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indigokid Aug 3rd, 2007 10:33 PM

Please, oh those of you wiser and more stylish than myself...

I'm about to spend a around two months in Southern Italy and Northern Africa. I've come to accept that no matter what I do I will not look like a local, and am now focusing on trying to figure out how to not look plain ridiculous.

Here's the trouble: I'm 20 and at home I mainly like to wear shorts and tank tops.

Generally, shorts like this:
and tank tops like this:

Am I hopeless? Should I try to get some nicer clothes before I leave (and what would those items be?) or should I just give up and enjoy my trip regardless of fashion?

I'm a student, and a tacky one at that. Would skirts be an improvement? Something like this, perhaps:

These are my walking/hiking shoes (I feel embarrassed already as I post the link):

And my only alternate shoes are a pair of nice-ish cork-and-leather flip flops.

VERY small budget... very self conscious after reading this board :(

I leave in about a week... please help me!

Thank you for your help!

travelinwifey Aug 3rd, 2007 10:49 PM

I'd save the clothes shopping budget for when you arrive! Then see what feels comfortable and practical for you. There are plenty of shops in Italy with stylish clothes at inexpensive prices.

nona1 Aug 3rd, 2007 11:13 PM

Which countries in Northern Africa? It's wise to stay fairly covered-up in most, if not all, of them.

indigokid Aug 3rd, 2007 11:15 PM

Tunisia, to clarify.
That is a very good point.

alanRow Aug 3rd, 2007 11:15 PM

I'd recommend getting some clothes that cover your upper arms, don't show your breasts off & which reach your knees.

Going to N. Africa dressed like you normally do will get you a lot of attention - every last bit of it unwelcome. Even in Southern Italy it's likely to raise eyebrows in most places

The shoes BTW are quite acceptable

GSteed Aug 3rd, 2007 11:27 PM

BMI? Lightweight denim over the knee skirt, lightweight elbow length cotton shirt. Shirt should be a contrasting color. Perhaps a contrasting color vest with inside pockets. Knee length stockings! How can you go wrong? Don't forget a wide brimmed neutral colored hat. No funky dark glasses. Try for an inconspicuous appearance.

indigokid Aug 3rd, 2007 11:29 PM

Thank you.
I'm thinking perhaps I ought to shift my focus from the relatively superfluous fashion obsession to the basics of being safe/avoiding unwanted situations.

nona1 Aug 3rd, 2007 11:32 PM

Tunisia is a Muslim country - albeit not one in which you find women walking round in full-on Burkhas or anything, but still you need to dress carefully.

You should wear long skirts or trousers and long sleeves at all times, unless you are in your hotel grounds or at the beach.

Be prepared. I went to Tunisia and have never been groped so much in my entire life, and I WAS dressed as I've described above, am middle-aged, and had my child with me.

Many of the men there assume that western women are basically 'open to all' at any time. Will literally walk up to you in the street and grab your breasts, shop assistants will stand next to you and start squeezing your bum, you'll constantly be shouted at in the street. The slightest eye-contact was interpreted as a 'come on'.

To wear anything more revealing would, I think, put you in a very difficult situation. The most useful thing I learned was to scowl and spit the word 'la' (no) forcefully at any man approaching me, which made me sad to have to do, but did put most of the gropers off.

Oh, and there was a big crowd of men goggling at the women on the beach in their swimsuits or *gasp* bikinis. I made the mistake of walking to the beach in my shorts one day (literally just needed to cross one road at the back of my hotel) and nearly caused a traffic pile-up.

Having said that....I did enjoy my holiday overall and I didn't actually feel threatened at any time...just like a tomato in the greengrocers that everyone wants to squeeze! The hotel staff etc were fine, it was just when we were out in the town.

If you are interested in history the Roman remains in Tunisia are mind-blowing! Even better than Rome...

nona1 Aug 3rd, 2007 11:38 PM

oh - and they were knee-length shorts.

I'm not trying to put you off, it was a fascinating place and a good holiday overall, but just want to make the point that if all that happened to me, middle-aged and very covered up accompanied by a child, I think you should be extra aware of the signals you and your clothing will give out.

indigokid Aug 3rd, 2007 11:42 PM

Nona, wow!
Thank you for sharing your experience!
I guess this means I'll leave the shorts behind and seek some sleeved shirts.

What kind of long shirts do you all recomend? What sort are most barable in the heat?

alanRow Aug 3rd, 2007 11:50 PM

Long loose clothing - keeps you cool, hides your figure & cuts the amount of attention

try to ensure it's not transparent in bright light BTW

sheila Aug 4th, 2007 12:02 AM

In Italy, you'll be fine. A common trick for girls of your age is to buy a sarong which you can twist round your waist or drape as required.

Tunisia I have no experience of, so no comment.

nona1 Aug 4th, 2007 12:06 AM

There's a relevant discussion and advice on this thorn tree thread;iCountryId=

nona1 Aug 4th, 2007 12:59 AM

I wore long loose long-sleeved T-shirts and tunic tops. I'd avoid blouses with buttons down the front as I suspect they might prove iresistable to certain fingers.

I made a mistake with one top - the body was thick cotton but the sleeves were a flimsier see-through mesh material. Bad idea.

dutyfree Aug 4th, 2007 01:09 AM

My 21 year old daughter was studying last year in Sicily and spent her spring break in Tunisia.She was traveling with a male friend and a girlfriend while there. She ended up buying a cheap wedding ring and passing the male friend off as her husband as the advances towards her were numerous. She is 5'10 with red hair and blue eyes and EVERYWHERE she went she was constantly talked to,prepositioned and annoyed. She was dressed in very conservative clothing too.I cannot even imagine wearing shorts and tank tops.
Heed all the information about Tunisia-hope that you can speak some French too!(My daughter made it all the way through AP French in high school and said that is all she spoke there-from taxis,shopping and camel riding. Have fun!

alanRow Aug 4th, 2007 01:41 AM

<<< In Italy, you'll be fine >>>

Even in southern Italy? - they are a bit more conservative down that way

freeman0819 Aug 4th, 2007 04:20 AM

Indigokid- I was in Tunisia in February. I stayed at a resort for part of my time there, however, once I left (meaning out in public), it was definitely a different set of rules.

In most Muslim countries (not sure if it's all, I am Muslim), I am told that women rarely go out "unaccompanied", as in without a few other women or without male (brother, or other male relative) supervision.

I consider myself pretty travel savvy, so I am comfortable traveling alone near and far. But, you have to be prepared for the ogling, cat calling, grabbing! I was in the buffet line at dinner at my resort and one of the CHEFS (mind you!) walked right up to me and squeezed my behind.

The wedding ring ploy is a good suggestion. Long sleeves, and covered knees are important. Light cottons and linens are good, I brought a few "gypsy type" skirts with me and that did the trick (just make sure they are not see through as a previously poster mention).

One important tip I was give (I read this in a few guide books also). Be aware of the nice friendly young Tunisian man that wants to befriend you and take you around and show you the sites. Don't get me wrong, everything could be fine- just remember that many males will see the young female single traveler as a target for being easy or gullible.

Make sure you bring a big sun hat- the sun is very strong. also sunscreen/sun block. I did not find any in the shops when I was there.

Tunisia is an amazing country and there is sooo much to see and do. i found that the shopping in the markets is great- great pottery pieces (as in large ceramic serving platters for less that $5!)

Have fun.

Ackislander Aug 4th, 2007 04:50 AM

I was once an advisor to foreign students at a major university.

It was very difficult to explain to them that clothing and morals do not have the same connection in our country that they do in many of theirs (not only Islamic). A girl/woman who exposes her cleavage, thighs, butt, etc is assumed to be sexually available. Period. We wanted to keep them out of jail, so we spent time on this issue. They were amazed!

travelmom68 Aug 4th, 2007 07:13 AM

I just want to comment, Indigokid, that I find you admirable that you are concerned about how you will appear to others as an American, and as a young woman. It's very sweet in my opinion, that you are respectful of others in another country and culture. I'm a mom of school aged children, and I hope that my children someday will put this much thought into how they are perceived by others not by being "fashionable" and having the "right" clothing, but in choosing appropriate dress. Thank you.

nona1 Aug 4th, 2007 10:19 AM

I do hope we haven't scared you off too much. It is a wonderful place to visit.

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