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yk Feb 13th, 2004 08:04 AM

Crossword Puzzle thread #4
For any new participants, here's how the Crossword Puzzle is played:

1) Whoever guesses the word correctly gets to build on THAT word to make the new word. In cases of multiple correct answers, whoever posts first is the winner and gets to choose the next word.

2) Make sure all the words are travel related somehow. Your word could be a person, a place, an event, an object.

3) State what letter you're building on from the previous word.

4) State the position of that letter in your new word.

5) State how many letters in the new word.

6) Give us a good clue!

7) Again, all words should be travel-related

Our last clue:
This area of an "unnamed place" (knowing this would make it too easy) is well known for its many beautiful and well preserved windmills. The area is one word, 8 letters; the the fifth letter is the "I" in vIlla.

Our last answer:

New Clue:
This city's cathedral houses a religious relic which was last shown to public in 1996.
City: one word, 5 letters, 3rd letter is "I" from LassithI

cigalechanta Feb 13th, 2004 08:07 AM


Digital_Traveler Feb 13th, 2004 08:09 AM


yk Feb 13th, 2004 08:20 AM

Reims - no, Turin - no

cigalechanta Feb 13th, 2004 08:36 AM


yk Feb 13th, 2004 08:39 AM

Yes, cigalechanta, it's Trier.
You're next.

yk Feb 13th, 2004 08:52 AM

The religious relic at Trier's cathedral is believed to be Jesus' "Holy Robe" which he wore on his way to be crucified. Trier's cathedral first recorded about it in 1196, and was first shown to public in 1512. It was only shown 3 times to the public in the last century: 1933, 1959 and 1996.

cigalechanta Feb 13th, 2004 09:04 AM

this man was a novalist and a filmmaker and considered very important as relative to the modern novel

three part name 5-5-7 the last name is the third letter, the i of trier.

grandmere Feb 13th, 2004 11:14 AM

Alain Robbe-Grillet?

cigalechanta Feb 13th, 2004 11:15 AM

BRAVO! grandmere

grandmere Feb 13th, 2004 12:50 PM

This woman, sister to another well known woman, died at age 25 in a tragic car accident. Her first name has 9 letters,7 in last.

The A of Alain is the 3rd letter of her first name.

My pc is down at home, so I won't be back to this until MOn. a.m.; someone will probably get this pretty quickly. If you think you're correct, just carry on with the thread. I'll scream and cry "foul!" if it's not right on Mon.

cigalechanta Feb 13th, 2004 12:58 PM

Francoise Dorleac, she was the movie star sister of Catherine Deneauve(sp?)

cigalechanta Feb 13th, 2004 01:10 PM

the name of the place where this hermit priest did these carvings over 25 years.
9 letters, the F of Francoise being the last letter.

cmt Feb 15th, 2004 12:59 PM


cigalechanta Feb 15th, 2004 01:01 PM


cmt Feb 15th, 2004 03:39 PM

Four words: 4, 2, 2, 8 (The "t" from Rotheneuf appears as the 4th letter of the last word.)

Champagne lawyer who borrowed, translated, and versified the stories told by a slave from Samos.

Digital_Traveler Feb 15th, 2004 05:49 PM

Jean De La Fontaine

cmt Feb 15th, 2004 06:02 PM

Yes. Now you're IT.

Digital_Traveler Feb 15th, 2004 06:41 PM

12 letters

8th letter is an "A" from Jean de la Fontaine

"Mad" Gold

Digital_Traveler Feb 16th, 2004 01:20 PM

Too Obtuse?

The rooms that house the "Mad King's" gold!

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