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suze May 3rd, 2007 06:33 AM

I like the mail the postcards on their own separately (not in a bunch, and not individually in an envelope). The whole idea of a postcard to me is that... so it arrives with the foreign stamp, slightly tattered etc.

I think allowing $1 for card and $1 for stamp would cover it.

Yes you can buy stamps in sheets at a post office throughout Europe.

Pagne May 3rd, 2007 07:22 AM

We always send postcards. It is expensive, but we always get great responses from the friends who recieve them. I would say find one postcard that sums up the place you are and buy 12 of that one. We used to hunt for a dozen different views, but found that there is ususally one great "money shot". The Eiffel in Paris or the Collisium in Rome, that's what people want to see! We always send a card to ourselves and have a great collection on the frig.

carolinetaylor May 3rd, 2007 07:39 AM

I don't send postcards, however i do collect them. I buy a few with great shots from whereever i go and have made various collages of them mixed in the photos of the trip. I love these and every time i look at them, they provide great memories

Christina May 3rd, 2007 09:48 AM

I always send postcards when I'm in a place more than a few days, and I love getting them myself. I only send them to 10 or fewer of my best friends/family members who I know enjoy them. I'm glad they lowered the postage a bit, although that's not really too different (used to be .90 euro in France). I always send them the regular way, as I also think that's part of the idea, to have the stamp on them and have it stamped. Otherwise,it seems like just giving someone a picture.

The cost varies for cards, they have some good vendors on the Champs-Elysees, actually, and Paris has some beautiful cards with some of the old famous photographs of the Eiffel Tower, etc. I've bought several just for the photography.

I always send one to myself, also, because I like getting that photo as a reminder of my vacation after I'm home, and it also lets me know when others have probably received the ones I sent. I don't write much to myself, usually something like "having a great time, wish you were here" which is true when I'm back at home looking at the postcard from Paris.

I don't buy people any souvenirs or gifts on my trips (unless I get something early for a Christmas present or something), so I consider a nice postcard a "gift". Sometimes I wondered if other people I sent them to even appreciated them (although I know one good friend does, as she has many on her frig and always sends me one) -- and then I had several family members tell me how much those postcards meant to some of the people I sent them to who didn't get out much any more and were elderly. I remember my cousin telling me at my late aunt's funeral several years ago (I always sent her a card from my trips) how much she enjoyed getting those and talked about them to everyone. When I didn't send one one summer to my cousin whom I don't see often, and didn't think really cared that much, she mentioned it in her Christmas card that year that she missed getting them and wondered if I hadn't traveled that year. I could name a few more stories like that, but my point is, I think it is a little thing to do to be thoughtful, and it can really be appreciated by many. Some of the people I send them to don't have email or computers, and although I do myself, I really don't consider an email any kind of substitute for a postcard. I think a lot of other people might feel that way, also.

I don't think it's too expensive for someone you care about, but I wouldn't bother to send them to someone who wasn't close. In some places, the hardest thing is to find and buy the stamps, but I always love picking out the pretty postcards. In Paris, I find it easy to buy stamps, but I know my way around better there.

LoveItaly May 3rd, 2007 09:55 AM

I do send postcards and I love receiving them. I have quite a collection which I keep in a photo box. I just recently received a postcard from a Fodorite who sent it to me from Rome. That was such a nice surprise!

hotticket May 3rd, 2007 09:57 AM

I send postcards. My friends enjoy receiving them even if they sometimes arrive after I have returned.

My husband buys extras and encloses them with a short greeting in any business mail. The various clerks and secretaries really like them and remember him when he calls.

Nikoleta May 3rd, 2007 10:01 AM

I used to collect postcards, have about 1400 now from all over the world, my friends still send me some when they go travelling but i don't pick all cards anymore from every stand that i see, as i used to do. I have also sent hundreds of postcards, if not thousands, it is a fine hobby when you have lots of free time. Well, i don't anymore!

mv_rd May 3rd, 2007 10:17 AM

I send them to a few friends and family and like Nutella, to myself.

We were in Paris in March and the cost was a bit less than a euro. We found cards for .20 euros/each from vendors along the Siene. One of the tabacs sold 10 for one euro.

monicapileggi May 3rd, 2007 10:29 AM

I used to send anywhere from 15-20 postcards on my trips. Now I send to my family and a few friends that appreciate getting them. I also send a couple to my own address, whether my husband is traveling with me or not.

While traveling I purchase postcards to collect. I must have close to 200 in a box so I should probably pull my Paris ones out and bring them with me next week to use.

I could also use some of them and make a poster/collage or ???

Monica ((F))

MissZiegfeld May 3rd, 2007 10:47 AM

I never have sent a postcard..I always think the other person will think I'm just "showing off".

eurogals May 3rd, 2007 11:09 AM

I just sent a postcard to France via airmail and it cost $.75 to send from US.

hdm May 3rd, 2007 11:51 AM

I send 1 postcard per trip to the little kids in the family, just because kids like getting mail.

But I also buy one postcard per day of something we've seen that day, and I write what we did during the day, any special moments, names of restaurants, etc. on them. And that becomes my 'trip diary'.

CarolA May 3rd, 2007 11:55 AM

I send a postcard to my niece and newphew. That's it, but they are young and think it's fun that thier Aunt remembered them.

Anna1013 May 3rd, 2007 12:29 PM

So, if I use the post office in the Eiffel Tower, will it stil be .85 cents or more?

Anyone know if there is a post office close to the Ile Saint Louis(where we will be staying) or near any of the major attractions?

suze Sep 11th, 2013 12:52 PM

Wow this post is ancient.

rhkkmk Sep 11th, 2013 01:30 PM


janisj Sep 11th, 2013 01:48 PM

it was topped by a spammer . . .

Dukey1 Sep 11th, 2013 02:22 PM

I wonder how people would respond to it now?

"Do you send postcards" "Do you actually still write in cursive?"

"Do you actually still WRITE at all?"

jkbritt Sep 11th, 2013 03:44 PM

We send post cards to our kids, wife's kin and our parents. Costs us 30 Euro a week or so, but worth it to us. We also buy post cards that have good pictures of what we like. They are better than the ones we can take.

michele_d Sep 11th, 2013 04:14 PM

I sent postcards home on our last 6 week trip to Europe, to my DIL's grandmother. She is in her seventies and does not do email and was so excited for our trip. We just love her so.

We sent postcards from 10 countries, 2 a week for the six weeks. When we got home we found out that the entire family eagerly awaited each postcard as they followed our route on a map they had of Europe. Even those we emailed back and forth with on the trip loved reading the postcards we sent. It is definitely something we will do again.

When we arrived at a new location we would just pop into a tabacci shop or similar and buy a couple cards, put on a stamp and then pop them in the post boxes that were everywhere. Very easy.

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