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starrsville Jun 2nd, 2006 08:04 AM

L84SKY, :-) Well, now you are looping us back to the nude beach topic - or topless beach at least! :-)

I wandered from regular services for a while - but still enjoyed services and concerts from different religions in that interim. My new church is a very old, impressive structure - one child called it "God's Castle Church - but most of those attending Sunday services are casually dressed. That casual dress does include jeans. I do enjoy the woman who still believes in hats - and her outfits are truly celebratory!

Guy18 Jun 2nd, 2006 08:24 AM

Oh my. So many issues.

First of all, Intrepid, don't tell my partner, but you make me all misty- eyed. The sentiment re: headspace is mutual. (Blush.)

If the sherman issue is indeed that dire, then I really have no business attending ANY church service without some serious repentance.

Black jeans? I appreciate the idea, but I can't see myself in them. I think I once knew someone I didn't care for who wore them, and they have several unwholesome associations for me.

Spirituality. Yes, I think a great deal about morality, God, etc. But am firmly in the "what we do" over "what we believe" camp. Perhaps when I die, I'll discover what is True and Eternal. "Through a glass darkly" and all. I doubt I'll be having any discussions about spiritual things on this trip. The people who tend to want to discuss these things generally prefer to talk than listen, and I've already heard and read it all. However, I sometimes wonder if I wasn't a high church Anglican in a former life (there's an oxymoron). If only I could crouch in a dark medieval church and pray! I can think of nothing more delightful. Alas, logic gets in the way.

Nora_S Jun 2nd, 2006 08:27 AM

Can one not "attend" in the spiritual sense even if not a Christian? I mean, with not only some appreciation for the art or the music, but also with reverence due the house of worship? I don't like to think of Guy18, or of myself, as merely a gawking tourist in a church. But if it is inappropriate to "attend" as a non-participant, even an appreciative one, I would like to know.



starrsville Jun 2nd, 2006 08:39 AM

Guy, just sent you an email.

Guy18 Jun 2nd, 2006 08:43 AM

Nora, I am going to be presumptuous and answer this. When I attend I do not think of myself as a mere tourist. I sing and participate when I feel comfortable doing so. I am always respectful. I never take pictures. Aside from the fact that I do not kneel, you would never know that I'm more of an observer than participant. And I have always been made to feel welcome by all of the worshippers present. Aside from their simply being gracious, I think that they see the beauty of the service as a good way to attract potential believers.

Intrepid1 Jun 2nd, 2006 09:06 AM

Yes, Nora, I think one can attend or observe, etc., as they wish, and nobody is going to know what your mindset, attitude, etc., is, and that is the way it should be IMO.

If there is some sort of spiritual uplift as a result then all the better IMO.

Unlike some religious viewpoints, mine is that different people get different things out of religious services or I suppose The Divine speaks to different people in different ways and when some indivdiuals try to "standardize" the so-called "necessary response" it gets dicey. to headspace..yes, I understand perfectly which is why I am anxiously awaiting your forthcoming trip report and also thinking about my own upcoming UK driving experience!

Cheers, Buddy...

david_west Jun 3rd, 2006 01:13 AM

Re attending rather than participating:

In the major churches and cathedrals there are plenty of people doing both. Non participants are welcome, but should remember that these buildings actually have a purpose, and that purpose is to fold services.

So one thing I would ask people who are attending in a non-participatory way is to stay towards the back - and let those that are there for observation take the front pews.

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