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Mallory Jul 16th, 2003 10:41 AM x's Plaza Lucchesi?
I stayed at the Plaza Lucchesi in Florence a couple of months ago and was about to add a "rave" when I discovered that no longer lists it. Any ideas why?


Intrepid Jul 17th, 2003 11:52 AM

One possibkle answer is that the establishment no longer is willing to PAY Fodors to list it.

bookchick Jul 17th, 2003 01:00 PM

Or it could be that it was acquired by Summit Hotels, and Summit's Hotels aren't listed in "Rants & Raves" as far as I know.


Mallory Jul 18th, 2003 04:40 AM

Intrepid --- Does it really work this way? I've never takes the listings terribly seriously but have relied on them for details.

Bookchick --- Point is not the "Rants and RAves" but that the Lucchesi is no longer amont the hotels that Fodor's lists for Florence. Yes, it is now part of the Summit group.

Intrepid Jul 18th, 2003 05:33 AM

Mallory: I honestly wish I knew for certain but have been told over the years that the various properties pay a fee to be listed in the guidebooks. It makes sense when you think about it given all the hotels in a lot of cities although the guidebook implies they are only rating the significant ones in each category. I'm topping this and perhaps someone who knows for SURE can/will comment.

francophile03 Jul 18th, 2003 05:42 AM

Intrepid, maybe you are right esp. since some of the hotels that are highly rated in guidebooks can be a letdown leaving guests to ask why they were even listed.

elberko Jul 18th, 2003 06:07 AM

Here's what the FAQs say:

I'm sure there are guidebooks that are paid for listings, but I'm not so cynical that I believe they ALL are.

Hotel Castex in Paris used to be on the Fodors list. It was removed after they refurbished and raised their prices (I emailed Fodors to alert them). I believe the main reason is that a Fodors person hasn't seen it since, or saw it and didn't feel it was worth listing any longer (not a good value or whatever).

Intrepid Jul 18th, 2003 10:58 AM

I didn't say that ALL guidebooks require an establishment to pay them for a listing, I simply have been lead to believe that Fodors, among others, does. Sorry if I didn't make that clear. I suppose one way to find out would be tom ask someone knowledgeable at the establishment itself. Regardless, there are other sites such as TripAdvisor, Epinions, and Europe by Fingertip where establishments are "reviewed" however a lot of these general reviews are consistent in language from sight to sight which makes me wonder just where some of the information actually comes from.

FainaAgain Jul 18th, 2003 11:04 AM

I'm not sure about the guidebooks, but I know about the tourist booklets, the type you get for free, like City Guide. You place your own ad (so you can describe your business any way you want, stretching the truth) and depending on how much you pay, your ad may be one of several for your type of business or exclusive, so for example if you are a doctor no other doctors can place their ads in the same issue.

elberko Jul 18th, 2003 11:11 AM

#4 0n the link I included above DOES answer the question for Fodors guides.

Mallory Jul 18th, 2003 12:10 PM

I checked the FAQ but it's simply what Fodor's says about itself, with nothing about criteria. Not that I work for Summit or the Plaza Lucchesi :) but I had a great room at a great rate, considering that this is a full-service hotel, with nightly turndowns, towel changes etc. ( I mention that only to give some idea of the hotel type.) And I didn't hear anyone complaining while I was there for over a week! So I am puzzled. The hotel was listed in May, before I went.

Mallory Jul 19th, 2003 09:41 AM


Maybe someone representing Fodor's can respond here?

elberko Jul 19th, 2003 03:05 PM


I've never seen a Fodors representative do that.

If you read ALL of the FAQs (#4 was an answer to Intrepid's question), and the example I have personal knowledge about in my previous post, I just don't think it's such a big mystery. They periodically review their picks, add new ones, and drop old ones. At their discretion, and their perogative.

On the plus side, you have a hotel you like, and it might be easier to get a reservation in the future.

Mallory Jul 20th, 2003 05:41 AM

Wow, Elberko

Had I only thought of that in advance of my last trip.......

elberko Jul 21st, 2003 09:38 AM


I'm just going to have to assume that's a compliment. ;;)

Mallory Jul 22nd, 2003 05:38 AM

Of course, Elberko.
I understood a smile in your previous comment, and smiled back!

In truth, the interesting thing about the Lucchesi is that it has a reputation for being expensive but when you book directly with them through the internet, it is much less so. The rates through was much higher for a standard room than I paid for a superior room. I don't know what you would find if you called or wrote, as I just realized I haven't actually telephoned a hotel about rates in years.

To more Italian vacations...

Mallory Aug 20th, 2003 04:41 PM

Well, folks --- the Plaza Hotel Lucchesi is back on the Fodor's list of hotels. How did that happen? So I wrote a rave.

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