnederland: Welcome to Fodors. >>I think as a student, u will be fine, <<

. . . 'was' fine is more like it. Her semester abroad was last spring and she is back home. She never reported back.

(when topping a thread it is good to look at the dates)

pariswat Sep 30th, 2015 11:26 AM

Dutch guys even crack joke about Belgians.
Just an inferiority complex they try to overcome.


tonfromleiden Oct 3rd, 2015 05:58 AM

As said by most above: the Netherlands have a long history of Chinese living here (try to find a medium-sized town without a Chinese-Indonesian restaurant!), and they're generally well regarded as hard-working, serious people who give no trouble.

PalenQ Oct 4th, 2015 09:31 AM

did you hear about the Belgian who ............... heard that in Holland!

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