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Lotte Mar 12th, 2002 05:33 PM

Girls, What do I wear in Austria?
I don't plan to wear jeans and sneakers but what should I wear In Salzburg and Vienna so I don't look like an American raggamuffin?

Duh! Mar 12th, 2002 05:36 PM

Lederhosen, Loden coats, and dirndls....obviously

mia Mar 12th, 2002 05:41 PM

To Duh,<BR> Duh,why do you have to ruin a good site for people who like to help each other? Please don't post here again with that attitude.

Justin Mar 12th, 2002 05:43 PM

European fashion is my bag, but since I'm male and you want advice from girls only, I'll refrain from responding. Have a nice trip.

Lotte Mar 12th, 2002 06:08 PM

Justin I need you!<BR>Sorry to rule out the male gender in my quest for fashion advice. Tell me what you know?<BR><BR>Oh and to Duh, You are very rude.<BR>

John G Mar 12th, 2002 06:22 PM

Having been to both Salzburg and Vienna, I can say that Duh is not off the mark when he suggested dirndls and loden jackets. Lanz is very exclusive shop in Vienna that sells such merchandise, and you will see many people dressed this way. I have also seen alot of people in Salzburg dressed in lederhosen, especially hikers.<BR><BR>The Viennese are formal people, so I would be a little "dressy" if I were you Lotte. By all means wear comfortable shoes and slacks, but maybe you could dress it up a bit with a colorful scarf, jewelry, or hat? You can dress in a comfortable manner without looking like a slob. Remember, grooming is everything.

Thersa Mar 21st, 2002 10:00 AM

Lotte,<BR><BR>Viennese women tend to dress quite fashionably and formally. (If you really want to look like a Vieneese, I recommend a fur coat, high heels, small dog and cell phone, LOL!)<BR><BR>I agree with the previous poster -- comfortable but nice shoes and slacks, dressed up with a scarf and jewelery would be fine.<BR><BR>Every time I go to Vienna (from London) I feel I am not wearing enough jewelery, and end up buying some costume jewelery to complete my outfit!

Victoria Mar 21st, 2002 10:11 AM

I wore fashionable trousers with sweater sets for sightseeing in both places, and felt that I "fit in," or at least didn't stand out.

comeon Mar 21st, 2002 11:33 AM

What to wear in Austria? Duh, an Austrian of course!

BTilke Mar 21st, 2002 12:10 PM

I've been to Austria 7 times in the last 24 months (last trip was less than 3 weeks ago) and one of the things I love about the country is that women there aren't afraid of wearing color! This is not a country where everybody wears black...but the colors are slightly different. Bright, but not loud. <BR>Women in Austria wear a lot of comfortable but very well made clothing. They know quality, but it's different from what you'd see in Italy and France. The emphasis is much less on what's in fashion for the season and more on beautiful but practical clothes you can still wear with pride 20 years from now (or have worn 20 years ago). They seem to have caught the knack for stylish clothes that don't become outdated quickly.<BR>Wear the best quality separates you own. Pants are fine. In the summer, anything in silk, cotton or linen will go well (even if the linen wrinkles). Culottes (coming back again) or sundresses instead of shorts. Don't wear jeans in summer, not because is a fashion no-no, but because you will be much too can get VERY warm in Austria in the summer (for a summer trip, make sure your hotel is air conditioned!). If it's warm, wear your comfortable sandals--you'll fit right in. <BR>If you can spend a little $$, buy some of the updated Austrian clothes found at many stores in Vienna and Salzburg. They are really stylish, in a unique way. And Tyrolean style clothes have been seen on the catwalk lately. <BR>Wear better quality costume or real jewelry. (Note: Laks is the Austrian equivalent of Swatch watches; you can pick one up at their store on the Karntnerstrasse.)<BR>If you're hiking around the countryside, wear comfortable, practical clothes. We spent 10 days in the Steiermark last August with a group of Austrians and Germans and we were the only ones who DIDN'T wear shorts and sneakers or lightweight hiking boots (and I've got the pictures to prove it!). But wear high socks for woodsy hikes because they do have ticks in Austria that carry Lyme disease...<BR>Have a great trip!

Woman Mar 21st, 2002 02:33 PM

I'd offer advice but I'm a woman so I guess I'm ruled out also.

Hedy Mar 21st, 2002 02:39 PM

If you're a middle aged gal and want to look like the Viennese, wear a black leather mini, fishnet stockings, stilletto heels and a tight top. Walk arm in arm with other women and kiss each other profusely on the lips whenever you must part. Let your dog take a crap on the sidewalk. Put your nose in the air at all those immigrants and foreigners who have ruined YOUR beautiful city!

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