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ThinGorjus May 20th, 2010 01:35 PM

No, no gin. Just sipping on wine.

I am in London right now. My Aunt Joan died and I had to come for the funeral services.

Keith and I are leaving for Switzerland in August.


ThinGorjus May 20th, 2010 01:38 PM

Why would I be disappointed?

Just remember that this is Fodor High School and I am the prom queen, head cheerleader, and treasurer of the student council.

You are that nerdy girl with a hair disaster sitting in the corner doing trig homework.

The Great and Powerful Thingorjus

spcfa May 20th, 2010 01:44 PM

Well, you seemed to want to be right, that's all. For people like you, that stuff is important. I recognize that. Just trying to be a friendly newbie here.

Iowa_Redhead May 20th, 2010 01:46 PM

<<I don't think that bag is ugly at all. It is a leather bag made by hand. What do you want for $450?>>

A bag and $400 cash? :) I don't care if it's made by hand, made by machine or made by llama as long as it holds together and holds the items I want it to hold. I wouldn't buy a bag as an investment piece, I buy things like that because I like them. I don't like the patchwork look on that bag. If it had been solid looking and not little squares I would like it much better. Still not $450 worth, but I wouldn't hate it.

Thin, my condolences regarding your aunt. :(

StCirq, "chew your arms off while having a root canal" hmm? I like that one and plan to use that comment at work.

<<Don't let Thin make you feel "small town" because you disagree with her about a purse.>>

Thank you for the sentiment spcfa but I AM small town and there's nothing wrong with that. I love being from Iowa and not from some bigger city. :)

spcfa May 20th, 2010 01:55 PM

Iowa - that's terrific. I was feeling bad for you because you were attacked. Glad to see you love where you live. I drove through Iowa many years ago and thought it was just beautiful.

Dayenu May 20th, 2010 02:04 PM

spcfa on May 20, 10 at 2:12pm
Don't let Thin make you feel "small town" because you disagree with her about a purse.

HER? :-?

Iowa_Redhead May 20th, 2010 02:21 PM

spcfa, Thin wasn't attacking though it can read like that. Thin is often over the top with fashion stuff but her comments are usually in good fun and not an actual attack.

Thank you anyway though. :)

I'm glad you liked driving through Iowa, it really is quite pretty I think. I love the rolling hills and farm fields. Granted, it pretty well sucks in the winter when it's 20 below zero and tons of snow on the ground, and the summer is pretty bad too with 100 degrees and 100% humidity. The spring can be a bit iffy too with tornadoes, thunder storms and flooding.

Yeah, Iowans do tend to a bit nutty due to the screwy weather. :)

StCirq May 20th, 2010 02:42 PM

To repeat...HER???

Thin, sorry to hear about Aunt Joan. Maybe you'll inherit a flat in South Kensington, though.

Glad to hear you and Keith are headed to Switzerland. Will you visit your favorite swans?

LuvTravelingInEurope May 20th, 2010 02:55 PM

Back to the original question. I would suggestion something like a messenger bag that crosses your body, and keeping the bag in front of you. I always tried to keep one hand over my bag at all times. Get one with zippers, and use locks. Also, a newer crime is people who cut the shoulder strap of the messenger bag or purse. They also cut the shoulder strap of a good camera while it's around your neck. Last year I purchased two adjustable shoulder straps I could clip to a messenger bag, camera bag, or SLR camera. I bought them from REI. they were about $20 each. These have metal wires going all the way through the straps, making them anti-theft straps. Very small investment to keep belongings safe. Enjoy Europe! Two of the biggest places people try to pick pocket is getting on and off trains, and on and off buses. Rick Steves website has many good ideas to try, especially if you have alot of luggage. When riding the rails, one suggestion is to buy a dog tie-out (rubber covered 6 foot long wire with loops on each end for locking/attaching). You run it through all the luggage and backpack handles, and lock everything together. If possible, lock them to a metal rail on the train. We did that in Austria and Italy, and while waiting at train stations and the airports.

Have a great adventure!

scatcat May 20th, 2010 03:07 PM

There is some funny sh*t on this thread.

hanl May 20th, 2010 11:37 PM

I've heard more stories about people having stuff stolen out of waist packs (sorry, can't say fannypack without sniggering) than "normal" bags. They are easy for pickpockets to access, even if you are wearing them on your front. And I'm sorry, but they are pretty ugly and unflattering.

If you are concerned about safety, wear some kind of money pouch that lies flat under your clothes and carry most of your valuables in there.

Carry a messenger or other across-the-body bag with your camera, a little cash and one credit card.

Put your arm or hand across the zip/fastening of the bag when you are out in crowded, touristy or busy places or on public transport.

Don't put your bag on the back of a chair when at a cafe or restaurant. If you put it on the floor, loop the strap around the chair leg or put it between your feet.

Don't plonk your camera or phone down on a cafe table. Keep the strap of your camera securely looped around your wrist.

lalalacheesejah May 21st, 2010 04:18 AM

I have a hip bag like one in above link. I don't intend on wearing a true fannypack (I think they look silly lol).
The one I have has a chain belt also.

But, yes, a messenger bag with metal cord inside the straps is probably a better idea. :)

ThinGorjus May 21st, 2010 06:19 AM

Oh, my, that bag looks like a sanitary napkin, Miss Thing.

And in that case, we Brits would tell you that it is a true fanny pack.

Pull the plug and get yourself a respectable bag.


ThinGorjus May 21st, 2010 06:20 AM

If one more Fodorite refers to me as a "she" I will smack them so hard with my Balenciaga clutch that their eyeballs will bleed.

Have a nice day,

lalalacheesejah May 21st, 2010 06:29 AM

Then stop sounding like a stuck-up "she". And I think it looks pretty good compared to a fannypack. :)

The most I have ever spent on a purse is $40, and your suggestion of a $450 purse is mad, especially when it looks like that.

StCirq May 21st, 2010 06:29 AM

<<Also, a newer crime is people who cut the shoulder strap of the messenger bag or purse>>

NEW? That's been going on for 100 years or more.

I carry the same bag(s) I carry at home, no matter where in the world I am. If you look like you know what you're doing, scammers won't mess with you. If you look clueless, lost, scared, and uncertain, you're a target. When I AM clueless or lost, I duck into a café or someplace, pull out my maps or cellphone or whatever I need to get my bearings and stay there until I know where I am and where I'm going.

Iowa_Redhead May 21st, 2010 06:31 AM

Thin, I'm sorry! :) It's hard to keep track of people when you've never met and have no face to put with the name.

While we disagree on that messenger bag from Barneys, I think you nailed it with calling that hip bag a sanitary napkin. Sorry lala, but that's dorky looking and I can't imagine how it's not annoying as hell to use.

ThinGorjus May 21st, 2010 06:34 AM

Sorry, sweetie darling, but it looks like your bag was "stuck up" somewhere.

The Legendary Thin

StCirq May 21st, 2010 06:41 AM

That "bag" screams "steal my latest Netflix pick."

lalalacheesejah May 21st, 2010 06:42 AM

Hey! That ain't dorky looking! Come on, compare that thing to a fannypack!

lol well I think its pretty cute for what it is...a sanitary napkin lol.

Maybe I should just avoid the dorkiness and stick with a messenger bag

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