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j_999_9 Aug 24th, 2006 05:54 AM

Don't take it personally, Carlux, but I'm always amused when someone tries to explain the rises and falls in exchange rates. It's the US economy? Really?

The growth rate of the US economy has been consistently higher than just about any European country, and the US unemployment rate has been consistently lower.

Fact is, many economists believe an unfavorable exchange rate is the best thing that could happen to the US economy.

basingstoke1 Aug 24th, 2006 06:05 AM

Only half tongue in cheek, if this is truly a problem, bring along your favorite ketchup so that he can instantly transform anything into a familiar food. Ketchup is the great culinary Americanizer.

Too bad though that he will miss what can be one of the great adventures of travel.

ira Aug 24th, 2006 06:09 AM

>how does a slightly nervous eater painlessly get to explore the splendid, rib-sticking, wonders of German home cooking?<

Buy a German-English Menu translator.


Dohlice Aug 24th, 2006 06:12 AM

My husband and I are taking our first trip there next month. I will be having Wild Boar, and as often as possible! BUT I was also a little worried about eating too much rich food the whole time. There does seem to be a lot of alternatives and the hotel breakfasts are wonderful and really give you a chance to have some good fuel and give your body a rest. And from what I read, there’s always fish on a stick. I have the Rick Steves book and it really seems that there is a wide variety of food as well as good, inexpensive options. I’m really looking forward to a picnic or two as well.

MaureenB Aug 24th, 2006 06:19 AM

I like schnitzel of all sorts, so I ordered it several times in both Germany and Austria. It was quite good, and fun to sample the various types.
There were many, many other choices, though. Don't worry, you will find food-- especially Italian restaurants seemed to be prevalent.

lvk Aug 24th, 2006 06:31 AM

He must try Germany's version of "pasta" - spätzle. (Actually made with flour & eggs, not potatoes - a comfort food in our house :) ) It's great with a mushroom sauce, or with melted cheese (Kasespätzle - the Deutsch version of Mac & Cheese).

I always find the salads in Germany excellent and very fresh, and the vegetables seem to have more flavor to them than the ones here in the states. So do the eggs.

BTW, We also ate very well and incredibly cheaply in Northern Italy during last few weeks. For 9 people, including beer, "house" wine and limoncello (for the 4 adults), our bill was never over €130.

tcreath Aug 24th, 2006 07:15 AM

lvk, you are absolutely right on spatzle and I retract my comment above about them being made with potatoes. I guess they are often served as a side instead of potatoes so I got it confused. I *love* spatzle though, and ate it at just about every restaurant we went to that offered it.


missypie Aug 24th, 2006 07:23 AM

I, too, was going to suggest schnitzel. What's not to like about that? Also, it was in Heidelberg that I first saw a restaurant that specialized in rotisserie chicken, before we had "Boston Market" in the US.

For those who follow German cuisine...the saltiest foods I've ever been served in my life have been in Germany and German-speaking parts of Switzerland. It seems like anything in a sauce was loaded with salt, to a throat-burning degree. Has that changed of late?

altajoe Aug 24th, 2006 07:28 AM

I have to echo i 999 9's post about the exchange rates. Calling the US Dollar "weak" is a missnomer. Yes, it is "weak" when Americans travel and spend their dollars on overseas goods, (putting their hard earned bucks into other's pockets), but the contra side is that it makes travel to the US and US goods more attractive to foreigners, thereby putting money into our pockets.

If you want to see an example of that, go to a Uthas ski area this winter. You will see Euros pouring into our ski resorts because it is cheaper than the ALPS, and the snow is better.

altajoe Aug 24th, 2006 07:32 AM

Daisey, getting back on point, you will find that German food is often the basis for "Good old American fare". My suggestion is to try to get a "translation" as it where, for german dishes. You'll find that many of them, when given their "American name" are the furthest thing from adventurous eating.

GSteed Aug 24th, 2006 07:43 AM

Germans rarely eat out. When they do it is a great event. The event includes dancing between courses! So, the more you eat the more you need to dance. So called regional dishes are simply what can be made of local foods. Pork and veal are plentiful, as are potatoes! Hence all of the gustatory variations.

cls2paris Aug 24th, 2006 07:46 AM

I am a somewhat less adventurous eater also and liked most of the food in Germany. But I grew up eating meat and potatoes for dinner. I loved the schnitzel, rosti (like hashbrown potatoes), spaetzle and the bread. I picked up sandwiches at bakeries for lunch or else a sausage from a stand.

I did have a menu translator, as Ira suggested. I will not travel without one any more. I would suggest purchasing one for your trip. The one I have includes regional cuisine.

Have a fun trip! If nothing else, can he live on beer and soft pretzels? :)

tcreath Aug 24th, 2006 07:55 AM

missypie, we were in Germany/Austria last year for a few weeks and I don't recall noticing anything overly salty so I think things may have changed. However, I don't recall eating many things with sauces on them though, so I may not be the best to comment. I do like some salt, but certainly not to a throat-burning degree! Hopefully others that have eaten more things than I did would be able to better answer your question.


logos999 Aug 24th, 2006 08:13 AM

> great event. The event includes dancing between courses!....
Thanks for the laugh :-)

Spätzle are pasta, no potatoes involved ... :-) They'e easy to make yourself.

tcreath Aug 24th, 2006 08:56 AM

logos, you are absolutely right and I mentioned in a second post above that I was mistaken. I love spatzel and would love a big plate of it for lunch today!


logos999 Aug 24th, 2006 09:04 AM

You have to try the Kässpatzen. Yummy :-) Unfortunatly only in German!

Pegontheroad Aug 24th, 2006 09:04 AM

I have eaten badly in Germany, and I've eaten well. The big difference seems to be in how carefully I've chosen restaurants. One thing that generally works for me is to ask for recommendations from the hotel or B&B. Another is to use recommendations from a reliable guidebook.

lvk Aug 24th, 2006 09:06 AM

Get yourself one of these: , look up "spaetzle" on, and your on your way! :)

How could I forget about the dancing between courses. Proper attire is required, of course -- lederhosen and dirndl. :D

Lostmymind Aug 24th, 2006 09:09 AM

I am a picky eater (I dont eat beef and pork), I had to really search for something that I would eat in Germany.

When I found a pizza hut I was very happy, but when i got my veggie pizza it had corn on it. Who puts corn on pizza? That was a surprise! It was good but it was a surprise. :)

nessundorma Aug 24th, 2006 09:14 AM

What constitutes "great German food"? I'm serious. I'm curious. There are a few German restaurants in New York, but they are dozens of years old and nobody goes there. I've never been because I have visions of pot roast and potatoes, or roast pork and red cabbage. Or breaded, fried meat.

What is haute cuisine in Germany? How is fish prepared? Is shellfish available?

Do people eat appetizers? Of what sort?

I plan to go to Germany and I'd rather not Italian food there -- although I do love Turkish food and hope that it is plentiful in Berlin.

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